Bill McMartin claimed the only reason I asked all the radio wives at dinner questions about why females do certain things was to make sure I wasn’t the only one sleeping alone that night.
Ted Bolton taught me a long time ago that people who fill out Arbitron Diaries know a lot about radio just like people who vote know a lot about politics. I think Ted has new data on the PPM types
Jimmy Darin told me at my first ever jock meeting if I ever wanted to attend another one I better keep my mouth shut. In order to talk again I started having my own meetings.
Laura Neville told me that a of young Woman have lusted after the “Guitar Gods” but very few of them ever liked their music.
Jamie Gold taught me that most 30 year old Women leave the bar scene behind to start getting healthy.
Kari Summerfield convinced me that if a Woman wants to have a baby she’s going to have a baby.
Gary Bachman told me sometimes you just have to kick your big brother’s butt and tell him to stop playing that James Taylor s**t and start rockin’ again like he was born to do!
Linda Duffy helped me figure out I enjoy being the other guy much more than I enjoy being the guy.
Lana Johns told me she wasn’t going to follow me around anymore. Ouch!
Keith Elshaw wrote, the thing about George Johns is real talent loves him and management is afraid of him.
Cyber girl taught me that imagination is 85% of it.
Females are the ones that taught me everything I know about Women which shows even they really don’t understand Women either.
Ron Chapman confessed to me that my convincing him to reinstall the phone in the on air studio to find out what the folks thought about our new sound changed his career forever.
I heard Chuck Dann (Riley) on air say … Here’s a dedication from a c**t. Oh I see a country chick
Randy Bachman wrote me he can hardly wait to play a “real rocker” on stage with my Black Strat!
Mancow told me that without boundries humor is not very funny.
Dave Spence wrote me that he let Ron Chapman be the spokesperson for KVIL because everyone thought Ron owned the station anyway.
Rich Stevens re convinced me that having a script for a Radio Show is still the only way to go just like the rest of show biz.
Bruce Fohr showed me that it’s the word Sports that Women hate, not actually Sports
Barsky has shown me you can be seriously funny on the Radio
Reid Reker claims I ruined his life by showing him what he needed to do to live the good life. Now he’s addicted.
Joyce Kaufman showed me another way. You can chase thousands of listeners in hopes 200 of them will shop where you want them to shop or just get 200 loyal ones who will do what you tell them to do when you want them to do it.
Larry Dixon wrote me that when he first came to KVIL from WAPE that he just knew we were making huge mistakes. He is so happy now that he managed to have kept his mouth shut.
Dion told me that 50 years ago $35.00 was the amount of rent money his folks paid so he didn’t want to explain to them why he spent the same amount on a short plane ride when he already had a seat in the tour bus. It saved his life.
Randy Bachman also told me that on the way to a gig with BTO he heard Daryl “B” say a phrase on the Radio which was the final piece he needed for a song that he had been working on since he was with The Guess Who. Later that night with Fred Turner’s voice failing him Randy told the rest of the band just to follow him and they would finish out the night with his finally finished new tune. When he ended the song the people were still singing and chanting ” Taking Care Of Business” and it became one of the most popular songs ever written.