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My favorite author Marnie Howard and I are shown here celebrating her new position as the licensed real estate broker for “The Donald” at Trump International Reality in Miami. Marnie specializes in ocean front property but who the hell would ever want to live there.
Maybe it would be better if we had to earn all our rights. People seldom respect anything they get for free.
So far Peyton Manning so far has only lost to Luck, but I hate it when the good guys have to beat up on each other!
Those who know the most achieve the most!
You either believe life is good or you believe it’s is bad. If you believe life is good the bad news is time flies but the good news is you are in charge ’cause you’re the pilot and the navigator.
When you’re on top the only press you get is the press designed to bring you down.
If you can’t even beat the Giants it’s time for a new coaching staff!
Earl Man claims I “Write Wrongs”
My Father once told me that it cost Gillette millions of dollars to figure out how to get hair to dull steel.
Very few “Honey Do” lists contain the words … Honey would you please make sure you hook up the surround sound this weekend.
What does the Wo in Woman and Fe in Female stand for do you suppose.
The only truth most Women want to hear is you confessing how bad you’ve been.
Most Men including me need a Woman who is soft and warm but I’m just not very attracted to them.
Out of all the reasons some new idea wont work winners only need to find one reason why it may work to give it a shot.
No matter how many times you lose you only need to win once to become a winner.
Why is it when you first crawl into bed you finally remember all the things you forgot to do.
It doesn’t matter how many times you fall if you’re the “Last Man Standing” that’s who you are.
The “Out Line” is everything.
I’m gonna use the, “If a tree falls down in the forest” theory to go out on a limb and say … If I didn’t hear it, obviously it didn’t happen!
If you could make a buck being politically correct I would be all over it.
Isn’t marching for anything a little “Old School”.
You cannot make anybody do what they don’t want to do, you have to inspire them to do so.
As important as the details are supposed to be you would think taking care of them would pay a hell of a lot more than it does.
Sociology is much more important than technology.
If you require your PD to spend at least one day a week listening to your Radio Station I guarantee you the ratings will go up.
I can not understand why Radio folks aren’t more upset about the fact that the PPM device misses at least 30 minutes of Radio listening every morning.
A recent survey claims that Women look at other Women’s bodies almost as much as Men do. Unlike Men though they are merely checking out the competition.
Somebody mentioning to you that you missed one belt loop has the power to ruin your whole day.
If a wife gets some credit for her husband’s successes shouldn’t she also share some of the blame.
Most successful ventures all start with a cause but you making a buck ain’t one of them.
My Canadian kissin’ cousin Dana Foster states you can’t fight racism with racism and I totally agree with her but I may need her to come down here and repeat it. In any case it’s always good to hear another family member speak out.
Regarding deciding to play Walk on On The Wild Side …
It was the perfect song for us to play at CFTR, the new little guy trying to get noticed, so we jumped on it. The sound and musical ideas were so inventive; the lyrics so provocative. We knew CHUM wouldn’t play it for a long time – so we wanted to “own” it. We played it every hour-and-3-quarters right out of the box. The phones went nuts.
I spent a couple of hours one evening in Lou’s apartment the next year, having dropped by with Bob Ezrin. Bob had brought the final mixes for the Berlin album to play for Lou. Lou sat on the floor deep inside his headphones listening through. He seemed a bit frightened at its power. “Bob, do you think we can release it?”
I told him about us sitting in the radio station the first time we heard Wild Side, a little frightened. Do you think we can play it?
Bless you, Lou.
Before graduating from UCLA my Daughter Candis attended NYU for a couple of years. I was heading to New York so I invited her to dinner with me and my old friend Rick Moranis. That sounds great Dad she said but you’re not going to believe this, Luigi (her boyfriend) just told me just last week that his favorite movie star was Rick Moranis. When I told him that you knew Rick he said … Right! Your father knows everybody doesn’t he. Right!
You’ve got to let me bring Luigi along Candis pleaded, it will blow his mind. I told her I thought it would probably be alright. Rick was delighted that Candis was joining us for dinner had told me earlier that he could hardly wait to see her all grown up. The last time he had seen her she was when she was just a little girl going to nursery school and Rick had been in our home with few of the guys who had gathered to say their goodbyes just before I headed to America.
On the night of our get together in New York Rick and I hooked up at my hotel and walked over to the restaurant together. When we arrived I noticed Candis and Luigi were already seated at our table and Candis told me later that Luigi still thought this was just going to be some kind of a prank but when Rick walked over to the table and gave her a big hug, Luigi’s mouth fell open in total disbelief. We had a great time that special night as Rick entertained us with some inside stories about the making of some of his movies like Ghost Busters and Little Shop Of Horrors of course he and I reminisced about our time together in Toronto. He graciously told Candis how much of an inspiration I had been to him during those times and how I had actually given him his first break when I put him on CFTR. He went on to say he was also working on a script about those days which would be about all the things that had been going on around the world while we were working and hanging out with some crazy characters like Bob MacAdory, Magic, Earl Mann, Roger Klein, Keith Elshaw, Sharon Henwood, Doc Harris, Stirling Faux, Mike Marshall and of course Sandy Hoyt. Sandy had Rick’s number right from the git go all he had to do was walk in the room and Rick fell on the floor howling with laughter. As I look back on it all now I think maybe we should have put more of what was going on backstage at CFTR on the air, we may have even gotten bigger ratings.
As I said earlier what a great night it was for all concerned except maybe for Luigi who never said a word the whole evening, he just stared at Rick the whole time and hardly touched his meal. Rick finally leaned over and said to Candis, it’s becoming rather obvious that your boyfriend doesn’t speak, but answer me this … Can he sign?
One of the many things that irritate me is when after having a great meal the server asks if we left any room for desert. I always answer that I’ll have the bread pudding and they always say they don’t have that but they do have key lime pie. What always pops into my mind but I don’t say is … What the f**k has key lime pie got to do with f**king bread pudding. I hope you’re not there when it finally slips out!
I was telling a friend of mine who works for one of the big chains that I felt he was obligated to bring the stuff he noticed was screwed up to the attention of the big guys which he was reluctant to do so. I tried to assure him that people like Bob, Dan, Lew, John and Randy didn’t get to where they are by listening only to suck up. He just laughed at me.
Have you ever noticed when you’re looking for a solution to a problem you tend to look up.
God or someone calling themselves God is the one who gave us what ever gifts me may have but it’s up to us whether we use them or not.
Speaking of God, Joe Smith former hot shot record executive said that when you equate the human brain to a computer is when you figure out the big guy left out the gratitude chips when he created musicians.
Men know that the only real difference between a slut and a whore is … Whores sleep with everybody where as sluts sleep with everybody but you.
The people who bitch the most about how screwed things are were most likely the ones who screwed it all up in the first place.
You are who ever the guy who signs your check says you are.
Jim Hilliard at a staff meeting addressed the topic of creeping negativity by saying … Had the farmer just shot Chicken the Chicken Little story would have been over by page 2.
The ability to see what others cannot is a gift.
It is much more difficult to grow than it is to change.
NFL teams playing New England should play who they are not who they think they are.
Speaking of football, I think Denver should give Manning and his offensive team the week off and go back to two a days with the defense maybe the Saints should also consider this.
I would guess my hometown of Winnipeg is all a ga ga if it’s true the Winnipeg Blue Bombers finally won a game.
Bobby Cole claims he was beaten up by a busty Woman who got on his elevator. Bobby says he could not help but stare at her because she was showing a lot of cleavage but when she asked him to press 1 he doesn’t remember much about what happened next. He thinks he’ll be OK again in about three to four weeks.
How about them Red Sox huh!