Geo’s Daily Life-Liners 4/16/24

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Men and Lesbians have the same problem: angry women waiting for them at home.

I’m sure Biden has done some good stuff, but here are the three glaring things I can’t move on from. His shutting down a pipeline that has led to much higher gas prices, his sloppy withdrawal from Afghanistan was embarrassing, and his allowing guys who think they’re girls to compete in women’s sports is hideous.

It may be time for Ringo to give up the peace sign; it ain’t working.

So far, AI can’t pronounce people’s names correctly, so what now, geeks?​

If changing your mind about something isn’t possible, you’re merely a spectator in the conversation.

All problems except for the imagined can be overcome.

Remember when you could make fun of everybody? Unfortunately, now you can only tease white folks without jeopardizing your career.

If America is really about religious freedom, why have we spent so many years in the desert trying to convert those folks to Christianity?

Geo’s Daily Life-Liners is a Monday through Saturday politically incorrect look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.
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Geo’s Daily Life-Liners 4/15/24

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Ladies, have you ever thought about the possibility that you might have to give up being “special”  to become equal? Everything new appears to be different, but it usually ain’t.

Yeah, I believe in God; look around, this shit didn’t create itself. However, the tough sale for me is Jesus, Mohammed, and Moses; what did they create?

Why doesn’t the government move the homeless into the malls and office buildings that have gone vacant since COVID instead of wasting money importing more poor people? We’ve already got enough.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all those who wanted to rule the world only did so because they wanted to help mankind? What kind of ludicrous thinking on my part is that, huh?

I agree that old rich white guys did a lot of shitty things, but those things pale in comparison to some of the great things they accomplished.

The reason you don’t see any Transgenders in men’s sports is the same reason you shouldn’t see any Transgenders in women’s sports.

Can you imagine if Elvis had Brian Epstein as his manager?

Geo’s Daily Life-Liners is a Monday through Saturday politically incorrect look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.
Sharing and commenting is appreciated.

Geo’s Daily Life-Liners. 4/13/24

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Have you noticed that Black Comedians always make fun of white folk, but White Comedians don’t mention Blacks in fear of ruining their career?

Unlike their older counterparts, I like younger women because they still like to be naughty.

My good friend Billy Bob Harris says, “Don’t judge a man till you’ve walked a mile in his shoes, and the best part is, no matter how it turns out, he’ll be a mile away, and you’ll have his shoes.”

Until we stop hearing about the first African American to do this and the first female to do that, nothing will change.

How the hell do you fight the enemy hiding out in your head?

One can only wonder what kind of homes the folks who feel a need to dance in the end zone come from.

Helping others eliminates fear.

Hey grandson, know this: when a woman claims she’s having your baby, make no mistake about it: she’s having her baby. When she tires of you and leaves, she takes the baby. Not to worry, though; you still get to pay for it.

Geo’s Daily Life-Liners is a Monday through Saturday politically incorrect look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.
Sharing and commenting is appreciated.

Geo’s Daily Life-Liners 4/12/24

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Knowing what music to play on the radio before there was research separated the boys from the men.

The only thing wrong with guns is they’re usually used on the wrong people.

Hey, now that Beyonce is on the Cowboy hit parade, how long before WASP music climbs the R&B charts?

Is there anything more incompetent looking than a bunch of Superstars who were just given a huge introduction fucking around with their gear before playing?

I needed to be a boss because I’d have been a terrible employee with my attitude. How come the media never asks,

“Hey, Mr. Politician, how did you become a multimillionaire while serving the public?”

There is no such thing as a balanced life; there’s only life. 

One of my biggest regrets is never taking a few days off to savor our successes before moving on to the next project.

Geo’s Daily Life-Liners is a Monday through Saturday politically incorrect look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.
Sharing and commenting is appreciated.

Geo’s Daily Life-Liners 4/11/24

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Was the word Fascist always been a bad word, or did Hitler make it so?

A lot of my socialist friends think that we need a liberal talk show. However, they don’t understand that for it to be popular, it needs to attract an audience of both Liberals and Conservatives. Unfortunately, right-wingers would never listen; they don’t take the left seriously.

Do the folks who suffer from some form of depression think about what those who love them are going through?

The only good thing about being my age is I can do anything without fear of repercussions. What will they do, give me free room and board plus health care? Darn.

So ladies, would you want beauty or brains if you could only have one?

Loyalty is precious because it’s so rare.

What rights are women willing to give up in order to have equal rights?

What if we discover that Jesus, God, or Mother Mary did not exist? What happens then? 

Geo’s Daily Life-Liners is a Monday through Saturday politically incorrect look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.
Sharing and commenting is appreciated.