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936228_10151852210859307_719171113_nOf all the creations I was ever lucky enough to be involved in, two of the best no doubt were Candis & Cami. 

I know of very few Men who are looking for Wives. Most Men get Married only to take the Woman they love off the street.

A short stroll down the aisle does not turn a relationship into unconditional love. Love remains conditional forever.

Brent Farris told me Women are like phones, they like to be held, talked to, and touched often, but if you push the wrong buttons you will be instantly disconnected.

Speaking of phones I think that the reason they are not waterproof is just a scam to sell more phones. If they can make cars and watches waterproof, surely they can do the same with a cell phone.

The Only Women worth dying for are the ones you love.

It is said that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. With that in mind I think I’m about ready for a restart.
If you want to get something done give the task to someone too busy to do it. But if you simply want to find a simpler way of doing it give it to a lazy person.
Learning is a painful experience.

Love’s next door neighbor is hate.

I wonder if the reason ” Money Is The Root Of All Evil” has lasted so long is because there may be some truth to it!

The ability to amass vast sums of money in no way qualifies anybody to govern themselves.
Barry O’brien once said I use the “I” word to often in my Blogs.
Why are we always in a hurry to reach our destiny, isn’t that the end!
I have no problem bending over backwards to help someone, it’s the bending forward I’m tiring of.
Have you ever noticed the people who make the most money seem to be bitching all the time about how little they make.
Speaking of money, people generally use their biggest year as a normal year.
I don’t think I’ve ever met a person I couldn’t make laugh, but then again I never had a chance to meet Hitler. I have met some Radio people though whom I think could give him a hell of a run for his money.
To me Radio is a mere reflection of life but when I mention putting some of that on the air to some operators, I’m told that it’s not Radio enough.
Even dumb people listen to smart Radio but no smart people will listen to dumb Radio.
The only promotions you should ever do on a Radio Station are the ones the air talent came up with because they are the only ones they will ever really endorse. Right Jerry Bobo!
When Men get together the top 3 topics are Sex, Sports and Business but Reid Reker claims that now there are 4 topics. Sex, Sports, Business, and More Sex.
A creative person can beat a gifted person 9 times out of 10 because the gifted are generally pretty lazy.
A plan that features less work for the employees is usually endorsed and implemented almost instantly where as one that involves more work no matter how good it is, must be debated for weeks.
I was watching Michael Strahan on the Kelly and Michael show the other day where he was talking about seeing a screening of the new movie called “The Butler”. He listed all the great actors who were in the film so you can imagine my surprise upon seeing a trailer of it to discover there were also a bunch of white actors in the movie too.
Death is the only thing that makes life worth living.
Losing is the only thing that teaches you how to win.
Telling the truth is the only way to go unless it unnecessarily hurts someone. 
I think Barry is right, but I am getting better. I only used the “I” word 15 times in this Blog but unfortunately I had to use it 4 more times just to report that fact to you. 


6 thoughts on “LOVE & HATE !

  1. It is so wonderful to see a Father who espresses his love & admiration for his beautiful daughters. So many men never express their feelings for their children.

    • Jerry when we worked together at KVIL I discovered you were one of the smartest sales people I ever met so I had to keep my eye on you. As you probably know I hate, no detest may be a better word, Radio remotes. They take away the theater of the mind hugeness of radio and shrink it down to a lonely guy holding a mic in front of a tire store begging folks to come in and buy some tires. We as you know never did any remotes at KVIL which was one of the many things we didn’t do which were probably more responsible for our success than what we did do. Somehow after I left Fairbanks you managed to figure out how to get Ron Chapman to almost beg you to do some remotes when you got him that big ‘ol air conditioned studio on wheels. I know you only did it to make him happy(-: I as I did then, salute you. You are one of the best I was lucky enough to have worked with. geo

  2. 2 comments-
    money is a root of evil is often misquoted- “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.” 1 Timothy 6:10…
    it’s not money, but the love of money.
    And sadly at my age the top 3 topics me and my pals talk about are not Sex, Sports and Business… its evolved to recent “procedures”, what meds you’er takin’ and what doctors you are seeing.

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