Radio Geo’s Media Blog. (Psychic Phenomena) New 5/08/23

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Recently, my Brother Reg and I have been talking about growing up in Transcona.
We’re ten years apart in age, so I’ve only recently learned how different our upbringings were. 

Our Father was a stern taskmaster, so I’m sure his many rules caused me to be as rebellious as I’ve been most of my life.
However, hearing what went on after I left, there is no doubt that Reg had it much tougher than I did.

For various reasons, I’ve been angry at my Dad for most of my life, which I’m now just beginning to deal with.
Sadly, he passed away during the busiest time of my career, so I didn’t get to see him as much.

The “Class” format had become very successful, which meant I spent most of my time on airplanes.
During one of those long flights back to San Diego from lord knows, where, I was just gazing out of the window and daydreaming as I watched all the billowy clouds slip by us below.

My mind was wandering all over the place, and for some reason, I started thinking about my Dad, which brought a tear to my eye.
Suddenly, from out of nowhere, I was startled by his voice saying, “Don’t be sad, Son; I’m very happy and doing fine, but I’m not so sure about you.

I wish you were taking better care of yourself,” his unmistakable voice said, “And I hope you’ll start working on your happiness instead of just working.
I love you and am very proud of you.” And with that, his voice was gone.

Since then, I’ve felt a little better about our relationship, or lack thereof, mostly because being an orphan at any age is tough, and I could use his help sometimes.
(Sandy Johns is pictured on top.)
More Psychic Phenomena next week.


Even though there are 31 days in many months, why does a monthly supply consist of 30?

If you did what you’re capable of doing, you’d only surprise yourself.

Most great radio stations began with a cause; however, I doubt that paying down the debt was one of them. 

So who’s a bigger ass, Peter Cetera of Chicago, John Fogerty of CCR, or Paul McCartney of the Beatles? All of them let the business of rock and roll become bigger than them being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame with the rest of their mates.

Don’t we wish all women were like the ones they write songs about?

You can never let the engineers get in charge of the art.

Ubiquity is coming.

Have you ever noticed that when your computer fucks up, it’s always your fault, not the Geeks?

The way it works is, whatever you believe, I believe that there’s a News channel that agrees with you.

If I were a woman, I’d rather be equal to a beautiful woman than some guy.

Why are the Rock Stars managers richer than those they manage? 

There’s nothing more sensuous than a woman who wants to get pregnant.

I don’t accept accolades or criticisms from people I don’t know. It’s kinda like, “Don’t Bro me if you don’t know me.

If you knew you only had 24 hours to live, where would you like to spend it, and with whom?

My folks had much more to protest about than we do, but they were too busy working.

If the price was no object, what object would you love to have.?

What if women had to qualify before they could marry a great man? What would the qualifications be?

When I married my wife, I did it for her.

The next time I’ll do it for myself.

All we are, are our experiences.

The only thing that makes us equal is a gun. It will kill anyone.

Only humans live in the mystic; animals don’t.

I’m not afraid of women who are smarter than me, just the ones who think they are.

I believe a child should be with their natural parents no matter the consequences.

I don’t believe the color of their skin makes someone better or worse than others.

Every child who doesn’t have a dad will probably be fucked up.

Men must realize that women can only produce a child for about 20 years, so when they start running out of time, they lower their standers. How many of us wanna be that guy?

Unfortunately, you don’t have to know anything about music to make money in the music biz.

I’m not comfortable living in a world where for no apparent reason, millionaires become billionaires overnight.

Big corporations don’t give a damn about their image; they just keep on gouging.

Hey Canada, how come I never hear or read about Paul Ski? He became a much bigger deal than we so-called legends.

How often have you said thank you when you really meant, fuck off?

I wonder what John Glenn’s wife thought about him going into space. Did she ever tell him?

Do poor people think that the rest of us owe them?

Is there any government facility that doesn’t claim to be underfunded?

You can’t change the world without changing the rules.

Do brilliant people handle dying better than the rest of us?

Why somebody fucked you over is much more interesting to women than men.

If the government ever found out who or what caused Covid, do you think they’d tell us?

Good for you, Ed Sheeran; as a federal judge finally figured out, a similar chord progression does not a song make.

With the Stanley Cup playoffs going on, I was reminded of when the Russians tried to claim that they created hockey. A not-so-polite Canadian (probably from Transcona) told them to fuck off, and that ended that.

Hey, speaking of old friends, I’ve just been informed that Bill McDonald (We used to work together at CFTR in Toronto) has published a new book called, “Old Friends (Endless Love).”
I can hardly wait to devour it. 


Winnipeg Wendy: I think it’s repugnant when people find others attractive because of what they have instead of who they are. Money is only money, but being surrounded by those who love you is special! I know you have both, so that’s wonderful. (Ever Greens)
Radio Geo: The only women in my life I could ever count on to have my best interest in mind, Wendy, were my daughters. Tough for some sweet young new thing to get by either of them.

Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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4 thoughts on “Radio Geo’s Media Blog. (Psychic Phenomena) New 5/08/23

  1. Dick Robinson: Top Of the Mornin George. God Bless You! THANK YOU! Let us read this thoughtful Epistle… ONE MO TIME!!
    Geo: Wow, the legendary Dick Robinson checks in. Thanks for the read and comment, Dick.

  2. Dave Charles: To the long-suffering Leaf fans.’to play a sport you must be one’ (Psychic)
    Geo: It ain’t over yet, Dave, the fat lady hasn’t sung, and the pros like to coast.

  3. Wendy Holmes: I really like my comment from above and still stick by it!
    Also, the story about hearing your Dad’s voice speaking to you as you flew above the clouds is very touching and believable. One day, when my husband was in care, one of my daughters asked him to come to her as a bird after he passed. Astonishingly, the morning after he passed she heard a bird chirping. She went to their front veranda and there she saw a sparrow trapped therein. She believes that her dad was reaching out to her even though he was physically gone. There have been other thing that have happened to our family and the most recent occurrence was astounding but I will not share. Take care George, be healthy and happy!! (Psychic)
    Geo: Thank you, Wendy. Next week, two more similar experiences.

  4. Please excuse the typos above!! Can’t believe I said, flied”! I really must read my posts before I post them!
    I fixed it. Geo

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