I just finished watching an excellent documentary on Netflix about music mogul, Clive Davis, entitled, “The Music Track Of Our Lives.” I had no idea that Clive was involved with so many huge artists over the years.
One of the things the documentary featured, was Clive’s famous pre-Grammy parties, which luckily I once had the pleasure of attending along with Charlie Minor and my daughter Candis. At the time, I was working on a Satelite project in LA and had just rented an apartment in Westwood which luckily for Candis, was just down the street from UCLA where she was a senior.
Shortly after Candis and I moved in together, I called up my old friend Charlie Minor one afternoon to tell him that I’d be in town for a while and wondered if he would like to hang out. Charlie claimed that I called at a convenient time because he had a question for me that had to be answered yes or no right now. When I told him to fire away, he said, “I have two tickets for the Grammys tomorrow night, you want ’em?” “Hey, Candis,” I yelled, “Charlie wants to know if we wanna go to the Grammy’s tomorrow?” When her screams of joy subsided, Charlie told me to meet him at Le Dome later that night, and he would give me the tickets.
Arriving at Le Dome, we discovered that they were already turning away folks at the door. Not to worry, though, when we mentioned Charlie’s name, we got whisked right in. After wading our way through a multitude of Charlie’s celebrity friends who were all drinking flutes of Champagne, I spotted Charlie holding court at the bar. When he spotted us, he came right over and gave Candis a big hug and told her that when she graduated, she should call him to because he had something in the works. Then when he slipped me the Grammy tickets, he whispered, “Stay close, a few of us are gonna crash the Arista party.”
A couple of drinks later, Charlie says, Ok, we’re outta here, and the next thing I know, we’re at the Beverly Hills Hotel where he’s leading to the ballroom where the invitation-only party was going on. I remember thinking at the time, “How the hell is Charlie going to pull this off” when out of nowhere, Clive Davis appears. After giving Charlie a big hug and thanking him for bringing his friends, he escorts us inside to his fabulous party.
Once we were seated, not only did we discover that we were sitting with Jefferson Starship, but fellow Canadian, Jeff Healey, was the entertainment and everywhere we looked all we saw were Superstars. Personally, I thought it was very cool when Barry Manilow and Kenny G wandered over to introduce themselves, but I’m sure Candis thought it was so much cooler when Charlie called her over and introduced her to childhood idol, Donny Osmond. (pictured above) I was amazed that she was able to get through the conversation without blurting out that she had grown up singing into her Donny and Marie microphones.” Oh, what a night and it wasn’t even Grammy time yet.
The Grammy’s were hilariously hosted by Billy Crystal, who we saw again at a private after Grammy party at Spago’s. After Wolfgang Puck personally served us with his famous personal pizzas was wandered around mingling with the stars. However, I lost Candis when she spotted Rick Springfield, her favorite soap star, and I didn’t see her again until it was time to go.
I’ll never forget those Hollywood nights, nor the King of the Hollywood Knights, Charlie Minor. Rest in peace, my brother.
To be a man, sometimes you’ve got to man up.
Happy Thanksgiving, Canada.
Speaking of Canada, what the hell happened to the Winnipeg Blue Bombers?
Eventually, even the rebellious people will have to be rebelled against when they become successful.
Even though the Beatles haven’t played together in almost 50 years, they’re still as big as the Stones.
You can’t save anybody else if you can’t save yourself.
When they don’t give you what you want, sometimes you’ve just gotta take it.
Gangs are the place cowards go to hide.
Everybody loves giving advice, but very few appreciate listening to any.
What I can’t figure out is why the north freed the slaves when they disliked them so much?
It makes no sense to create stuff that doesn’t matter.
To remain at the top, one must have the courage to change things.
Working for Jim Hilliard was like working for your Dad, except unlike your real Dad, he thought you deserved everything you wanted.
At the billion-dollar companies, the only people who make football player money, are the top executives.
Then I thought about the coaches, could they coach, book the games, lug all the requirement equipment.. sharpen all the skates, and watch all the other teams so that they had a chance of knowing what to do to win? On second thought maybe they could…. they didn’t… but perhaps they could?
Not sure about radio, NOT evolving? I think it did, just not in a way that makes excellent talent want to play the game. I say More Hockey Players on the radio! (Writing The Wrongs)
I told NO ONE on the staff except Dave Spence that this was my stunt, and withdrew the money out of .my account so that even our business manager would be able to tell the employees who asked, “Is this a REAL deal, or just a promotion.” What they didn’t know was I’d stuffed that briefcase with paper towels from our restroom with a layer of money on top so that it looked like a real huge bundle of cash! I remember then sales manager Jerry Bobo saying, “I saw that bundle of cash there. There must have been $50,000 in that case!” I think it was about $3000 with many paper towels underneath 🙂
Yes, my actor picked me from the crowd to join him on the street just as I’d told him in “pre-rehearsal.” And I’d join him in the limo I rented to tell the folks over KVIL where we’d be handing out cash. 🙂 Also remember staffer Becky Ulrick saying days later…..” I smelled a rat when Bill Gardner was still hanging around the station at 5.45 PM!” 🙂 (Lets Blow Up The Phones)
Geo: Bill, the whole reason we did that promotion was because Ron Chapman was in the middle of shooting the “Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders” movie. It was supposed to be finished well before the rating book started, but when I discovered Ron was on tape, it obviously hadn’t, so I headed to Dallas.
Upon arrival, I knew that we needed to turn the heat up real quick. Thankfully, you pointed out the story about the Saudi who was tipping large, so our version just had to be bigger than his.
The funny thing though about the actors we hired was, even though she looked the part, we had to keep the female in the entourage quiet because when she opened her mouth, she had a New York Jewish accent which would have blown everything. 🙂
Russ Morley: Cami, I have enjoyed many a great time with you, your dad, and my daughters Natalie and Noelle. I have watched you grow and become a beautiful young lady. Remember, life rarely gives us what we want, but it often gives us what we need. The Great Spirit of the Universe never gives us more than we can handle. Keep those thoughts in mind as you move to the next chapter in your life. You have parents that love you very much. You are very blessed in many ways. Congratulations!
Duane Zimmerman: We need to make radio more of a social media form of entertainment. If some genius could create a radio version or Facebook with music, you would be on to something big. (Writing The Wrongs)
Peter Proskurnik: Great blog, George, I remember your Dad to this day and all the friends in Transcona. It would be great to meet everyone once again before it’s too late and reminisce about the old days. Anyways depression is a severe condition that I went through myself when my wife was dying and eventually passed away. Take care, Bro. (Depression)
Geo: Sadly, it’s already too late, Peter. “Rest In Peace” old friend.