Abstract Thoughts! (new for Jan 25/16)

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The part I like best about being the centrist I am is that you’re not obligated buy into the bullshit from the right or the left. I also wish the candidates weren’t so quick to declare their political affiliation.
The rest of us definitely need more time to figure out whether or not they’re decent human beings before those other images cloud our vision.


How many bad things do you suppose were done for the greater good.
I believe that at the last moment Trump is gonna step aside and endorse Ted Cruz.
Every country still has a kings we just call them something else.

Speaking of Kings Ron Chapman turns 80 today which means he has been retired from radio in Dallas for 10 years but still shows up in all the research. Happy Birthday old friend and I use the term “old” affectionately.

Is it true that our new health care program is already bankrupt?
Most of the violence on earth is caused by religious people fighting over which religion is the most peaceful.

If something doesn’t make any sense look for the financial connection.

When I was a kid I got spanked enough times that just the mere threat of it straightened me right out. I must of missed something though because whenever I threatened to spank my daughters while they were growing up they just laughed.

Just like you need a license to drive a car I think you should need one to shoot a gun.
Unfortunately it makes financial sense for war to continue.
I don’t see many Hispanics hangin’ with the Prez in DC but I do see a lot of African Americans.
Nobody but the Republicans and the Democrats like the 1%ers but it will be the party that appears to dislike them the most that will win the next election.
The thing I like about Trump the most is that he is making other politicians also speak up or get left behind in the dust.
The best stories always come from your most embarrassing moments.
You always need to be careful about what you say because they always blame the speaker not the speech writer.
Trying to eliminate what’s different about you may just result in your becoming ordinary.
Just ’cause there’s a lotta action doesn’t me there’s anything getting done.
Not being fearful of someone different has to be taught.
The people who have figured out the system of how you collect unemployment and welfare are mostly the ones who don’t deserve it.
What a difference a day makes, you can be born, die, change, or even fall in love.
Athletes, Singers, Songwriters and Women, get 10 great years at most.
It’s easier to appear youthful than it is to appear wise.
Saying the same thing over and over doesn’t make it true.
Some bad decisions make some great stories.
Women now dominate the music world but they have yet to conquer Hollywood. 
You won’t ever have to worry about a swat team knocking on your door in the middle of the night … They don’t bother to knock.
Well Martin Shkreli It appears has proved that you can get away with stealing from the poor but definitely not from the rich.
The people should never be afraid of the government but the government should always be afraid of the people.
Ladies unless you look like an Angel from Victoria’s Secret I would suggest keeping your man real close.
If we knew our place back in the day there would be no such thing as Rock&Roll.
At some point every genius was just somebody’s student.
I know it doesn’t look like it most but every team spend the same amount of money on the players.

So the word is that Glenn Frey died from the side affects of an arthritis drug he was taking because he could no longer take the pain.

Most men are not really into children until we get to hold our own for the first time, at that moment we’d die for them.

The road to success is not a straight one.

What with the passing of David Bowie Lemmy and Glenn Frey I believe that the band they are putting together in Rock&Roll heaven is a hell of a band and much better than anything we’ve got left here on earth.

Praise just leads to you getting more of whatever you praised someone for.

So Manning outgunned Brady but he sure doesn’t have near enough weapons for Carolina so it looks like I’ll have to head to California for the Superbowl.

More @ GeorgeJohns.com, on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio




#1 Jimmy Darin Discovers The Jury. (from Feb 07/15)

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One of the most thrilling experiences I ever had was hearing my band The Jury’s records on the radio.
Here is a rare piece of audio that features Jimmy Darin (Hilliard) shortly before he returned to the U.S. introducing our third release “Back In My World” as a CKY instant discovery.
Click on the link below and travel back almost fifty years. 






Candis Johns

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IMG_2034309988_10151895635539307_2038364522_n922866_10151869708724307_1380844229_nA couple of years ago my Daughter Candis came out of retirement and auditioned for “America’s Got Talent.”
The show isn’t very singer-friendly but she figured that she’d use the audition as a practice in case she wanted to go for the “The Voice” in the future.

As far back as I can remember Candis was always singing and as a little girl, she loved Christmas. She believed that all the ornaments on the tree were microphones and were only put there for her to sing into.It came as no surprise to me that she ended up as the lead in all her high school’s musicals.

After graduating from UCLA she began singing her own songs which I saw her do many times at The Troubadour, The Roxy, and The Whiskey in Hollywood.
Then all of a sudden her baby clock went off so she gave it all up to become “Supermom.”

However, you can still color me a very proud Dad so that’s why I’m sharing a few of her tunes with you below. Enjoy. Geo

“Let Me”

“Pipe Dreams”

Candis Live (3 cuts)



#4 Who The Hell Reads This ? (from Jan 05/15)

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1382867_10152262610069307_2070836700_n1179127_10151900979084307_1641090753_n1​Because my radio career began back in the production room of CKY under the tutelage of Chuck Riley I’ve always had a​ great affinity for​ most produced items.
Over the years I’ve tried to have one or two great voices around to voice those special promos I love so much.
What I’m most proud of though is the fact that a lot of the golden throats I’ve been lucky enough to work with went on to become big national​ ​voice​ over guys. Pictured from today and yesterday is Earl Mann who continues to be one of the best and with whom I had the privilege​ of working with at CFTR in Toronto long ago where not only did he do middays but also voiced commercials and some outstanding promos.​ Here​ are​ some samples of the work he is doing today​ which may give you goose bumps like they did me​.


The biggest difference between Jim Harbaugh and Bill Bellchick is that Harbaugh thinks it’s about him but Belichick already knows it’s really all about him.

Speaking of football and Jim Harbaugh I wonder if he’ll ever make it to the big game now that he has gone back to college

Carl Jung claims that life really begins at forty, before that you were just doing research.

What we have now was all invented by the generations that came before this one.

In 33 States Welfare pays more than minimum wage jobs do.

The way to easily fix the economy is to simply tax prostitution, drugs, and all the companies that send jobs overseas.

Is it just me or are women a lot more tolerant of us before the wedding.

The saddest day in any man’s life is the day he wakes up and realizes that he was the bank.

My Brother Reg once asked me how many people I thought read my Blog.​ ​(I don’t think he meant in a good way) I told him I didn’t know nor did I​ care because I write it mainly for my family and friends but must admit that every now and then I drop a few lines in for some of the not so friendlies simply for therapeutic reasons .Now through the magic of technology I have found out that ​there are ​about 500 media people who read my Blog each week and I thank them for it.

Friendship is like a plant it needs constant watering.

Only your friends can betray you.

You can never be paid enough money to make the job you hate tolerable.

Blood is much thicker than water until a marriage certificate shows up.

It’s much easier to encourage and love a child now than it is to fix a broken adult later.

It’s very easy to forgive a beautiful woman.

My Daughter Cami’s boyfriend Kyle recently turned 20 and Cami along with her friends is very happy with the fact that she now has her own 20 year old. My only question is how come whenever I have a 20 year old everybody is horrified.

Speaking of 20 year olds, years ago I went to the Del Mar Fair with Jamie Gold and just for giggles we had our palms read. I can’t remember what Jamie’s said but mine claimed that I was going to father another child which prompted Jamie to say … Don’t look at me. 10 years later Camera Anne Johns Summerfield was born and Jamie still doesn’t have any kids.

Journalism is what somebody doesn’t want you to print, the rest is just publicity.

It seems to me in the last couple of decades artistic quality has become irreverent.

Unlike most other media radio is very personal so I would suggest watching your language.

Other than whom they give free money to I find the Democrats and Republicans very similar and equally repulsive.

Speaking of politicians, would you let any of them baby sit your kids.

Speaking of baby sitting what a difference a couple of decades make huh. Years ago a survey was done asking what famous personality would you trust with your kids and the top 2 were George Burns and Bill Cosby.

Have you ever noticed when they deregulated the airlines they in turn have over regulated us.

I’m totally into equal rights I’m just not into anyone having one more right than I do.

If government workers had to rely on tips for most of their pay how well do you think they would do.

In Canada the price of gas is so high that the owners of the service stations post a chart on their pumps showing what portion of each dollar goes where. Most of it goes to the government because like I’ve said before, that free health care in Canada is sure expensive.

Most great talents are a little difficult to handle but if you succeed they will provide you with a pretty good life.

Speaking of talent I sadly just heard that ESPN anchor Stuart Scott passed away from lung cancer.

I would like to have a lot more money but​ then again​ I’m​ not going​ to change my whole life in order to get it. OK so if I were to change a little, how much would that pay.

A new study claims that the radio stations who consistently do well in PPM also consistently sound good. Duh!

Much more at GeorgeJohns.com, on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio