It’s a lot smarter to make love than it is to just sit there over thinking it.
Whatever happened to time & temp on the radio.
You’re as young as your brain thinks you are.
Everything already exists, we just have to discover it.
When it becomes apparent that you’re not gonna hit your goal adjust your strategy not the goal.
Daughters are worth dying for but a lot of their Mothers are not.
They’re are a lot of stupid businessmen out there but they’re just not famous. I smell cover up.
If you ain’t learning you’re dying.
No matter what happened yesterday the dawn of each new day gives you another fresh start.
One of the responsibilities of air talent is to explain to their audience why they should bother listening to this new record because they sure don’t want to.
If I could have a wish for my Daughters it would be that they become more like each other.
When you’re a child you long for the freedom of an adult but when you become an adult you soon discover you even have less.
Some of the excuses for failure are almost perfect.
Does anybody really think Obama is really going to raise taxes on the 1% he’s working one level below them.
Just because you think there are no apparent consequences doesn’t mean you can bitch because unfortunately there are always consequences.
Kanye West is more known for his inane superiority outbursts and being married to Kim Kardashian than he is for his music – Bob Lefsetz
Why is it that only successful actors and musicians lecture us about how we should live.
If you don’t think you’re worth much the world will not try to change your opinion.
At some point you’ve got to stop the selling and just jump in there and start helping.
I’ve noticed a couple of things that are very telling. First there are no pretty girls at bus stops the other is that beautiful women do not clean houses.
Great morning men are great storytellers and their fans tell great stories about them.
Sometimes success is only one more failure away.
Progress depends on the folks who don’t want to fit in.
Always persist in doing what you do best.
Sometimes it only takes a little courage to find fortune.
You can never change how it all began but you can sure change how it ends.
What is it that Republicans and Democrats see so clearly which is murky to me even though they are on the opposite side of each and every issue.
The Hunny Bunny once told me that if a man didn’t get everything he wanted from a woman he’ll look elsewhere. She was right.
Oh no and wow are several light years apart.
Most women I would think are trustworthy so what do you suppose we should do with the others.
Some big businesses are just too big so are bound for extinction like the Dinosaur.
Speaking of big business a lot of it couldn’t exist without the government’s protection.
Most women are confused and bewildered about relationships and why they go the way they do but one short walk down the aisle and life suddenly goes how they planned it.
The hardest thing to come to grips with when I became a programming consultant was the fact that less than half my stuff was good enough to go on the air where as when I was the national PD of Fairbanks, it all got on the air.
If you don’t get some joy out of doing something why do it!
In order to achieve greatness one must master the fundamentals first.
Isn’t it strange how all the other companies who are in the same business as the post office such as Fed EX and UPS do quite well where as the post office continues to lose millions.
Being alone is only good if you choose to be.
Wow what a great Superbowl huh!