Has anybody considered that seeing as Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court is a conservative he may have cast the deciding vote in favor of Obamacare because he was just setting up Mitt Romey’s run for the White House by giving him a lot more to talk about then just the economy.
I must of missed the press conference where the President explained why he stands with his hands by his side during the pledge of allegiance. I guess he hasn’t seen all the pictures where he is the only one doing so making him look like a total jerk.
Wow it’s already been 25 years since John Einarson’s “Shakin’ All Over” Reunion Concert in Winnipeg. I feel a story coming on.
Seeing as Hospitals charge 5 Star prices shouldn’t their service match it.
Wow my old pal Shotgun Tom Kelly is getting his own Star on the walk of fame in Hollywood. Incredible!
Speaking of Stars at the recent CKY reunion Burton Cummings had the line of the night when Jimmy Darin said to him “Burton I’m not a Star F**ker but I do have to tell you this, my wife” Burton cut him off quickly right here with an astonished look on his face and said … Your wife is a Star F**ker !
Not all Women want choices.
Ron Chapman checked in with an observation after reading in my Blog my comment about any other word other than yes usually means no. He likened it to what ever words followed “Actually” mean your usually screwed (poked?) You mean Ron like “It’s All Good” actually means it’s all bad but don’t worry about it right now we’ll deal with it later at your exit interview.
Bob Christy said in 2010 Los Angeles had enough rain in a two week period that if retained instead of going out to sea could have taken care of 80% of LA’s water needs for a whole year.
I used to like looking at all the recent Arbitron ratings that come out every month in the trades to see if I could see any trends beginning across America or maybe a hot new format was taking some town by storm and deserved some investigation. Now it’s a waste of time even looking at them because you have no idea if what you are looking at is true. Hell the # 1 station might not even be listed. But then again as I have always said … Those who pay for the research or threaten to sue always seem to better in all ratings research.
Occasionally I will get in a dark funk and only a beautiful woman can get me out of. Thank God there was one around!
When Hilliard and I worked together at Fairbanks we had a lot of things in common and one of them was our love of promos. We always had a bunch of award winning voices calming our lust for a great one. One of them was a guy Cris Conner dubbed “Psycho Billy Cadillac” Billy no matter the temperature always wore a long trail coat done all the way up, usually unshaven with hair askew plus he drove a beat up old Cadillac that spewed fumes and smoke all the time. Man he sounded good! The way it worked at Fairbanks was if you were talented you could wear anything you wanted. If you weren’t you had to wear a suit and Tie. Anyway I’m coaching Billy on how I want the read on a new promo to go and he says to me … George I’ll make this easy for you, I have 5 acts you can choose from and they are a 1/4 Smile, 1/2 Smile, 3/4 Smile, Full Smile and Pixie Dust.
Have you ever noticed that most of the Ladies who work at Hooters don’t really have them so it must be about the Owls. Why do we always assume the naughty stuff.
As beautiful as I think Breasts are there has never been a knife fight over them
Why is it that no matter how much we pay Arbitron we still have to pay more money to even more companies to check out if they did it right.
Cami who is California vacationing at my Brother’s house texted me that she was going Kayaking with her friend AJ. When they sent me all the photos it looked like they were having a great time so I googled Kayaking in West Palm Beach to find some neat places here and excitedly and texted her about my discoveries and she responded with … Daddy that was a one time thing I still only like texting.
Jamie Gold a long time ago said my name really should be George Ask Me About My Daughters Johns.
I’m just taking a wild guess here but I suspect that some strong Women may just love to be dominated!
I’m just going to go with it “All Good Looking Men Are Gay” not that I mean that in a bad way in fact it’s really good for the rest of us.
I wonder what the female version of a lot of “sperm back up is” because what ever it is Donna Schaneen seems to have it real bad.
America has the richest poor people in the world.
One of the ways to maybe help fix the economy may be be to begin advertising products to the people with money instead of advertising to the people who don’t. The young!
I had a Woman once tell me that if she didn’t sound like she was about to go down on me I was always pissed at her about her attitude. Unfortunately it still may be true.
I understand when everybody got fired at WODS in Boston that nobody knew how their exit with severance etc. was supposed to go. It seems the HR person is on vacation until July 9th. I wonder if they heard … But it’s all good!