While at the Hilliard’s, I ended up going to two movies, Top Gun and Elvis, which were both superb, but the Elvis movie also brought back an unexpected memory.
Little did we know that this would be the last time he ever sang on any stage.
My son, Curt, who was just a little guy at the time, lost interest in the concert early on and fell asleep in his seat.
When he woke up, it was near the end of the show, and Elvis was singing “Unchained Melody.”
Surprisingly, after he wiped the sleep out of his eyes, he climbed up on his seat and yelled, “Hey Elvis,” which caused some of the folks to laugh and Elvis to grin.
You can’t hear Curt yell, but around the 1:20 minute mark of the video, you can clearly see Elvis look up and grin. Wow! R.I.P. Elvis.
My Dad was not a great Father, but he was a much better man than I’ll ever be.
Is America the only country in the world that’s obsessed with racism? I don’t think the folks in China, Japan, Russia, Mexico, or any of the Arab countries stay up late worrying about it?
I moved to America because not only was Canada’s free health care very expensive, but you were at a disadvantage if you didn’t speak French.
Whereas in the US, it was always about how good you were at what you did, but now it seems more about your skin color or your gender than your ability. Good luck, America!
How did “The projects” become a bad thing, weren’t they created to help the poor?
How many people care if you live or die?
Other than with their dealers, do any rock or hip hop stars share their riches?
Why are all the judges in movies and TV series black? Couldn’t they find any Hispanics, Asians, or white folk?
How many daughter cards do daughters get to play?
If you can’t patent or trademark it, “Fuhgeddaboudit.”
America has the richest poor people on earth.
You can only be betrayed by those you love.
I think that for the amount of taxes Californians and Canadians pay they should get much more.
Who wouldn’t want to live in a quaint Village?
When a woman finds a potential soul mate, she thinks, “With a few changes he”ll be perfect.” However, when a man finally finds his special lady, he prays that she’ll never change. Unfortunately, it’s the opposite that usually happens.
Did any insignificant artists ever die too early?
If you live too long, you may wear out your welcome. Damn!
How come everything thing gets updated except the bible?
Speaking of the bible, it, like Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy, is easier to understand when you’re a kid.
What kind of a man who pays the rent thinks that he should ever sleep on the couch?
Unfortunately, the world isn’t as you want it to be, but we are looking for someone to change it.
I don’t think the truth lies to the left or the right but maybe somewhere in between.
Most people will accept you being right, but very few will accept you being different.
Sometimes it’s those you can’t imagine doing anything who do all the things you can’t imagine.
Improvement has unlimited headroom.
Wow, the incentive the government gave to the car manufacturers to build more electric cars, thus reducing our need for foreign oil, sure worked well, huh? NOT!
Wow, speaking of gas prices looks like Biden finally noticed them.
Why doesn’t Ukraine aim a few of its missiles at Moscow?
Systems do not create Art.
Absolutely everything could be done better.
Making someone happy is very difficult; making them sad is not.
Colonel Tom did two things right, he got Elvis the most money an entertainer ever got paid to perform, and he stayed out of Elvis’s spotlight.
With Freedom comes responsibility.
The worst day in your life is the day that you learn the most.
Anything of any significance is usually difficult to obtain.I’ve been told that sometimes you have to do wrong to do right, or do bad for the greater good and that collateral damage and friendly fire is the price we pay for freedom. Does anybody still buy all this shit?
Do politicians actually think we envy them?
Only Fathers of Daughters understand that killing someone is not out of the question.
I think we need new wealthy people, the ones we have now are failing us.
Wow, the Grey Cuo Champs, The Winnipeg Blue Bombers are already 5-0 this season. Go Big Blue!
Winnipeg Wendy: George, Einstein was lusting after large breasts because he was predisposed to do so due to physical anthropology, solely to perpetuate reproduction of the human race; nothing to do with intelligence or wiseness! (Daddy’s Day)
Geo: I feel his pain, Wendy.
Dick Taylor: Geo & Reg, sounds like you had a FABULOUS trip! Sue & I head off for Bar Harbor, Maine, and then on to Nova Scotia, PEI, New Brunswick, and Quebec/Montreal.
We have loaded all of our info (passports & vaccinations/boosters) on the ArriveCAN App.
So, my only question is how riding the rails in Canada compares to AMTRAK. Are the trains smoother and better equipped? Was the trip as wonderful as you anticipated? (Bucket List)
Geo: Dick, the trip for me was better than anticipated.
However, Reg says that you have to see Quebec City on your trip because it’s better than all the rest
Alex Paylor: A beautiful story and gorgeous images of our sea to shining sea country and what a way to appreciate what nature gave us in Canada. I’ve always wanted to make that cross-Canada train trip in first-class style as you did.
I’ve lived in Ontario, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and now in British Columbia. I’ve been here for four years now and this is it. My last move. Very little snow in Metro Vancouver and that suits me fine after many winters in the aforementioned provinces. The beauty of the western side of the Rockies is something a still marvel at.
I wasn’t born in Canada. I came here in 1965 when I was twelve years old and I’m proud to be a Canadian citizen and a British British Columbian. (Bucket List)
Geo: Thanks for the read, Alex, and I like you, also love B.C.
Doug Thompson: Sorry, we missed you and Reg in Toronto George. That would have been a fun night. (Bucket List)
It definitely would have been Doug but maybe the Gods were on outside because Al had Covid.
Angela: My favorite line: I now realize that I didn’t need to hear “Daddy” any more than I already did because I couldn’t afford it. I LOVE IT!
Also, good is the sworn enemy of great.
Who wants to live an ordinary life? Not this girl.
Thank you for the wisdom and smiles. (Daddy’s Day)
Geo: It’s just my way of hitting on you, pretty lady. 🙂
Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, and Life and is primarily written with men in mind.
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