I always felt that the idea was very instrumental in our becoming successful quickly but when he passed it on to his new ownership they claimed it was jut “old school” stunting. They may be right, stunting must be passe because you seldom hear any on the radio anymore but I’m thinking it may be more about laziness than it is about being “old school”.
One of my all time favorite stunts was done in San Diego by Jeff ‘n Jer back in 2001 at an event they cooked up called the Human Flag.(pictured)This promotion turned out to be so huge that not only was the local media all over it but it also got a ton of national press coverage. Little Tommy told me that over 40,000 of their listeners participated in this event which was done in honor of 9/11. I’m sure that an enormous amount of work went into that project and I’m sure the whole station must have been involved in order for it to go off as well as it did. The way I look at it is it’s not the stunting that is “old school” it’s all the hard work that goes with it.
The law no longer determines punishment, public opinion does.
I’ve been a fun father for most of my life but now I’m beginning to wonder how wise that really was.
Feedback is the nourishment of creativity.
If the product is free you’re probably the product.
All Hall Of Fames are color blind but they’re not character blind.
When Jackie Robinson first appeared in Major League Baseball most of the owners were totally against it because they feared that the Negros would take over the league but they never did.
There are not a lot of love songs written about women with PMS.
The thing that sets men with talent apart from the boys is a lots of hard work.
Your word is only as good as your last.
Sometimes opportunity is cleverly disguised as an obstacle.
Love is like any other addiction, you can either try going cold turkey or get addicted to something else. As they say though, the only know cure for a beautiful woman is another beautiful woman.
Just as I was about to solve the mystery of women I forgot what the question was.
Except for my daughters I don’t think women are near as innocent as they appear to be.
You get to choose whether you become the type of person who makes things happen, watches things happen, or just wonder what the hell happened.
In order to have a great morning show one must talk about what the people are talking about then figure out how to get them to talk about you. Until that happens there is no need to talk about yourself.
Doug Erickson once said that greatness, true greatness, is always linked to originality.
If you don’t have sex or greed involved in your Web page don’t expect a lot of visits.
I wonder how many good athletes are good human beings.
Do you suppose that Bill Clinton still has that old sign of his lying around that he can pass on to Obama … “Its The Economy Stupid”.
Somewhere between Daddy and Dad little girls become women.
If radio wants extra money it’s going to have to figure out how to do product placement.
It is said that attitude is everything, but without ability it is really nothing.
You learn from your mistakes so whenever I do a new station I know either we are gonna kick major ass or I was going to get a whole lot smarter.
Why do the pros seem to lay back when they’re leading where as the armatures pour it on.
Neil Young only does a couple of takes when he’s recording a new song. He claims that the extra takes may move you closer to to technical excellence but he also feels it moves you further away from the spirituality of the song.