Yo! Burton and Randy. Yeh, I’m talkin’ to you!
In part one, I wrote about what’s waiting for you guys to do the right thing.
Surely your managers have told you how many millions you’re leaving on the table by not using the Guess Who name
Brian May is making millions, and he doesn’t even have Freddy Mercury to work with, but he does have the name “Queen.”
Even though Journey has some Filipino kid singing instead of Steve Perry, Lynyrd Skynyrd continues without Ronnie Van Zant, and it’s all because they have the names.
Even the Doo-Wop and Motown groups are still touring because they get to use the original group’s name.
Hell, Don Henley is now down to one Eagle, “Him,” but he also has the name, so it’s working out just fine.
As big as John, Paul, George, and Ringo became, none were as big as the Beatles.
Don’t you think John Fogerty would do much better as a member of Creedence Clearwater Revival or Peter Cetera as part of Chicago?
Hey, Burton, ask Randy how it’s going since he got the name Bachman Turner Overdrive back.
You guys were the main ingredients of the Guess Who, and the best news is that you still have your chops.
Even today, in the watering holes I frequent, nobody gives a shit about me being a big-time radio guy. They only want to hear about any involvement I may have had with the Guess Who.
Winnipeg is very proud of the Guess Who, and that’s all they have besides the Jets.
“I’m sure Jimmy’s running a little low on cash at the moment so you’re one business deal away from immortality.
Hey, I don’t have any skin in this game but as an old Winnipegger, I just wanna see you get all that’s coming to you.
Time is running out, guys. TICK TOCK, TICK TALK.
Jennifer: I don’t know how you do what you do and get them out so often.I loved ‘everything’ you said in these Life-Liners. We need a George John’s Zoom group to discuss your “thoughts on life”! They are discussion-worthy. I guess for me, it’s because I pretty much agree with what you do. Thank you, George!!!
Geo, You’re too kind, Jenn Jenn.
@Gary Donohue: George makes a concise argument; “It’s also pretty apparent that there are not enough LGBTQ folks to fill the arenas.” So, just watch as the haters consolidate power, be more woke than ever, and block the Fever from hiring a teammate, aka Bill Laimbeer-esque, to protect CC. Like the swamp in Washington, so goes the culture in the WNBA, including woke owners, woke corporate management, woke advertisers, woke coaches, and woke players. Go woke, go broke. How long before America considers buying a WNBA ticket morally reprehensible? (Catlin Clark)
Geo: Sad days, Gary, and they only seem to be getting sadder.
@NickAlexander Re: Dr. Pepper passing Pepsi as the number 2 soft drink: ‘bout time! Does this mean that Taco Bell will now start carrying diet Dr Pepper instead of three flavors of Pepsi in its fountain dispensers? I’ve been a Dr Pepper fan since 1953, and I also like adult Canadian beverages.
Geo: I’m with you on the adult beverages, Nick. My go-to drink is Canadian Club.
@DougHerman: There is no safe way to become successful.” Man, is that the ultimate truth. McCoy and I sure put everything on some long shots. Fortunately, more came through than didn’t. But it was “bet the house” time ‘way too often, especially at the beginning. Those American Express cards sometimes felt hot to the touch. (6/03/24)
Geo: It’s the scariest of times, Doug. There’s nothing like really being on your own to get you energized. As they say, fear is a great motivator.
@BruceMunson: The WNBA is at a crossroads… Should they equip the players with roller skates and elbow pads, or go full Jerry Springer and pass out chairs?
Geo: Well said, Bruce.
@BillGardner: Enjoyed it, George! I had the chance to interview Dwight Yoakum while doing mornings for George Francis in Greenville, SC. I was warned several times, even by his people, how testy Dwight would be in interviews. Exactly the opposite! Great dude and fun to talk with. (A Hit is a Hit)
Geo: Yeah, Bill, it’s kinda like if you don’t try to get in their spotlight or sound smarter or funnier than them. Most are just regular folks who, for whatever reason, can sing.