Women Will Almost Do Anything!

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IMG_11592013! Time to get back to work on my all important research project entitled “What Do Women Really Want”and how do I get it on the Radio. As you can see I’m still using the George Burns technique of “One on One” focus groups.

If it’s true that all Women are exactly the same and only look different. You might as well get a pretty one to do your research with.

If  a special lady becomes your whole world and you need to keep her a part of it, you may want to consider making her feel like she’s living in heaven.

I’ve discovered there is little Women wont do sexually as long as they don’t have to talk about it. I love talking about it because that’s the only way you get to relive it over and over again. Otherwise you soon need another Women. Hey I knew I would figure out why cheating was not our fault. (-:

People dream about what they want but if given a choice they always choose what they need.

Thinking about Angels always gives me a nice warm feeling and sometimes even more when I think about the ones who work the runway for Victoria’s Secret.

January 1st marks the first day of our long march towards the end of the world.

I wonder why it is that when a Man falls in love his life begins to resemble hers. Wouldn’t it would make more sense if the reverse were true Men laugh a hell of a lot more than Women do.

Speaking of laughter when you see a group of Men together they always seem to be laughing where as a group of Women mostly seem to be serious and upset about something.

Speaking of Men most of them speak four languages, the one that they speak when there are absolutely no Women present, the one that they speak when Women are near by, the one that they speak when Woman are sitting with them and the one that they speak when their Mother and/or Daughters are sitting with them.

Most Men on their deathbed have two regrets. (1) They didn’t spend enough time with their family. (2) They didn’t take advantage of every opportunity they had to make love.

I think I may have become the new “Scam Buster”. So far I have busted three beautiful ladies on facebook who were actually guys using some erotic photos of Women to lure lonely Men into corresponding with them. The next thing that happened was the sweet things had an emergency that popped up shortly after they explained how wonderful that first date was going to be. They of course used erotic intimate details to communicate this and they only needed a little cash to get them by until then. Next up were two guys who wanted me to be their secret shopper. All I had to do was buy things at specific stores which I got to keep and I got to use their money to do so plus they would pay me for my troubles. They overnighted me a check to me for almost $2500.00 which started my suspicions, I mean who the hell sends some a couple of thousand dollars with out talking to them or meeting them. I was to spend $50.00 of it at Wal-Mart, pay myself $200, then send the rest by moneygram to the next group of secret shoppers who lived in another state. They explained this had to be done quickly in order for me to get other lucrative assignments plus I also needed to write up a report about what I observed. I did a Radio show about this whole thing as it was all going on plus wrote a Blog that over 6000 people read as I stalled them with various reasons why I didn’t have time to send that moneygram just yet. They used extreme pressure by e mail and texts but faded away quickly when I told them the Bank told me something was wrong with the check. Sure enough in a few days the check bounced but seeing as I hadn’t used any of the money I was only out 12 bucks for the returned check fee. Well worth it for the fun I had!

Fame & Fortune are achieved one at a time.

They tried again this year but as hard as they try there will never be such a thing as a Rock&Roll Christmas.

Personalities are Personalities and Dee Jays are Dee Jays. But then again Dee Jays work cheaper so they are very hot right now.

Even the shrewdest business man can not stay focused when a beautiful Woman walks in the room.

When I first got into Radio it was so exciting that I actually hated the weekends. On the weekends I got to be a normal person and do normal things, why would I want to do that.

If all AM’s had half a million watts I’m pretty sure that would solve most of the technical problems they have.

To be happier you need only to worry about the things you can control and ignore the res.t But that of course means you have to ignore Women and they don’t take kindly to that.

As Aristotle once said, “A is A” or Truth is Truth. Our perception of the truth may be the reality we live in but it still does not make it true.

The way ratings work with the diary system is first you have to get them to listen (phantom cume) next you have to get them to like you enough to remember they listened, this is where the ratings begin. Finally you get them to love you because that’s where most of the ratings come from. With PPM the phantom cume gets measured which is the good news, the bad news is … It turned out that the folks who love you didn’t really listen as much as they thought they did, but it’s still where most of the ratings come from.

Radio’s ratings consist of the listening habits of passive people but is mostly programmed and sold by assertives.I wonder how thats working out for everyone.

I wonder why most comedians are left handed. Maybe I should consider telling more  jokes!

14 thoughts on “Women Will Almost Do Anything!

  1. George, I am in no hurry to leave this life — as I know you aren’t. But some day, many years from now, I intend to have a word with whoever makes out the seating chart at dinner parties in Heaven. I wanna make sure you end up at the same table with Sigmund Freud.

  2. have programmed a 10oo kw am station the big issue is night time interference from 500 kw am stations in other countries..yeah it works sort of..
    also worked with 500 kw hf stations..and the infamous radio moscow..power yeah..interference lots of it..plus one other fun thing the sun craps and you lose the signal during a solar flare..

  3. Your knowledge and observations of women are exceeded only by Heffner. While your radio programming acumen is exceeded by none. I loved everything about this edition except I don’t know which “George Burns” you are referring to;)

    • Thanks for checking in Bobby. A long time I remember reading that the Radio George Burns came up with a new focus group technique called One On Ones I thought I would rip it off. (-:

    • Sometimes it may be wise to work ahead Bill because eventually they stop doing most of what it was that got you hooked in the first place. I find this to be a a form of deception which allows us to also be deceptive wouldn’t you think?

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