Regrets, yeah,
I’ve got a few
Like doing some things
one shouldn’t do.
I was lookin’ for love
in all the wrong places
Cuz I just couldn’t resist
all those pretty faces
Fell in love
at least six times
but all that’s left
is this simple rhyme.
I guess I should have
stayed at home
but then again, I was probably
born to roam.
Married only once
but engaged two times
and although I’m kinda alone
I’m feelin’ fine
Candis and Curtis
live on the West Coast
As did my Grandson
of whom I love to boast.
Nathaniel’s now at Brown,
where he became a Bear,
And actually walked on
which is very rare.
I live with a beauty
on the 19th-floor
She’s a 27-year-old.
Whom I totally adore.
Her name is Cami,
and my protective daughter
So, I rather doubt
I’d be worth your bother.
Camera’s gone back to college
for her master’s degree.
Yep, you guessed it,
like her mother, Kari,
it’s in psychology.
As for myself
I’m in the last third
of my time here on earth
So, I’m living it up
for all it’s worth.
To be continued…
(Me and Cami, pictured on top. Candis, Me, and Curt, pictured below.)
Most successful people look at obstacles as opportunities.
How fast is fast enough?
Speaking of success, the more successful a company becomes, the more it tends to stop doing that which made it successful.
Is it just me, or do you feel like America is inching closer and closer to pedophiles demanding their rights, too?
Without action, the only thing that happens is… nothing.
Everything is just too fucking long.
Thank you is more powerful than please.
When I step outside, I can’t tell if I’m in a red state or a blue state until I buy gas.
Why doesn’t somebody stand up and tell the extreme left and the far right to fuck off?
Diplomacy is the art of making a point without making an enemy.
I can’t be the only man in the world who wonders if Monica Lewinsky still gives great head.
It’s the subtleties that make a radio station great, not all the bells and whistles.
It ain’t easy coming up with new ways to fuck up.
There are only three motivators: Fear, Greed, and Sex. Guess which one the big radio companies use.
It takes two to tango or argue, but only one to stop them both.
Wouldn’t it be great if all emergencies only happened between 9 and 5?
Wow, Tom Brady goes into the Hall of Fame next June. Go GOAT!
Commitment is what turns a dream into reality.
You can make resistance disappear with creative logic.
The only problem with doing nothing is you’re never done.
The truth may hurt, but it also purifies.
Damn, I keep forgetting what I was told when I first moved to Florida, “George, nobody moves here to work harder.”
Saying what you mean and meaning what you say is a hell of a lot easier said than done.
The only way to know who your true friends are is to ask for help moving or a ride to the airport.
Speaking of friends, unlike acquaintances, you know their last name.
The thing about doing nothing, there’s always a whole lot of nothing to do.
Pray for a miracle, but don’t count on it.
More people are hustling and stealing than ever before. Ain’t freedom great?
Is it just me, or has Volodymvr Zelen’s star started to lose some of its sparkle?
Even though I’m pretty sure they don’t hang out together, the LGBT folks are all lumped together anyway, bringing them to a whopping 7.2% of the American population. Wow, they sure sound louder than that.
Speaking of percentages, the black population is 13.6%, whereas Hispanics make up 19% of America. Hmmmm!
Protests only work when, as you leave, you shout, “We’ll be back again tomorrow, except with a lot more of our friends.”
Geo: Yes, Son of King John has a much nicer ring to it than “Some Gypsy,” Bill.
Geo: Thanks, Wendy. Those were great times with the Jury.
Geo: Ha ha, Mr. Below.
Hahahahahaha. Another George Johns classic! (Puttin’ On the Ritz.)
Geo: Loved hangin’ with them after work, Doug, but hated working with most of them.
Geo: She outdid her dad long ago, Wendy.
Geo: That is so good, Bob. 🙂
Geo: I now wish that I hadn’t played in those “lofty” price ranges either, Hugh.
Bruce Rocker Walker: How did you ever get anything done when you weren’t buying or dumping cars? Your memory is still intact, though. (Piss Poor)
Geo: Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much time to cut a cheque, Bruce.
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