Now that Kay-Ville is back rating-wise to where she was when I first met her, it’s time to discuss who was responsible for her success and then who killed her.
The success part is easy; it had to have been Richard M Fairbanks; they wouldn’t give all that money to the wrong person, would they, Jim?
Next in line for credit has to go to Ron Chapman and his excellent staff, most of whom deservedly are in the Radio Hall of Fame. (Ron’s in three of them)
Jerry Bobo also deserves much credit for figuring out how to bill more money than our excellent ratings claimed we deserved.
As you can see, there are a bunch of people who rightfully deserve the credit for KVIL’s success, but there’s only one person who deserves all the credit for its demise: Mel Karmazin. Hey, he did it his way.
Recently, I was thinking about the old TV series “Happy Days,” a fun show about the ’50s. They got it right for most cities except Transcona because most of the guys when I lived there looked like the Fonz; if you didn’t, you left town.
Why does Hollywood always portray women or black folks as being in charge?
Only those who don’t want power should have it.
Why do women insist on showing us their cleavage instead of what we really want to see?
Why would anyone want to do what the government wants us to do?
More scrutiny of big business instead of us would be a good thing.
Had Ronnie not closed most insane asylums, I wonder if Antonio Brown might be locked up there.
Diplomacy doesn’t work until it does.
If you’re not a little bit frightened, you’re not living up to your potential.
A lot of folks who look happy ain’t.
Has any druggy ever admitted that they do drugs?
Sometimes the best is not the best.
Does anybody remember Beta Max?
Has anybody done a poll asking how many Americans are for the guys who think they’re girls being able to compete in female sports?
How did Titos get so big so fast?
If I could, I would live on a train and only get off in places where the people seemed interesting.
You can fall down the ladder but never up.
Why am I always hearing, “You should have been here last week.”
Never trust anyone who handles your insulting them without reacting.
Why does the media consider the folks who go to rehab heroes, whereas I consider those who don’t have to, the real heroes?
Most Canadians always felt inferior to Americans, whereas most Australians feel superior. Both are wrong.
Why you did something never justifies your doing it.
Unfortunately, most men aren’t attracted to smart women; they like the pretty ones; if they’re smart too, that’s the marrying kind.
The first sign you may be growing old is when pretty Asisans and Russian girls want to be your Facebook friend.
Now that we all have cameras, have you noticed that there are fewer photos of UFOs?
Unless you’re prepared to walk away from it, it’ll never be a good deal.
Few things have ever been accomplished without some sort of compromise.
It’s all the small stuff that ends up taking most of your time.
Even though the sales ladies at a radio station make twice as much as the air talent, I’ve never seen them pick up a tab. What’s equal about that?
If you’re not dying, it ain’t fucking serious.
It takes talent to make money but brains to keep it.
The people paid to protect us must follow the rules, but those who want to hurt us don’t. What’s wrong with that picture?
There’s no sense in having money if you don’t have anybody to share it with.
When things get nasty, philosophical conversations usually disappear.
Speaking of nasty, I loved the conclusion of “Billions.”
The Winnipeg Blue Bombers finished first in their division. Go, Big Blue!
Bill Gardner: Hi George! Your elevator story reminded me of mine.
I was doing “swing shift” fill-ins on air at “Famous 56” WFIL Philadelphia, and this night I was doing overnights…..home of the every-hour, FIFTEEN-minute newscasts (daily news commitments had to be dumped somewhere!). Pretty sure our mutual friend Jim Hilliard had already left the Program Director chair at that time. During the 3.15 AM newscast, I took the elevator to our cafeteria and grabbed a vending machine snack. On the return, the elevator screeches to a halt mid-floor! It’s almost 3.30 AM in Philly, I’m due back on the air in minutes, but I’m stuck in the elevator. What now? The elevator DID have a phone, I would assume to handle my exact challenge. Legendary Top 40 WFIL had incredible engineers, or “board ops,” so I thought, “Hey, I’ll call super board op Freddie Moore’s phone extension, and I’ll bet he can figure out how to put the elevator’s phone on the air AND also get me sprung. Both things eventually happened, but I did almost an hour of my WFIL radio show from the elevator on the phone until a repair crew rescued me! I guess everyone’s famous for something, and that’s undoubtedly the only “fame” I achieved during my time at WFIL Philadelphia! (Questions)
Geo: When I told my daughter Cami about being stuck in the elevator for over 15 minutes, Bill, she said she wouldn’t have lasted a minute before calling 911. Duh, I never even thought of that.
Bill Gardner: I’m with your daughter! I’d have called 911, too, if someone had only invented cell phones back then 🙂 Pretty sure the elevator phone only called WFIL in-house extensions.
Alan Sterger: Hey George, What is the story behind the young lady painting your portrait? Is she painting from a photograph in her left hand? Was it a commissioned painting? (Memorable II)
Geo: Not sure, Alan, someone sent it to me.
Wendy Holmes: What’s a BJ? (Annoying)
Geo: It’s the name of my favorite bar here in West Palm, Wendy. -:)
Paul Cavenaugh: Hi George, Everyone enjoys a good BJ! But only a good one…
All white people aren’t bad, only those over the age of 70! The older you are, the more racist you become.
Fear causes Prejudice. Prejudice causes Hatred. Hatred causes racism. When the fear is stoked by such entities as FOX News, it becomes magnified. (Annoying)
Geo: Well said, Mr.Paul.
Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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