Radio Geo’s Media Blog (What Happened to Radio?) Revised, 1/29/24.

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My brother Reg and I have been having a bunch of discussions lately about the demise of radio and the why of it.
My theory is that the only thing clusters created was a Cluster Fuck.

Even though the FCC bought into the rhetoric that an owner owning a bunch of stations in a market would be a good thing because they’d be able to experiment with new and unique formats, I, for one, didn’t believe it, and of course, it never happened.  

Back in the day, when most radio stations were making pretty good money, there was usually one or two great stations in every market that were making great money.
And at each of those great radio stations, there was usually a person who was responsible for its greatness.

However, now that we have clusters, the greatness has disappeared, as have the people who made those radio stations great.
Radio today has no enemy, no one to destroy cuz the enemy is right down the hall, and you’re not allowed to hurt him.

Anyway, my retired brother, who is tinkering with and learning about video production, created this video that includes a 3-step solution to radio’s woes.

Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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3 thoughts on “Radio Geo’s Media Blog (What Happened to Radio?) Revised, 1/29/24.

  1. Ray A Whitworth: The days of imagination, originality, creativity, personality with innovation are gone. Their replacements, real estate brokers, A.I.,and account directors assuming to be Program Directors. Several internet radio stations have been born and more to come. One station is Seacoast radio located in Maine. They only have TWO MINUTE BREAKS every 20 minutes. Just like it was 60 years ago. What was old and disregarded as boom was an era of compelling creativity,and some internet stations are re-building that era. I have not tuned into a terrestrial radio station for information or entertainment since 2007. It left me and I found internet radio,with no subscriptions to listen in. I am hearing Chickenman again American Top 40 with Cassey Kassem, Firesign Theater and special shows doing “Rockumenteries” Corporate radio needs to wakeup. (What Happened)
    Geo: Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end.

    • Randy Kabrich: Yet 50 years ago 14-18 minutes of spots were standard and breaks between almost every song. The circle is complete. (What Happened.)
      Geo: In the late ’70s in Indy, Randy, we ran 19 spots an hour and had a 19 share. The difference was, I had the power to pull spots I didn’t like.

  2. Mike Buxser: We lived by the motto, if we can dream it, we can do it. Working in radio was a labor of love. It wasn’t a job, it was an all in way of life. We lived and breathed it. When we weren’t in the station creating great radio, we were hanging out with each other at a local watering hole talking radio. That passion, energy and commitment to excellence is gone. We were proud to be in radio. Today it seems so corporate and emotionally dead. There’s a sameness to what you hear. I was blessed to have spent 50 years doing radio from 1968-2018. I miss what it was, but was happy to get out when I did. Time to let the corporate geeks finish ruining the business. George, keep up the good work. (What Happened)
    Geo: Well said, Mike.

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