Radio thankfully has always come fairly easily to me. The reason being I think is because when I first started out as a board op I got to work with and learn from a bunch of Radio Hall Of Fame members and was smart enough to continue to do so for most of my career.
I’m talking about working with giants in Canada like Lloyd Moffat, Jack Wells, Randy Moffatt, Gary Russell, Allan Waters, Fred Sherratt, Ted Rogers, Chuck McCoy and Gary Miles. Here in America I got to work along side legends like Cris Conner, Tom Cochran, Fred Heckman, Richard M Fairbanks, Jack Morrow, Joe Pickett, Bob Hoover, Jim Shelton, Bob Lamey, Don Bleu, Dr. Don Rose, Ron Chapman, Jim West, Michael Selden, Jerry Bobo, Suzie Humphries, Hugh Lampman, Wes Wise, Bob Morrison, Jack Schell, Ben Laurie, Ken Barnett and Loren & Wally. How could I fail!
Speaking of Hall Of Famers has any radio station in Texas produced more of them than KVIL?
If content is King then how you perform it makes you god like.
I’ve noticed that Viagra has stolen from Cialis what may be the greatest sales line ever … “If your erection lasts more than 4 hours call your Doctor.”
Thinking is much more productive than talking unless you’re on the radio.
Spending a lot of study time in the library at college is like doing show prep for the biggest show of all time … Your life!
Movie stars are still the biggest thing on the planet even though more people watch TV than ever go to the movies.
I remember cruising the Virgin Islands with Jack McCoy in his 65′ yacht which made its own pure water from sea water, what part about this doesn’t California get.
I just love when a radio station stops the music to tell you that they don’t stop the music, no wonder the accountants don’t wanna pay us.
Character is how we handle not knowing what to do.
Most people only care about love or money but spend an inordinate amount of time on other stuff.
When somebody starts investigating your past it puts doubt on your future.
When I was 12, twenty year old women were breathtaking “true dat” today.
Mature women hope men mature quickly enough to be able to resist younger women but the out look is not great. Hey we couldn’t resist you.
When is somebody going to explain to scholarship athletes that they are not special human beings just athletes before they ruin their lives.
Did any of the Miami Heat expect that they’d make the play offs any time during the season.
When you’re a coach it takes huge balls to sit a legend down.
I was just reading that Randy Moss would come out of retirement if he could play catch with Peyton Manning, boy I for one would love to see these old dudes perform. Hey Sherman y’all got Moss?
When you’re the father of young daughters you have no problem using words like … Hey creep what the f**k are you doing in our neighborhood.
Is somebody checking to see why the subscribers to Neilson/Arbitron seem to do much better in the numbers than the others?
Back in the day the SM used to spend a lotta time in the PD’s office but I have the feeling that the reverse is true now.
Why is being a racist held in more contempt than being a criminal.
The thing I find strange about my homeland is that even though they like to pretend they are more like Britain and France they act exactly like America.
Eventually the “right” woman will dominate a man’s life but until then they are merely small distractions.
If you fall in love with an artist get used to being in 2nd place.
Have you ever noticed that they’re are very few 30 year old woman at bars and clubs.
The thing to do is get famous enough to have your name on a product, that’s where the real money is.
Speaking of money George Martin made chump change producing the Beatles, he made his money producing everybody else.
Survivors very rarely get in charge of anything including their own lives.
Experts are merely people who have stopped learning.
More @, on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio .
Back in the day when we launched America’s first AC station in Dallas on KVIL we had Bill Gardner doing mid days for us. Bill won Billboard’s Personality Of The Year Award right out of the box but as wonderful as that sounds unfortunately it came with some errors.
We weren’t a top 40 radio station, we weren’t an AM and they spelled KVIL wrong on Bill’s trophy.(see picture) KVIL was so new that except for our listeners nobody in radio had ever heard of us, but that sure didn’t last long did it Claude Hall.
Hear Bill and a bunch of the other legendary staff members during our first year by clicking the link at the bottom of the page.
So is it exercise or genetics.
In public a woman mentions the fact that she has a husband a hell of a lot quicker than her husband admits that he has a wife.
Now that Yoko has claimed that she had an affair with Hillary it appears that Bill had better taste in women than did John or his wife.
If Yoko’s rumors are true it looks like we can solve two more politically correct things we feel compelled to do by making her president. Then we can just get on with finding the best person for the job.
Figuring out exactly what it will take to make you happy is actually tougher to do than doing whatever it is you have to do in order to achieve it.
Nothing mysterious ever seems to happen in the sunlight.
When faced with how to be better than Carson and Leno on the Tonight Show Jimmy Fallon chose to be different instead and is kicking ass because of it.
If you could actually take a peek at the future and see at all the things you’ll have to do to become successful you probably wouldn’t do it.
To become successful one must be obsessive but being obsessive doesn’t lead to much happiness and so starts your day.
Unless you are beautiful or a member of the lucky sperm club being talented will not be enough.
Speaking of beautiful which the Hunny Bunny was but it was her mind that really excited me.
A worthy goal may simply be to try and become some one’s great memory.
No matter how good fathers may be “Fathers Day” doesn’t move very many cards off the shelf but it does win the most collect calls ever made in a single day.
Commercials about entertainment don’t sound like commercials.
I’ve never been to a one on one session with either a psychologist or a psychiatrist but I have a feeling that a few of them may have heard of me.
Not so long ago when you watched a TV show it had one story line which included a beginning and an end. Now while watching Game Of Thrones on HBO I realized that there are 4 or more story lines going on all at once and you have no idea where the hell it’s all going, I just hope they do.
You’ll know instantly when you have “The Woman” she will be the one worth dying or killing for.
The definition of management is “The Accomplishment Of Work Through People”
It amazes me that California is in the middle of a drought but everywhere you look all you see is water not to mention all the lakes up in the Mountains. I think what they really mean is that there is a drought of free water.
It was a sad day for radio when Dan Mason announced his retirement because we all know that he won’t be replaced by another product guy even though product is everything. Ask HBO!
It’s a hell of a lot easier to piss people off than it is to please them.
Taking a chance is very scary but regretting that you didn’t is even scarier.
If you don’t demand excellence I guarantee it wont show up.
Only adults are amazed by magical tricks, children are merely amused by them because they believe in magic.
None of the things I chased ever came true but as my brother Reg once said … Maybe you didn’t chase them hard enough.
I think it’s rather apparent that I have a serious thinking problem.
Some companies have a few executives around simply to blame.
Money wont buy you happiness but it may buy you some time to figure out what will.
It’s stupid to argue with an idiot because he’s a hell of a lot better at it than you will ever be.
Ya gotta give it to men, even when they are old bald and fat they still do it with swagger.
The moment something becomes big it begins to become bad.
Just because someone doesn’t mention it ladies doesn’t mean we didn’t notice it.
Normal people make much better listeners than they do story tellers.
When the 4 judges got up to pay tribute to BB King on The Voice with “The Thrill Is Gone” it was very apparent that none of the 4 finalists were as good as them.
The funniest line on The Voice came from eventual winner 16 year old Sawyer Frederick when he and the other finalists were given new cars and he said … I don’t even have a drivers license yet.
The only name missing from “deflategate” is Bill Belichick, how can that be!
Much more @ On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio
As I’ve mentioned before my first born was to be named Curtis but when a wee baby girl showed up instead her name became Candis. My wife Lana had a very difficult time giving birth to our daughter so we were strongly advised not to have any more children. A man needs to have a son though so while living in Ottawa we decided to see if we could adopt a baby.
The way it works in Canada is adoptions are handled by a government agency who informed us that even though we qualified for a child that it may take up to a year or even more to find the perfect match.
While waiting for the process to inch forward we decided to take a little vacation so we headed down to Indianapolis to visit with the Hilliard’s. I can still remember the night we all went to dinner at a restaurant which featured a new thing called a “Sand Reader”. After dinner while having dessert the Reader came over to our table with a small sandbox which was about the size of a serving tray. He had Lana draw in it first and after studying her etchings for a moment or two he said with a puzzled on his face … What I see in the sand may sound a little strange because you obviously aren’t pregnant but it tells me that you are going to have a brand new baby boy in the next few days. Upon returning home three days later we found out that the agency had been calling while we were away to tell us that our three month old baby son Curtis Allen Johns was anxious to come home.
Speaking of family it’s almost time for “Buppa” to take Grandson Nathaniel (pictured with me) camping, I hope he enjoys Vegas!
Was it the talent of Frank, Elvis, and The Beatles that created all the magic or was it the technology.
Opportunity is everywhere but lucky breaks sure ain’t.
Just because something isn’t considered illegal certainly doesn’t make it right.
Sometimes it’s difficult to be a good father while trying to provide a decent life for your family, but it’s certainly no excuse.
Just because some folks claim that Fox News is wrong doesn’t make all the others right.
The reason a lot of men sleep around is because they’re only looking for that special woman who will listen to their life stories over and over again for the rest of her life.
Behind every man successful or otherwise stands a woman but the ones who are standing behind the unsuccessful men are usually called “the other woman”.
40 may be the perfect age for women cuz that’s usually when their brains and body come together.
A 20 year old bottle of wine and a 20 year old woman are equally delightful.
What’s more expensive do you figure, being a Daddy or a Sugar Daddy.
The only time I like to be told what to do is when I am completely naked.
One of the ways you die is when you stop making love, my goal is to die while I’m making love.
Indiscreet infidelity is unforgivable.
Most of the womanizers I know were created by women.
Jerry Tarkanian once said nor win any games “Screaming insults at players never put any points on the board nor won any games. Motivated players and their preparation usually did. I didn’t realize that Jerry must have worked in radio before he became one of the best college coaches ever.
Everybody can play the same music on the radio but nobody can talk like you do between the tunes.
You don’t need a morning show unless you actually need somebody to show up somewhere and buy something.
Ratings are simply statistical justification.
Whenever you tell someone that the last thing you ever wanna do is hurt them you may need to admit to them though is that it is still on your list.
I wonder why the evening news anchors always begin with “Good Evening” then spend the rest of the newscast telling you why it ain’t.
It really doesn’t matter who you know it’s who knows you.
Who decided that Dee Jays should have Irish names.
I don’t know any wise young men but I do know a couple of wise young women but unfortunately their wisdom didn’t come from a good place.
Throughout time one of the descriptions used to describe a lot of great leaders was “child like”.
If you think you can or you think you can’t both statements are true.
have you ever noticed that small children always tell the truth but once they grow up they need to be drunk to do so again.
I’ve never received a phone call from someone telling me that they were sending me some money but I’ve had plenty asking me for some.
Bear Bryant was one of the smartest legendary coaches ever, he climbed down off his tower, retired then almost died immediately thus keeping his legacy alive.
I do real well handling good news but I need more training on how to handle the bad stuff as it seems to come up a hell of a lot more often.
I’ve never been a real big fan of radio sales people in general but even they have to admit that over the years I’ve been pretty sales friendly.
So it’s kinda OK to be a thug in the NFL but you better not f**k with those footballs huh!
Speaking of the NFL can you imagine how fresh Brady is gonna be come playoff time.
The untimely passing recently of friend Kelley Mitchell has produced an enormous amount of accolades being written about her which was wonderful. I can’t help but wonder though why we wait until somebody dies before telling them how much we love them.
Sneak peeks at upcoming Blogs, on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio
Well all the reviews are in and it appears that consolidation is a total bust. Most GM’s now admit that they wish they could go back to the days of having just an AM & FM and make them best they could be. One GM recently told me that he used to enjoy a 10 share with his big FM but now but since they purchased 3 more it takes all 4 to have a 10 but the only increases were the expenses.
Case in point is the legendary WRMF in West Palm Beach which used to do well over 10 million all by itself but now I understand it takes all six of their stations to even even get close to that mark.
Speaking of West Palm Beach the once mighty Clear Channel has fallen dramatically financially since becoming I Heart Media but I would tend to think though that most of their demise may have had a lot more to do with the firing of Tim Reever than a name change.
A friend of mine claims that every time his wife has sex with him he puts a couple of bucks in a special container which he will empty at Christmas eve to buy her a gift. So far he has enough to buy her a cup of coffee as long as they don’t go to Starbucks.
Most men only need a woman’s love but I believe women need a whole lot more.
Helping others get what they want usually gets you what you want.
Unlike most things people are pretty predictable.
You know you’re getting a little long of tooth when you no longer know who the guys are in Ringo’s All Star band.
Even though I’m a white male and not rich I actually kicked major ass in court today.
When Daughters are pissed at their Moms its a crises but when they are mad at their Dads it’s just a natural progression.
If you had any balls you would just stroll down to the end of the tunnel and turn the damn light on yourself.
Don’t ever let the future see the fear in your eyes.
If you’re planning on going through life with only one woman you better be totally smitten by her otherwise it’s gonna be “tuff sledding”.
Speaking of women, the reason they don’t come with instructions is because we wouldn’t read them.
As Brent Farris says … The big print giveth and the small print taketh away or like I always say, there’s nothing fine waiting for you in the fine print.
One tends to not see what one is not looking for.
Great people surround themselves with great people so if the people you’re hangin’ with don’t appear to be very sharp, you may wanna do a thorough check of yourself.
It’s not like any of us are gettin’ outta here alive.
If all you sell is ratings then you sure don’t need sales people.
The smartest thing Johnny Carson ever did was let the Tonight Show carry him. He had a great band, a great sidekick, and great guests, so all he did was just sat back with us and watch them do all the work.
Good ideas are not automatically adopted, first they must be sold to the people who have to pay for them.
Coming up with ideas doesn’t take any special talent it’s the ability to recognize a good one is where the talent comes in.
The client isn’t always right but if we’re smart we don’t tell them.
Every time I used to find a secret new “Magic Box” that would make the station sound louder and crisper but within a couple weeks my competitor would be right up there with me again. It took me a while but I finally figured out that most engineers are only loyal to each other.
When you take a look at your past you may discover that lot of the advice you received turned out to be very self serving .
Are you willing to die for politically correct reasons.
I wonder if the 60’s British invasion was as big in England as it was in North America.
Even though women are difficult there is no sense in them coming with instructions cuz we’d never read them.
So ponder me this grasshopper a Muslim couple in Indiana refuses to bake a wedding cake for a black gay couple now where does everybody stand.
One learns very little from winning but from losing comes great wisdom such as how much more enjoyable it is to win.
How do you slow this train down. It seems like only a few weeks ago that I took my daughter Cami to USF for orientation but now suddenly she’s a sophomore.
American Pharoah looked magnificent in the Derby.
So Mayweather who I understands trains for his fights on his wife defeated Pacquiao in the so called “fight of the century”.
Upcoming Blogs on Twitter @GeorgeGeoJohns