Even though I was only a radio rookie, not only did enjoy it, it didn’t interfere with my playing for The Jury. However, I had a feeling that before long, it probably would.
Suddenly, Lana’s water broke, so off we went to St Boniface Hospital.
Upon arrival, I was relegated to the waiting room because, in those days, expectant fathers weren’t welcome in the birthing rooms. (I have no idea why they wanna go in there now?)
As I sat there nervously waiting for the birth of my son, the more excited I was getting. (I was told that it was a boy because of the way Lana was carrying)
Hell, the only question I had about any of this was, how old should he be when I take him to his first Blue Bomber game?
for me to hang around because it looked like it was going to be a long night.

We spent the whole evening toasting my son’s birth which was going to be a hell of a birthday present.
Unfortunately, it was a false alarm, so back to the waiting room, I go where I take a nap.
A few hours later, I awoke to the sound of my name being called.
Still half asleep and wiping the cobwebs out of my eyes, I notice a nurse holding what looked like a wee alien.
Still trying to clear my head, I heard her say, “Congratulations, Mr. Johns, you’re the proud father of a new baby….”
Suddenly, I realized that she hadn’t said either; she said, baby girl. Huh! A daughter, what the hell do you do with them?
(On top, Candis and I celebrating our birthdays in Burbank, and below, skiing in New England.)

Wives are the most expensive creatures on earth.
Imagine how great America would be if there were no Lobbyists.
I think the only way the Democrats have a shot at the White House is if Elizabeth Warren is their candidate. America is ready for a female president, and if she now claims that she’s a lesbian instead of an Indian, she’s a shoo-in.
You’re at your happiest when you’re grateful.
Have you ever noticed that the only people who want to talk to you on the phone now are the people who are trying to sell you something?
Do druggies ever notice that the people who sell them don’t do drugs?
In the beginning, the radio station is always bigger than the act.
Barry Obrien: George….I have always thought that was a good idea. After all, the government isn’t collecting any taxes on all the income from jobs paid under the table in cash. And think of all the billions of dollars of drug money income that goes untaxed! When someone buys a Rolls Royce with drug money, a universal sales tax will generate tax revenue. And with vehicles, it’s a never-ending source of income! If you buy a new car for $50 grand, a 25% tax will give the government $12,500 in taxes. If they kept the same policy, they have now for allowing you to save sales tax by crediting you the amount they give you for your trade-in, that would be good. Because when the car sells again, they’ll collect tax another time. And every time the car sells. Real estate could be tricky, though. Who wants to pay an extra 25% for a home? They could do a similar credit for vehicles, but first-time buyers would get hit. We both know it’ll never happen. Too many lobbyists would be up in arms. But in theory, it’s a great idea. (To Tax or Not To Tax)
Geo: Thanks for the read, Barry, I think the big sales tax idea the only way the playing field gets leveled. Not only would the rich and poor be paying taxes, but even Hookers and drug dealers would too.There’d be no sense in anybody hiding money.
Geo: I have a ton of memories about those times, Ken, like you referring to Ron Andrews as “Fat Cat” on your show and his retaliation of putting your home phone number on his early morning show the next day. I learned a lot at CKOM, Ken, unfortunately, though; most of it was stuff that I’d never tolerate again. So proud of you Man!
What radio had then, what we did with it was terrific for the time, and we pushed the business forward. We tossed out the old rules and wrote new ones. I don’t hear any of that energy or progress today. There are things from the past that are valid today. Attention to detail is one. Production quality and technique is another. There are many more, we can discuss later.
Our California canyon house is almost a hundred years old. When it was built, it had kerosene lighting and no central heat or AC. I wouldn’t want to live like that today. What our house does have is style and a certain “feel” to it. To my mind, those are the qualities that radio today is missing. It’s the same with the new Mustangs, Camaros, and Challengers; they have the style and look of their predecessors but are much better cars in every respect. (Writing The Wrongs)
Geo: I must have smartened up when I hired you for WRMF, Kenny.