Sugar Daddy!

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182609_188781114487813_2342037_nRumor has it that Lauren Silverman targeted Simon Cowell for a paternity payday and even her friends call her a social climbing gold digger. Hey she definitely sounds like my kinda lady, I’m getting used to them.

Walking the talk is a hell of a lot better motivator for whomever you’re trying to motivate than “talking the talk” is.

People who have tattoos, wear  hoodies, carry signs, or have an excessive amount of bumper stickers on their cars are usually making a statement, unfortunately though the statement seems to lean more towards “f##k you” than “have a nice day”

Robin Garrett wants to know if George Zimmerman has a choice now whether or not to check the Hispanic or the Caucasian box on a questionnaire seeing as he has been labeled a White Hispanic. Hey maybe he has to check both now.

Just because you don’t want something to be true doesn’t change a thing. A is still A.

There is as much difference between being a Dee-Jay and a Personality as there is between being a Celebrity and a Star.

When Obama took office 73% of White people and 63% of Black folks thought race relations were pretty good but now only 52% of Whites and 38% of Blacks still think so.

I love celebrations so much that I learned how to find good news in a rating book. In fact I love celebrating so much that the only thing I miss now about smoking is the opportunity to celebrate the opening of a brand new pack.

Seeing as the past only exists when you think about it and there really is no guaranteed future you better deal with the right now. If it seems too good to be true it ain’t!

I watched an interview done last year with Aaron Hernandez who claimed he and Robert Kraft had a close relationship. I wonder how many times Mr. Kraft has visited his old friend since he’s been locked for murder.

I don’t think Anthony Weiner can close the deal, sexting is probably all he wants and is able to do.

Making love leads to serious consequences. Right Reid!

For some reason we know the names of most TV and movie stars not to mention all the recording stars but in Radio though we only know the owners names.

If you don’t ask for it there’s a real good chance you ain’t gonna get it.

Do Women with great asses walk so seductively because they like showing it off or can they just not help themselves.

Joe Walsh of the Eagles who says he is an analog man in a digital world and claims today’s music is too perfect. A lot of the time in the past it was the mistakes left in the recordings that made them hits.

It’s much cheaper to be a Sugar Daddy than a Hubby. 

A little mystery in a Woman is sexy, a lot of mystery is scary.

If it weren’t for Women Men would still be wandering around the planet following the herds. She figured out how to lure us into dragging the Deer back to the cave instead us just of cooking it up out there on the hunt and moving on. 

John Wooden said things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.

Rich Stevens claims that in every group there’s one ugly person, if you can’t spot him in your group, it’s you.

Your memory it turns out is seasonal.

The less you talk the more you hear, the more you hear the more you learn.

If the PD doesn’t listen to his Radio Station why would anybody else!

I love the sound of a Cellos and French horns mixed together.

It’s quite possible for a Radio Station income to simply outrun their expenses.

There is no such thing as business ethics there’s only ethics.


3 thoughts on “Sugar Daddy!

    • Rai, Sometimes when a Woman is walking towards me I can hardly wait for her to pass ’cause I know she’s got junk in the trunk by the way she is walking. Mmmmmm!

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