Camera Anne Johns Summerfield.

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It was twenty-two years today 
when Camera Anne came out to play.
It doesn’t seem that long ago

since I first whispered in her ear that I loved her so.

She came into my life a little late
but God had a plan which I call fate
My life was going by much too fast

so she slowed it down and made it last.

She’ll always be my little “wee one,”
who has somehow managed to keep me young
I’m just proud to be her crazy daddy

and I think she knows I love her madly

We’ve enjoyed a few adventures while she was growing up
and been a lotta places since she was a pup.
Got some more bucket list things I’d like to do

here’s hopin’ she’ll join me on maybe a few.

She’s a serious girl that’s for sure
but when I make her laugh it sounds so pure
When she visits from school, it’s never enough 

putting her back on the train sure is tough.

Now she goes to college in Tampa at USF
but she’s home for her birthday which is just the best.
Time to do a little shoppin’ for my little lady

so all I have left to say is…

Happy Happy Birthday Baby
you’re such a special lady
My birthday advice to you
is never let anyone make you blue
Happy Birthday, Babyeeeeeeeeeeeee!





The Capital Of Rock&Roll. (new geo Blog for the week of Dec 18/17)

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As I’ve written before, while growing up in Winnipeg, I had a band called the Jury. We were not only lucky enough to release a few records, but we also had the privilege of playing with some other Winnipeggers like Randy Bachman (The Guess Who & BTO) Burton Cummings (The Guess Who) Fred Turner (Bachman Turner Overdrive) and Neil Young. Speaking of Neil, a lot of us at the time thought that Neil should give up the singing thing and just stick to playing guitar. Recently while being inducted into the Canadian Songwriters Hall Of Fame, Neil dealt with that issue by saying, “I’ve always considered myself a songwriter more than a singer. However, I do know all the notes, and the notes know me, after all, I’ve been around them for a long time and even got close to them a couple of times.”
Anyway, after dreaming about becoming a Rock&Roll star for most of my life, I gave it up to try my hand at radio. It turned out to be the right move because I’m much better at it than I ever was playing guitar. Years after moving to San Diego to start my own company, I found myself winging my way back to Winnipeg for a big band reunion at the Winnipeg Convention Center where I was looking forward to seeing the guys again.
I had a great time hanging out with my old bandmates, Roland Blaquiere, Terry Kenny, Bruce Walker, Kenny Rae, Ken Hordichuk and all the guys from the other Winnipeg bands who were there also reuniting. What a night, Randy Bachman, Burton Cummings, Fred Turner, and Neil Young sounded great, and I could hardly wait to watch The Jury do some of our old hits. As I was standing by the side of the stage waiting for my guys to go on, all of a sudden I was surprised by Randy and Burton who strapped a Strat on me and yelled as shoved me on stage, “It’s not The Jury if George Johns ain’t playing.” Can you imagine how terrified I was, I hadn’t seen nor touched my guitar for twenty years, and here I was on stage in front of a sold-out crowd. Oh, and did I forget to mention that it was also shown on TV? However, I managed to compose myself enough to tell the roadie who plugged me in that if he valued his life, he better make sure that my amp was turned all the way off. The weirdest thing happened though when the Dee-Jay said those chilling words, “Let’s give it up for Winnipeg’s Jury” and Terry began to play the intro to our first record, Until You Do, “Guitar George knew all the chords.” (see photo above)
Flying back to San Diego the next day I realized what Sir Paul meant when he said, I’m more excited about having been a Beatle now than I ever was being one. When I got home, I immediately hung up all my records on the wall.(shown below) Hey, who else do you think lives in my community has any to hang? (To see some TV coverage of the reunion, click on the link at the bottom of this page)


Tact is a method used to make a point when you don’t want to get beat up for making it.
We tend to undervalue the facts about what we don’t agree with and overvalue the ones we do.
What may be perceived by a young man as a beautiful woman may just be Mother Nature’s way of telling him that if he produced a child with her, the child would likely turn out healthy. 
How come people seem reluctant to call out black folks for some of their bad behavior?
With all that’s going on, I think it’s time for men to stop acting like gentlemen and start serving up the names of the women who have offered their bodies for personal gain.
I wonder why the media is obsessed with asking a bunch of rich people who spent most of their early life in basements learning to play guitar, what their political beliefs are?
I don’t think Tom Brady doesn’t care what the score is in the first half. He’s merely running through the playbook to see what works and what doesn’t. When he comes out for the second half, he knows.
I love celebrations because there are very few sad people at them. In fact, I loved them so much that as a young lad I remember celebrating the opening of a new pack of cigarettes.
As long as women have more rights than men, there can be no equality.
Bob Gaudio (4 seasons) told me that when he was young, the mob ripped off most of the songs he wrote but he didn’t care. He was only 15 and already had three cars even though he didn’t have a drivers license. However, now he cares.
Income tax was created to pay for World War I and continued through World War II, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. etc. What I can’t figure out is why Canadians still have to pay it, they bailed out of that war thing after World War II. Hey, maybe it’s to pay for that free health care huh?
I wonder what radio would sound like if every radio station that came in last had to give up their license.
Did you notice that when you got married that your life began to resemble how your wife always lived?
Nothing lasts long without some controversy.
Were you aware that most Hollywood stars can sing?
I truly believe that you can reinvent yourself. Hey, even Shotgun Tom finally became the character he played on the radio.
Something emotional has to happen before a person changes their ways or attitude.
If you’re lucky enough to be gifted, you need to add some science to your act, or you’ll go out penniless as Mozart did.
Every great entity has the element of surprise within it.
If Mr. Businessman isn’t creating jobs, what the hell do we need him for?
Sales departments always seem to be in meetings. When do they sell?
The folks will maybe let a bad commercial or a sexist comment go by, but never a bad tune.
Whatever happened to Satellite Radio and 3D TV?

We are always on our best behavior when in front of our daughters. Maybe that’s how we should consider doing radio?

Wow, the Fish beat the Pats. Now I understand that Belichick has flown in some Canadian players from the CFL to help out.

Speaking of the Pats, what a game between them and Pittsburgh huh?

Speaking of football I think the Dolphins should run an IQ check on Cutler to see what they’re dealing with.
To find out why Neil Young considered Winnipeg to be the capital of Rock n’ Roll, click on the link below.
Much more @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Comments welcome. I also begin the annual countdown of my 12 most read Blogs during 2017 on Christmas day.

In Flanders Fields – Bruce Walker (The Jury)

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During the Great War, Lieutenant Colonel John McCrea, a Canadian from Guelph Ontario was at the gravesite of his good friend Alex Hemer to pay his last respects when he noticed that the only thing growing amongst all the crosses were poppies. As he sadly gazed around at the final resting place of his friend and the rest of the fallen soldiers buried there, he was inspired to write his immortal poem “In Flanders Fields.”
My old bandmate from The Jury, Bruce Walker (shown below) after enduring the butchering of Mr. McCrea’s poem at a Remembrance Day service recently, decided upon returning home to plug in his guitar and give the famous poem a melody. Bruce dedicates his version of “In Flanders Fields” to all the fallen soldiers from all wars. A beautiful and haunting work Bruce, and know this, the rest of the “The Jury” were there with you in spirit as you recorded it. geo



Hillbilly Music (new geo Blog for the week of Nov 27/17)

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While growing up in Winnipeg I had a band called The Jury who were lucky enough to cut a few records and get to play with the likes of Neil Young, The Guess Who, and BTO. We’d do concerts evwry weekend all over Manitoba and the Northern States so we drove all night to get home after the Saturday night gig. For some reason, the radio stations back then only played country and western music on the all-night shows. I didn’t care much for the music, but I kinda liked Buck Owens because he and the Buckaroos rocked a little.
Years later when my brother Reg and I had a consulting company based in San Diego, I was driving home from my office in La Jolla to my home in Coronado when “Guitars and Cadillac’s and Hillbilly Music” came on the radio. I’ve always liked Dwight Yoakam’s music I think because it reminds me a lot of my Buck Owens days back in Winnipeg. As the tune began to fade, the Dee-Jay mentioned that Dwight was in town to play at the Convention Center that night just as my headlights hit the Convention Center exit sign. Even though I had an early flight in the morning to Nashville for a client visit, I thought what the hell, parked the car and bought a ticket. Dwight was just great, and I was so glad that I took the chance on seeing him.
Bright and early the next morning I jumped on an airplane bound for Dallas where I was changing planes for Nashville. While waiting at the gate to board my connecting flight, I noticed a guy who resembled RC Bradley. RC used to be the sales manager at KZBS in Oklahoma City when we consulted them so taking a chance, I called out his name. Sure enough, it was him, and when he came over to say hi, I asked what he was doing now, he told me that he was managing a hillbilly by the name of Dwight Yoakam. Shocked when I told him that I’d just seen him in concert last night, he went to get him. When he got back, he was with two guys who were wearing these very cool long trail coats made out of Indian blankets. After introducing me to Dwight. RC then said, “And George, this is the legendary Buck Owens.” Are you shitting me? Wow! As we chatted, they told me that they were headed to Nashville to do a TV special at the Grand Ole Opry and I was invited that to the rehearsal. 
When they called our flight I was so glad that I had used my air miles to upgrade to first class because after dinner Dwight and Buck both took their guitars down from the overhead. As I sat there sipping a little Canadian Club, I got to watch Buck teach Dwight the song they were going to sing together on the TV special. I had no way of knowing that I was also witnessing the birth of Dwight’s very first #1 hit, “The Streets Of Bakersfield.” (To hear them sing it, click on the link at the bottom of this page).
There are only two types of radio, background or foreground.
Being local means talking about communities, not cities.
Women over 30, generally have lost their appetite for new music.
Smart people hire people smarter than themselves which makes them the smartest person in the room.
I’ve never liked Dee-Jays much, but I love characters.
When another person walks into the room, the person who is listening to the radio stops listening.
If your slogan isn’t true, you’re just wasting valuable airtime when you say it.
If you’re willing to give up authorship, you can make a lot of money.
What’s unique about your radio station is worthy of a lot of promos.
When an artist at an outdoor concert sings something from their new album, a lot of folks leave to get a beer. I wonder what they do when it plays on the radio?
The main reason R&B music finally became big in America was mainly because a Dee-Jay named Alan Freed started playing it on white radio. R&B had played on black radio for years, but because white people couldn’t understand what the Dee-Jays were saying, they didn’t listen.
It takes at least ten years to be the best at anything.
There is no rain check for a missed opportunity.
Men are into “What” it is, Women are into “Why” it is.
Did you ever wonder like I did what the hell the Japanese people did with all the photos they used to take?
If you wanna get rich America’s the place for you, but if you just want a decent lifestyle, you may want to check out Canada.
Justice was one of those great concepts that just didn’t get off the ground.
Why is it that the bigger and more successful an entity gets the more evil it seems to become.
Making a profit is a privilege, not a right.
Radio has two customers, listeners, and advertisers. Unfortunately, they don’t like the same things.
Even gay guys are not immune to beautiful women.
If you could do it all over again, what part of your life would you leave out?
If you married for any other reason than love, you deserve what happens.
The British invasion killed top 40 radio.
When Leonard Chess signed Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters asked him why he thought the label needed a cowboy singer.
According to Socrates, ratings are merely an effect caused by the product.
Even a cold and shrewd businessman can’t stay focused on a project when a beautiful woman walks in the room.
Did you ever notice when you got married how quickly your life began to resemble how your wife always lived?
Buck and Dwight await your click on the link below.


Much more @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Thanks for sharing.


“Bad Girls” (a new geo Blog for the week of Dec 11/17)

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While growing up in Transcona, my father always told me to stay away from the “bad girls” which sounded ludicrous. I mean, how were you supposed to get any action from a good girl? Years later while visiting my buddy Bob in West Palm, it all became very clear. At the time he was living with a pretty woman named Beatrice whom I affectionately called Miss Venezuela. One day while Bobby was outside cleaning the pool Beatrice turned to me and said, “Jorge, you ever been with a Latino woman?” You mean like a Cuban” I innocently asked?” Phew, she spat, “Venezuela girls five Miss Worlds, Cuba none. “What makes the Venezuelan girls so special I enquired? “Cucha Majica” was her reply. (I have no idea how you spell it) At that moment in walked Bob and Beatrice said to him, “Roberto, you tell your friend Jorge Cucha Majica.” He smiled and then turned to me and said, “Magic Pussy.” That was when I finally understood what my Dad was talking about all those years ago. You don’t ever get to choose whom you get hooked on, and in fact, you won’t even know your hooked until it’s too late. Your first clue will be if while making love you wonder whether or not this beautiful creature sleeps with anyone else. That my friend is the beginning of the end and also your last chance to run as your life begins to spiral downward.
Case in point. My friend Carl at one time was living with a beauty I referred to as “Snookums.” (I only called her that because she was so not that) One evening after having a few too many adult beverages Carl felt compelled to say, “You don’t have the only pussy in town you know.” She responded with, “You’re right I don’t, but unfortunately for you, I have the one you want.”
Hey Mr. Radio, seeing as 85% of all communication is done with the eyes, whatcha got for me?
What I wouldn’t give to see a band formed in Winnipeg called Bachman Turner Cummings & Young.
The only thing Democrats and Republicans seem to agree on is doing what big business wants to do.
The only reason I can come up with about why we continue to send free money to nations all over the world which we can ill afford must be because Mr. Businessman is involved somehow.
The mere passage of time does not change any rules.
Advertising agencies usually want the demo you don’t have.
In Florida when we hear the words, “Winter’s coming” we get excited.
When the ratings show up it takes about a year for the money to show but only about half that time to disappear when the ratings do.
When the folks see a huge column of smoke on the horizon, which radio station do you suppose they tune to?
Whenever management asked if I believed in community involvement, I would answer that I did, but I didn’t believe in remotes.
I wonder other than a few more people dying, how the recent FCC ruling that you no longer had to have a main studio in the community you were licensed to would have helped the folks in Santa Rosa?
Whenever I was told that we were the only radio station in town that rejected a particular commercial, I said, “Yes I know, isn’t that great.”
Somehow, even though Fairbanks Broadcasting was programming oriented, the sales folks all lived in big houses and drove fancy cars anyway.
Can you imagine the ticket seller sitting in the box office outside of a Broadway theatre telling the actors that the play sucks? It happens every day in radio.
The first time I ever heard about station trade was when I got a memo telling me not to use it anymore.
Ratings take time to catch up with the actual listening. The trick becomes, knowing when to stop screwing with the product.
If you launch a new radio format and the people at the radio station “get it” unfortunately it usually doesn’t last very long.
I believe that at least 50% of greatness comes from concept and philosophy while the other half comes from implementation.
If you want to attract males to your talk station, there are four topics they’re very interested in. Sex, Sports, Business, and Sex.
If you want to be a better lover and broadcaster you need two things, “Passion & Imagination.
The way you win is by losing first.
One of the best things about being #1 is when it starts to happen again you recognize it.
Everyone thinks that their part is the most important part.
Only blood gives you unconditional love.
When did recycling on the radio stop working?
Much more at and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Thanks for sharing.