You May Be Lunch!

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george-johns-photo-1Most good stuff comes from a bad place.

Radio like Disney works much better when you do it from the bottom up rather than the top down.

What did Shakespeare say again … Oh yeah! “The Play’s The Thing” but he also said “Kill All The Lawyers” Hey maybe he just misunderstood them. NOT!

I picked up Cami the other day to drop her off at a friend’s birthday party. As she approached the car I noticed she was wearing a nice dark blue wool dress but I also noticed you could see right through it. As she started to get in the car I said … Young lady I can see your underwear through that dress. She replied no you can’t and I said I am looking at it right now! Daddy you are not looking at my underwear you are looking at my Bathing Suit. Oh, OK, never mind!

I think I may embarrass my daughters about what I write on my my Blog because I write like a single guy. Wait a minute I am a single guy.
A lot of Woman I know are much better at receiving than they are at giving.
The truth is much easier to remember than a lie.
Is it just a coincidence that liar and survivor rhyme.
One of my happiest moments was after 13 straight years Cami finally told me she no longer wanted to go see the “Nutcracker”.
To have something you’ve never had means you are going to have to do something you’ve never done.
When I occasionally point out some of things Women expect to get away with simply because they are Women I am sometimes acussed of being sexist when in fact it may be them that are sexist.
Life is like walking against the wind. When you’re a Young Turk it feels like you are only walking into a gentle cooling breeze but as time goes by and you get older the same breeze appears to have taken on hurricane force.
We are all gifted at something but figuring out exactly just what that is, is a bitch!
Joasia is the type of Woman that strange things happen to her all the time. I advise her all the time that she should be a sidekick on the radio because all the host would have to do is ask her what she did last night and most of the show would be done. She reminds me a lot of Jo Myers in that area. The other day Joasia said when she was going for an important interview she suddenly realized she was about to run out of gas so she quickly pulled into a gas station and pulled up to the pump. After putting in her credit card she was about to reach for the pump when a Woman from one pump over said to her … You’re dressed much too nicely to pump gas, here let me do that for you.
Well they’ve changed the dress code for the bartenders at Duffy’s again, no shorts and no cleavage shirts. Hey a guy can only watch so much sports!
Would you rather receive a dollar from everyone who listens to Radio or a dollar from everyone who doesn’t.
I find the toughest morning teams to coach are married couples ’cause there is no sexual tension.
Not letting anybody see you sweat is a good goal, not sweating is an even better one.
When I first moved to America I figured I must of lived a sheltered life because everywhere I looked where signs that read … This way to Tom’s famous this, Murphy’s world renown that, Bob’s World famous etc. etc. and I’d never heard of any of them.
If you’re the only one not at the luncheon meeting you are probably lunch!
My favorite meetings are my meetings.
The golden rule continues to be … He with all the gold makes all the rules.
The more successful you become the more you tend to stop doing the things that made you successful.
Santa Clause told me the reason why he was so Jolly is because he is a giver. He claimed unhappy people were all takers. Wait a minute I am Santa Clause and I’m not that happy.
The clue to knowing whether a Man or a Woman wrote a particular novel is in the sex scenes. If written by a Woman they usually last less than a page, if written by a man it goes on for a chapter or two.
The people whom I see smoking really don’t look like they can afford to do so.
There are no rewards or punishments only consequences.
It Takes 3 types of people to create a successful business … A Dreamer, A Business Man and A Son-Of-A Bitch. Radio seems a little top heavy in the latter at the moment.
What you say is 40% of communication but how you say it is the other 60%.
It is said that Women control 81% of the spendable income so if true I figure America’s debt is theirs. So the rest of us can stop worrying about it and grab a beer and just watch some more football
Your freedom of speech ends at the front door of the building where you work but your human rights end right at the tip of my nose.


14 thoughts on “You May Be Lunch!

  1. It was the same when I lived in the States – it was the biggest, the best, the greatest, usually an exaggeration so it would be a bit of a disappointment.

  2. Radio top heavy in S.O.B.s? That’s why I got out over a decade ago. I still, however, appreciate hearing good talent. One observation: When a morning team talks to each other all the time, not engaging the listener, I punch out fast. Whatever happened to the magic word: You?

  3. “A lot of Woman I know are much better at receiving than they are at giving.”

    Hate to day this but those are the type women you attract with that machismo attitude, George.

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