A few weeks ago my daughter Cami who goes to USF, invited me to visit her in Tampa to celebrate my birthday. Speaking of birthdays, hers is tomorrow, “Happy Birthday, Baby.” Anyway, she planned to cook me dinner and then take me out to celebrate with a few of her college friends. It sounded like a lot of fun, so I booked a room at a boutique hotel called the West Wing and jumped on a train.
Now the thing of it is, whenever Cami visits me, she usually heads out with her friends about the same time I’m headed to bed. Armed with this knowledge, I hung around my hotel room, did a little writing, and grabbed myself a little nap. When I got up and was about to take a shower, I noticed that there was a note under the door. When I opened it up, It said that they were unable to clean my room because I had the “do not disturb” sign hung on the door handle. However, it went on to say, if I needed anything, please feel free to call the front desk for it.
I suddenly realized while getting ready to go to Cami’s for dinner, that I’d used up all the coffee which I’d probably really need the next morning so I called down to the front desk for some more. They said that they would send right up along with some sugar and milk.
About ten minutes later the phone rang, and a recorded voice said that a robot was outside my door with my order. A robot, I said to myself? When I slowly opened my door and peered out, there stood a slimmer version of R2-D2. It had an electronic screen in front that read “Hello,” and as I stood there staring at it, a lid on top opened up. Inside was all my stuff in a basket, and when I took it out, the electronic screen lit up with, “Is everything you need there?” When I clicked on, “I’m all set,” the lid closed, and the robot rolled off down the hallway. Wow!
Oh, how did the celebration go you ask? Cami took me to a funky bar where her friends met us which was very fun. (see picture on top) Not only was I drinking drinks that I’d never heard of before, but I was also doing shooters and shots. We finally closed the place at around 1:30 in the morning and as fun, as the party was, what I’ll never forget how cool little R2-D2 was.
Pulling your stomach in ain’t gonna help when you step on the scales.
The best way to frighten a cop is to threaten his pension.
Wanna stop war? Make it illegal for anybody to profit from it.
As you grow older, your big dreams tend to grow much smaller.
Women appear to be more open to Gays and Lesbians, but it may be a little self-serving.
The people killed in Pittsburgh may have been Jewish, but more importantly, they were Americans. Anyone who hurts Americans, including Americans, deserve the worst punishment imaginable.
The smartphone has made everybody a star.
Is it still women and children first?
Seeing as the Beatles were the first modern era long hairs, after working with them, I wonder how long it took George Martin to start growing his out?
Speaking of the early Beatles, they sounded much better in mono.
Why do I think that the CIA’s version of the greater good was created by a rich man?
Is USF’s defensive coach gone yet?
Speaking of the rich, does anybody besides them care about the f**king Saudis?
Wasn’t America created by the people who came here because they were tired of being pushed around by the rich? Well, right now it feels like we’re right back where we started from.
Why would there be a shortcut to any place worth going?
Do I have this right? We hate the Russians because they may have meddled in our elections, but we’re OK with all Muslims even though some of them are continuing to kill people all over the world?
Nice to see that the Winnipeg Jets are in the hunt for the cup once again this year.
When are we gonna make the overpaid goat of the game as famous as the star of the game?
Wow, the Saints beat up on the previously unbeaten Rams Huh?
My daughter Cami has a friend named Jackie Sanchez who is trying her hand at stand-up comedy, so we went to the Improv at City Place to see her perform. We’d arrived so early that we got seats right down in front (pictured on top) which I don’t mind saying, made me a little bit nervous. Fortunately, a shaken not stirred Vodka Martini with two olives somewhat calmed me down.
Thankfully the comics who were on before Jackie, (see picture below) left me alone, and she turned out to be very funny. The thing that cracked me up big time though, was when she said, “I can tell that you’re all sitting there waiting for me to confess that I’m a Lesbian. Well I’m not,” she went on to say, “As a matter of fact, I like older men, and the one I’m currently dating is so old that when he uses corny lines like, see ya later alligator, I feel obligated to respond with, after a while pedophile.”
For some sneak peeks at some upcoming Geo’s Media Blogs, go to GeorgeJohns.com, or you can google Writing Radio’s Wrongs to see a brand new Blog that Bob Christy and I are writing together about the state of today’s radio. On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Sharing and commenting is much appreciated.