Daughters Are Really Punishment! (new for Nov 02/15)
Around 400 BC Plato proclaimed that what it’s really all about is the “Principle Of Influence”. The POI can best be explained by you visualizing a thousand warriors rushing at you with their swords drawn, your immediate need is to find out who the POI (leader) is real quick because only he and he alone can save you from being slaughtered.
While working at WIBC in Indy the POI was the legendary Chuck Riley who was the malcontents leader and if I introduced anything new at a jock meeting all heads would turn towards him because Riley was their last chance.
The way I took advantage of the situation was to bring Chuck into my office the day to my before the meeting where I would explain what I was trying to accomplish in great detail. The next day when I introduced our new concept or promotion all heads of course immediately clicked towards Riley but what they heard was … I really like this one!Of course it was devious you had to be, Hilliard (pictured above Chuck Riley) was insatiable about such things as ratings.
November is the month that most couples break up because of the pressure of Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Never invest in a company whose memories are larger than its dreams.
So many choices what’s a guy to do. The World Series, the NFL, College Football, the NHL, the NBA and all the Beautiful Women.
When I was just a kid playing with the band I must have been having too much fun because God gave me a Daughter so as I think to point out the error of my ways but I suspect that I must of started slipping again because 25 years later he gave me another and she turns 20 this week, Oh Oh.
Live From The Field
A Woman’s Wants Excite Me. (new for Oct. 26/15)

I will never forget Swan River because it was where my four year old Sister Sandra sadly died from Measles.

My next painful experience with Doctors occurred in Indianapolis when I came home early from work one day and thought I would grab a few Z’s before dinner.
As I lay down, the bedside phone rang and when I answered it the voice on the other end of the line was our family Doctor who informed me that he was calling about my Daughter Candis’ (pictured above Sandra) test results and of course further tests would be needed but he was fairly certain that she either had Mononucleosis or Leukemia.I wasn’t even aware that Candis who was around 1o or 11 at the time, had even been to the Doctor let alone was waiting for test results. I was in total shock and for the first time as an adult I cried.
How to get Women To Hit On You. (new for Oct. 19/15)
Years ago when we launched the first ever Adult Contemporary Radio Station at CFTR in Toronto we also put up a bunch of billboards over town. We were on our own though because our advertising agency though refused to become involved claiming that our boards depicted violence and would only serve to get us noticed. Being on our own now and not knowing what we were doing we rented a vehicle and drag one of the extra double sided billboards we had on a small trailer to the busiest areas in the city. Unfortunately for us though it kept breaking down (shown broken down on busy Yonge Street during the lunch hour) which was very embarrassing and I can only hope that no one noticed. 🙂
I think that most of us agree that there must be some sort of an invisible man out there called God, I mean how could all this be just an accident. What we don’t agree on though is all the very visible humans who claim to represent and speak for him.
I wonder how many patients the worst Doctor in the world has.
The only things that don’t smell like pumpkins these days are pumpkins
I think when the oil companies lead with the copy about cheaper oil prices is the first time we should consider letting them drill in sensitive areas if at all.
Occasionally my needs interfere with my ability to attend to other peoples needs.
The only way to get women to hit on you is to show up with the best looking woman in the room but unfortunately they’re only practicing their flirting skills without fear of you flirting back.
Sneak peeks at new stuff and old stories @ GeorgeJohns.com and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio