Women Have Better Sex Lives!

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If I owned a Radio Station in Dallas I would be spending most of my waking hours trying to figure out how to get HOF Ron Chapman back on the air because by the next day not only would I be the most dangerous broadcaster in town but well on the way to becoming one of the richest also.

Speaking of Stars the thing that Apple brought to the world that is so different than most companies including Show Biz and Sports is … Apple makes it’s customers the Stars.

Hey nice to see LeBron finally Manning up!

Some weekends are just great but others are mind boggling. Wow!

I have found that on some women a $20 dress looks like a million bucks on others it sadly looks like it came from Goodwill.

Jack McCoy told me a long time ago that whomever pays for the research always does well in said same research. It’s magic!

Having recently attending the CKY reunion in Winnipeg with Jim Hilliard it was fun to hear how many people were influenced by Jim during his year and a half in Winnipeg. Jim had no idea he had started a ground swell nor did he know most of the people who came up to thank him. Jim was the PD at CKY- AM and they were board ops on the FM who went on to not only change Canadian Radio but to run it too.

In 1968 I was a production board op at CKY in Winnipeg. In 1972 I was the Station Manager of CFTR in Toronto which for some unknown reason seemed pretty normal to me back then. Now I wonder … Just How The Hell Did That Happen!

Most Women have much better sex lives than Men because they are usually getting much more of it than they want.

Remember back in the day when not liking The Beatles made you appear very hip.

The Government puts a lot of pressure on the private sector to match the ethnicity of the population with their staff. I would suggest that they should look into doing the same.

The only cure for a Woman is another Woman.

As my Daughters were growing up I went out of my way to make sure they were never afraid of me like I was of mine. I think I may have gone a little overboard because now I’m sure I appear slightly wussy to them.

Speaking of my Daughters Cami who made the Honor Roll as she moves on to the 11th grade told me that my fear of this being one of our last vacations together may be true but it definitely wasn’t the last.

Speaking of Cami she was kind enough to take me to my favorite restaurant for Fathers Day which is called Moe’s. Funny thing is its her favorite also.

On the way to our Fathers Day dinner we got to talk to Cami’s sister on the phone. Life is real good!

I read somewhere that Dads are now just guys who now carry pictures where their money used to be.

I’ve always only cared about what the listeners wanted and not much about what management wanted. Wow am I out of step with today’s radio style or what.

Of all the people I know I still think I’m the most complicated person I have ever met.

Nude pictures of various beautiful women are wonderful, but nude pictures of women you actually know are priceless.

Who is going to tell all the pro athletes that listening to their i pads all the time looks and is a little jive now.

17 thoughts on “Women Have Better Sex Lives!

  1. “whomever pays for the research always does well in said same research. It’s magic!”

    now that applies to the ratings…..

  2. Truism attributed to a NYC taxicab driver: “Women love the men that they love most. Men love the women that love them the most.”

  3. George-
    In TV, everybody did research, but with different companies doing the field work of course. What happens there, is each station is led to believe their “consultant” has the magic answers, which come with additional consulting and fees, to “fix” what the research found was deficient. Then you need to roll out another research to measure the fixes. Can you say “worthless scam?” Try arguing with one of these “audience experts” about the construction of the questions you want in the research, instead of the cookie cutter they want to charge you for! When the ratings came back and you were rocking’, contrary to the consultants research findings, the line we heard
    “well the field sample must have been flawed.” Yea, right!!

  4. Jimmy Darin inspired me long before he arrived in Canada to become Jim Hilliard.. His “March of the Garbage Cans” was a favorite bit from KNEW (later to become KJRB) Spokane. About 1963-ish.

    • Bobby I used to have a tape of Jim when he was on KNEW with all that stuff. He brought a lot of it to Winnipeg in late 63 including a live hanging on the air. He was Jimmy Darin the whole time he was there and left to become the morning man in Indy as Jimmy Darin also. When he moved to WFIL in Philly he came off the air and returned to his real name Jim Hilliard.

      • About that same time KNEW also had Larry Lujack doing nights. He was a big deal in town of course, and everybody knew when they saw him because he drove a (’57?) T-Bird… the model that featured the port hole windows.

        • The great story about Larry is Jim had to fire him. The station had just got a new client on the air which was a Volkswagon car dealer and Larry had to do the spot live. He couldn’t resist saying that he thought the car dealer was probably just a front for Hitler who according to Larry was hiding in South America. The spot was hilarious but the car dealer was of course freaking out so Jim had to bring Larry in and tell him he can’t do that. Next night same thing now the car dealer is threatening to sue so Jim had to fire him.

  5. Re: Research – Sounds like Tom is right on.
    Seems Jim Hilliard was always decisive & knew where he was headed, how to get there,& who he needed to get there.
    In 72 as Manager of CFTR, you had way too much fun getting there to wonder how it all happened in such a short time.
    Don’t understand comment re: Sex lives – how does getting more than you want make it better … yes Geo. you are complicated, but maybe not quite as much as you think.

  6. Complicated?
    George I think at your (our) age the appropriate term is “Confused”.
    Regards to your lovely daughters…

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