As much as kids are mostly a pain in the ass the best part is you get to do it again when you become a grandparent.
It isn’t about what’s good for American businesses it’s about what businesses are good for America.
I couldn’t help but notice the fact that Don Henley and Glen Fry pay themselves a lot more that the rest of the Eagles because they claim they’re the singers and the writers so they are the Eagles. Can you imagine John and Paul cutting Ringo’s pay!
Speaking of Super Stars I guess John Fogerty is not allowed to refer to himself as once being a member of Creedence Clearwater Revival or to say anything bad about the former members or they can sue him. It shows how pissed people who own the name of the group can become when you refuse to play with them when you’re being inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame. Even former members of some of my friends from Winnipeg who were in the Guess Who are going through this and more.
Being the best in the world at anything pays a lotta loot but real money begins when you’re simply the best in the room.
Do you know anyone who thinks they are over paid.
Every year around this time I always look up and say … What’s with all these birds until I remember when living in Winnipeg at this time of the year saying, what the hell happened to all the birds.
I don’t mind when a lot of the series on TV are from a liberal point of view but now that they are going politically correct too, (State Of Affairs) they have lost me.
Your opinion without insight and understanding can be a very a dangerous thing.
Has a Heisman Trophy winner ever not been drafted?
Addressing someone as “Man” was an early derogatory term used by blacks towards whites in retaliation for them being called “Boy”.
Over the years a lot of white people have been very instrumental in the fight against racism but I have seldom heard that mentioned
Rich people tend to spend money only when they are desperate.
It’s how you handled your flaws that made you who you are.
Prince Philip claims that when a man opens the car door for his wife it’s either a new wife or a new car.
Women are the people who create “Womanizers”.
My proudest moment in Canada was when they kicked Charles de Gaulle out of the country during his visit for some anti Canadian remarks. Even America wouldn’t have large enough stones to do that.
When my Father discovered I had no intention of ever working for a living it resulted in some very intense arguments between the two of us. When I began my radio career I think he realized I had just beat the system.
Did you ever notice that the woman you married wasn’t anything at all like the woman you asked to marry you.
It’s impossible for only one person to be happy in a marriage.
It’s much easier to make someone other than yourself happy.
There are two types of intelligence … Intellectual and smart, but smart produces much more revenue.
I’m not sure my parents were ever really concerned about whether I was happy or not. I on the other hand worry about that a lot.
I’m pretty sure like can turn to love whereas I don’t think love can turn into like if it wasn’t already there.
Human beings have about 3000 thoughts a day, unfortunately most of mine can’t be said out loud.
Variety is only the spice of life not life.
Play by play sports guys are much more forgiving of pro athletes than I am.
Have you ever noticed that the time and temp is now missing from the air.
When I was a kid I loved all the on air folks who loved all the music I loved. I didn’t know from talent.
When women first meet me they claim I’m kinda funny and smart but they soon get over it.
Looks like my fellow Canadians aren’t gonna have Cuba to themselves anymore Eh!Speaking of Canada the secret talks that went on between America and Cuba were held in Ottawa and Toronto proving unlike America Canadians can keep a secret.
Beginning Monday December 22 I start posting my top 10 most read Blogs from 2014 ending with the most read of all time.
How long do you suppose it will be until “The Interview” is available for home purchase?