Once KVIL was cookin’, Hilliard would use Jerry to help out at our other stations. One of my fondest moments occurred when he visited Boston to do a “Magic Ticket” presentation for F-105. (WVBF) We did it a fancy Boston hotel for the executives, managers and their spouses of a restaurant chain called Friendly’s. Right in the middle of explaining how it worked, Jerry said, “Hell it’s impossible to explain how excited your customers are going to be when this promotion hits the air, so I’m just gonna show you.” With that, he reached into his briefcase and started throwing money at the startled Friendly’s folks who soon were not so friendly as they began to shove each other out of the way. It’s hard to explain how ridiculous the scene looked as they all crawled around on their hands and knees as they tried to gather up as much free money as they possibly could.
Thankfully, when I left Fairbanks, they became one of my clients, and I’ll never forget my first visit to Dallas as their brand new consultant. When the clock radio went off the next morning, Ron Chapman was doing his show from the parking lot of a shopping mall which was bad enough but the fact that it wouldn’t be open for hours made him sound lonely. What the fu#k? Upon investigation, I found out that Jerry had found out that Ron had lusted after a tricked out RV with a studio in it for years. Ron wanted to do his show once in a while from the towns that surrounded Dallas as a sorta, thank you for listening thing. Jerry came through with Ron’s dream studio but of course, needed a little help. He needed Ron to do a few trial runs around town before he took that beautiful tricked out RV on the road. C’mon Jerry!
I wonder if Jews, Hispanics, Muslims, Native Americans, and Asians in America feel better treated than black folks?
When you’re young, you worry about what people think of you. When you’re middle-aged, you don’t give a damn, but as you grow older, you realize that they were never thinking about you.
My nephew Jamie Boychuck who is an executive with CSX Railway got to ring the bell to begin trading on Wallstreet last Friday. How cool is that?
Your destiny isn’t about your getting lucky; it’s about your ability to choose what it is you want it to be.
Each dumb mistake you make gives you another opportunity to become smarter.
Is there anything louder than the crickets suddenly stopping?
Defeating the enemy inside your head is tough.
The time to start worrying about the stuff that you don’t control is when what you do control is perfect.
Following the well-worn path leads to nothing of any consequence.
It’s not the all the great things that you do now, and then that makes the difference, it’s the everyday things that you do.
As sophisticated as Shakespeare’s writing appears to be, it was written for the common man as were all the Beatles compositions.
The difference between winners and losers is, the winners are the ones who got back up one more time to give it another shot.
Unfortunately, we only get to elect our presidents but not our kings who are the wealthy big business guys.
The rest of the world may not like America, but they sure love our benefits.
Why is it so much harder getting the generic medicine out of the container than the original?
In this politically correct world that we live in, people only want to communicate with those who agree with them thus leaving the planet running in place.
What if Mother Nature intended us to screw up the planet. Maybe she’s hoping that we’ll eliminate ourselves and then she could get on with whatever is next without her having to send another comet.
Why do politicians once elected work on everything except what we elected them to work on, “The economy and jobs?”
Having enemies is a good thing claimed Winston Churchill because it means that at one time in your life you stood for something.
The only thing more irritating in South Florida in the winter time than a person from Quebec is an even ruder New Yorker with a horn.
Any person who is not a little wiser today than they were yesterday is on a fast train to nowhere.
Since deregulation began, can anyone point out anything good? All I see are radio groups going into bankruptcy, and people losing their jobs.
I dislike negativity so much that I get excited whenever anything positive shows up like waking up and realizing it’s Friday. Even though the days of the week stopped being a big deal to me when I got into radio, Friday still feels special.
Isn’t it weird when somebody quits smoking they immediately start lecturing even we non-smokers on the evils of smoking? Sometimes it gets so bad that I begin praying for them start smoking again.
How do we free our politicians from the chains of lobbyist money so they’d be free to do what’s right?
When I got a record deal, I thought the dealin’ was done. Little did I know that the dealin’ had just begun.
Have you ever noticed that everyone except the Democrats and Republicans criticizes the evil money that flows from lobbyists to politicians?
Listen up ladies, what most men want from their woman is unconditional adoration.