After hearing that Jim Lang had passed it caused me to remember when I met him.
Bobby Cole of K101 in San Francisco was attending a tennis camp in San Diego and because he was looking at the possibility of Jim becoming his new morning host, we set up a luncheon.
During his lecture, the tennis pro glanced our way now and then and worried that we were disrupting the class, we moved further down the hall.
Oh oh, I thought, we’re in for it now, but instead of scolding us, he stuck out his hand and said, “You’re Jim Lange, aren’t you?”
I did so because all I dreamt about was coming to America to play tennis, but I knew that I had to learn English first, and you taught me.” Things are going so well now that I couldn’t let this opportunity go by without coming out here and thanking you.
(RIP Jim.)
Several years ago, my Brother suggested that I should write down a few of my many tales if for no other reason than to leave them for my family.
With that in mind, I began writing my life story, but because so many unusual things have happened to me throughout the years, and even though I’ve trashed several thousand words, it’s still longer than War and Peace.
When praised, I’m humbled, but when I perceive that I’m being dissed, I’m enraged.
The greatest Hockey players on earth are still from Canada, or at least their Fathers were.
Brent Farris claims that the only reason you may need a parachute when skydiving is only if you plan on doing it again!
Jack McCoy once told me that it’s he who finances the ratings who always does well in them.
Women don’t realize that a few of Men who made love to them didn’t enjoy it. That’s why they don’t call. Mystery solved.
Sometimes when you tell somebody something they remember it, sometimes if you teach it to them they learn it, and sometimes just sometimes if you involve them in it they can end up doing it better than you.
Hate is a great motivator, but unfortunately, it has yet to solve a single problem.
An old record pal of mine from Canada, Doug Chappell, Emailed me the other day to remind me of the day we first met.
He said that it was in my office along with Keith Elshaw at CFTR in Toronto
However, he can’t remember what record he was pushing, but he vividly remembers after he made his pitch for me to add it; I said … No problem, how much? He said that you could have cut the silence with a bread knife until Keith and I broke up laughing, which was when our friendship began. RIP, Doug
Around this time in 1996, Bill Clinton signed the telecommunications act into law. He claimed he did it to keep phone bills from skyrocketing, but not only are our phone bills bigger than ever, but it also led to radio being what it is today. We’re all wondering where the hell Monica was that day?
Have Atheists ever sued Muslims?
So if you lie to the government, it’s a felony. But when the government lies to us, it’s only politics. Do I have that right?
One thing the Canadian Government does well is handling emergencies. As soon as they found out that Canada was playing Sweden for the gold medal early in the morning, they quickly passed an emergency law that allowed the bars to open up at 5 am to sell liquor.
They discovered by opening the bars early in Winnipeg for the world hockey championships that the only reason Canadians ever drink coffee in the morning is because they can’t buy beer.
I loved Rust’s line in HBO’s True Detective, “There’s no such thing as forgiveness, people just have short memories.”
Why does a person have to die before someone mentions how great they were. RIP Jerry Brenner!
Have you ever noticed how a short walk down the aisle turns a woman into an expert on everything.
Mark Ramsey claims that a formula morning show doesn’t have much of a chance of beating an established one because, as Mark said, “You can’t polish a turd.” But Mark wasn’t it researchers who came up with the “formulas” ’cause management they can’t control magic.
Being a Doctor’s Wife does not qualify you to operate on anybody, just as being the President’s wife does not allow you to govern us, nor does being John Lennon’s Wife grant you the right to sing in public.
OK, I surrender; I no longer care whether or not Emily Ratjakowski would hurt me.
I’m almost positive that some accountant dreamed up the “check engine” warning light. However, we outsmarted them with black tape.
If folks worked as hard on their marriages as they did their careers, the results would be similar.
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Sharing and commenting are encouraged and appreciated.