Just when you thought Radio didn’t have anymore to give over 200 people were let go this week. I wonder if Bill Clinton had any idea back in 1996 what a mess he was generating when he hastily signed the Telecom Act into law. I presume he was trying to prevent Ma Bell from staying the monopoly it was but all he accomplished was turning Radio and the FCC into a joke. Oh and have you noticed your phone bill lately. I for one wish Bill had spent a little more quality time with Monica.
Speaking of Monica, what ever happened to her BFF Linda Tripp.
How about them Come Back Cards!
If it’s snowing in New York what the hell is it doing in Winnipeg.
I wonder why they call it Satellite Radio there’s nothing Radio about it. It’s simply audio for rent.
The only people who read USA Today are out of towners and Dee Jays.
My Mother always told me I shouldn’t spend too much time alone because I tend to have Hermit tendencies. HELLO, HELLO, is anybody here ???
I don’t think Republicans nor Democrats can fix the mess they both created. They are all so old school and yesterday it’s got be time for something new. I don’t see any of them coming up with the answers we need. I don’t think any of these guys could even get an interview let alone a job with Apple as their new CEO.
I find it interesting in Canada that the Quebec government pays for special treatments so women can become pregnant but neighboring Ontario does not. I have my theories on why of course but they would not be politically correct.
I wonder why the governments in America and Canada think they have the right to give away our money to other countries even though both are near bankruptcy. How many politicians do you suppose we will have to blow out before they’ll stop.
Now that most of us all have computers wouldn’t it be fun if the government sent us a list of everything they spend money on and let us make the cuts. No lobbyists could afford to get to all of us so we would have the budget balanced in no time.
How long do you suppose it will be until when I google my name I wont see … Did you mean: George Jones
How would you ever field a radio station baseball team these days. Who the hell would come out to watch a bunch of sales folks play ball.
I hear production on the movie The Lone Ranger starring Johnny Depp as Tonto has been halted due to it being a way over budget. I mean how much could it cost to have a couple of guys riding around on horses for 90 minutes. Maybe they should use fake silver bullets.
Spell check wont give up. It still claims I’m spelling Cami & Candis incorrectly.
There isn’t a Recording Artist alive who doesn’t remember hearing their record on the radio for the first time. You Tube doesn’t even come close to supplying that kind of excitement.
If you wonder why the people who overpaid for radio stations and also overpay themselves are now firing everybody. It’s for the same reason dogs lick their !!!!
After leaving school and working for a while I decided I was no longer interested in listening to anybody telling me what to do or when and how to do it. That decision cost me millions but I’m happy guy and can sleep at night. Now I’m starting to re think the whole thing though because I need some more cool stuff. Hey happiness ain’t everything and sleep is way over rated.
Steve Jobs told the students at Stanford University a few years ago that seeing as you are going to spend most of your life working you better find something you like to do.
Very seldom have I ever had an on air talent tell me how good they think another air talent is. I hear quite the opposite though.
Once again I ask … So the good thing about consolidation is ???
Moto says the real problem in America is 50% of Congress are Millionaires and 99% of America is not.
Joe Amaturo finally must be a happy man. His favorite word is “specificity” and if Radio is anything today it is sure that. But the quest for specifics takes a lot of meetings and at those meetings a lot of systems are created in order to implement those specifics. When the systems don’t work out as well as they did on paper and they never do, its back to the old drawing board and of course back to more meetings in order to come up with more and more specifics. Its never ending! Radio has forgotten how to dream and it sure sounds like it.
To be truly happy one must be balanced Financially, Spiritually, Physically and Intellectually equally. But I will tell you this, if someone in the family isn’t out of balance and a little obsessive about the financial side you can just forget about good schools for the kids, eating out in fancy restaurants, fine wines, big homes, exotic vacations and very sexy fast cars. Hey everybody in the family doesn’t need to be happy right!
In the past the slogan used to be … Better Dead Than Red! I wonder what they are using now to keep us from starting a brand new revolution.