The talk continues these days about equal pay for women, which I must admit I’ve never thought about much.
I didn’t because I’ve worked in radio for most of my life where the female sales staff were the highest paid people in the building by far highest. Oh yeah, and most of them were pretty.
Also, most real estate people are good-looking women who do quite well.
Oh, and the ladies behind the bar at places like Twin Peaks and Hooters aren’t hurting, not to mention the dancers at certain risqué bars who do even better.
Then there are the singing stars like Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift, who outgross their male counterparts.
Have you ever noticed that young men don’t drive BMWs or Mercedes, but a lot of pretty young girls do?
Why do the above-mentioned women do so well, you may ask? Simple, they’re “Pretty, Privileged.”
I bet most of you lovely ladies know what I’m talking about, or you wouldn’t bother to put makeup on, right? (Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood are shown on top.)
My main weakness is my family, which, unfortunately, can be used against me. However, those who do may not like the consequences.
Color me too smart to play dumb.
If you’re not evolving your following.
The truth may be painful, but it cleanses and cures.
If our politicians don’t like how our troops fight in wars, maybe they should stop starting them.
So how are things going in Africa? Are they showing us the way yet?
The future always finds those who are capable of handling it.
The purpose of life is purpose.
I guess Sports Illustrated didn’t see the results of a survey that claimed that 95% of Americans are against Transgenders competing in female sports.
The person who never makes a mistake is probably working for someone who makes a bunch of them.
The only thing bad about living a good life is; it’s too short.
So grasshopper, who do you think the CIA represents, the American people or American Corporations?
When men become fathers, which they were never trained for, most, surprisingly, go full in.
The mind always follows the heart.
Enough of all this pronoun stuff; why don’t we call everybody by their given name?
Do Lesbians ever call each other sluts?
The biggest distraction to a man and his career is a child.
Nothing gets done on its own.
Have you ever noticed that the gas price always goes up when bad things happen?
I think what I dislike about rich folks most is they overpay for real estate, which drives the price up, making buying a home unaffordable for the rest of us.
Wow! Don Coryell, who was the coach of the San Diego Chargers when I lived there, is finally enshrined in the Football Hall of Fame.
Wendy Homes: George, If you want to go for a single station, then go for it; if anyone can, you can!! Also, since my husband passed, I couldn’t care less what men think; I’ve been propositioned twice and told both to FO!! (Graduation Day)
Geo: I may do that, Wendy.
Billy Bob Harris: George, you are the BOMB……..
Geo: Thank you, Billy Bob, but I’m not nearly as explosive as you.
Kurt Johnson: Love your Chapman limo story. You can’t make that stuff up. I was blessed to work with the man for four years after he left for KLUV. Truly a one-of-a-kind genius. Bob Cooper told me, “Ron has retained the ability to look at the world with the imagination of an 11-year-old boy.” Amen. Money dulls most entertainers. It just made Ron more interesting. After I’d launched Jack-FM in Dallas, Ron pulled me aside at an event. He looked me in the eye and said, “Jack FM. I like it. It’s kicking up KVIL kind of dust.” The highest professional compliment I’ve ever received.
Geo: Always good getting a compliment from Ron, Kurt, he gave them out so sparingly. (Was that an L-Mo or a C-Mo”)
Jed Duvall: George: The fact that KKCW-FM Portland, is consistently the top-rated station in spite of iHeartRadio ownership shows that you built K103 and hired the right people the first time around. It proves your point that you don’t need a cluster of stations to win. I would also predict that if you were the owner of KVIL, it would still be far and away the station in Dallas-Fort Worth.(Stand Alone)
Geo: As Jim Hilliard always said, Jed, “Anybody can sell a top-rated radio station.” That’s what KVIL lost sight of; they chased the money instead of the listeners.
Steve Eberhart: “Remember when Radio Stations had huge staffs yet still managed to put 45% to the bottom line?”
Yes! The problem is the debt service is now 50% of the bottom line, and they still WANT 45% to shareholders….thus the problem. (Graduation Day)
Geo: And the music goes round and round and…
Doc Harris: Don’t fear the future, George. I’ve been driving a Tesla Model 3 for about four years now, and I want to tell you, it’s brilliant! Beats the tires off the Ford I had before, and the savings are amazing. In four years, I’ve had it in for maintenance, tune-ups, etc., exactly zero times. And it goes like stink! You really ought to try it. (Graduation Day)
Geo: You’ve always been ahead of your time, Doc.
The Countdown Continues tomorrow with #9.
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