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10258718_10152793461954307_6034946093477561183_n10485379_10152915806434307_4869202926633550530_nShortly after quiting school my Father told me that now I needed to get a real job even though I was making pretty good money playing with The Jury because according to him though the men in the Johns family don’t play guitar for a living, they work. I never seemed to be able to find a decent job so my Father who knew everyone would always find one for me mostly because he didn’t care if I liked the work or not. I ended up working at a lot of different places including becoming the assistant manager of Loomer lanes in Transcona even though I didn’t bowl. One day I happened to notice that someone was looking for a GM for a bowling alley that was under construction which was also going to have it’s own poolroom. Now pool I know about after having gotten my education while hanging out at one everyday after school.
The owners appeared to be very interested in me and because the job paid over double what I was currently making my folks were ecstatic. I was getting married in less than a year and they thought this job definitely fit the lifestyle of a married man better than the Rock & Roll train I was presently on. The only hitch with the whole deal was that I had to be a certified bowling instructor in order for them to even consider offering me the job so I attended a special bowling school where I aced the test which made me an official certified bowling instructor (pictured). While I was waiting around for the GM’s job to come open Mark Parr managed to get a part time job at CKY radio but it only paid a dollar an hour but I quit my job at Loomer Lanes anyway which my folks were OK with because of the big GM’s job coming up. I only had one problem, I fell in love with radio so when the brass finally called to offer me the GM’s job, my Mother cried when she overheard me turn them down by saying that I was sorry but I had just started my new career as a “radio guy”.

The bigger the problem the bigger the opportunity.
Attention to detail ain’t gonna save your ass if the philosophy’s wrong.
Brent Farris claims that the words ‘as we all know’ are usually followed by something you didn’t know just as all the words that come before the word ‘but’ don’t mean much.
Most people usually rank themselves a little higher in the pecking order than they actually are.
You can’t change everything but you definitely can change what you think about everything.
I was advised at Cami’s orientation at USF that when Cami called home to complain about the fact that there was nothing to do on campus just tell her to participate in one of the 12, 321 different events going on at USF
Speaking of USF, Cami is going to go through a lot of culture shock in a very short time and one of them is Wellington where she lives has a population 58, 000 people and USF has 67, 000.
It’s perfectly OK to look back at your past now and then just to make sure you aren’t making the same mistakes and it’s also OK to take a peek at the future so you know where you are going but most of your time needs to be spent in the present because that’s all you get to deal with.
Nothing is too loud if you’re the one making the noise.

Now let me see if I’ve got this right, the Jews in America are viewed as being very liberal but the ones in Israel are viewed as being right wing extremists. How does that work.
I recall after moving to San Diego I took group skiing lessons at Copper Mountain in Colorado on a radio station trip out of Houston with John and Marsha Dew. I was very proud of the fact that I was the only one in the group who hadn’t fallen yet until the instructor came over and told me that I would never learn to ski until I fell. Oh you mean like life!
What % of Americans do you suppose give a f**k about the well being of Muslims. I would hazard a guess that it’s probably the same % as care about the name of the football team in DC.
After watching the World Cup I realized that none of these guys could make it in hockey because if you can’t get the shot on a net that large you would look like a fool trying to score on a hockey net.



  1. Keep them coming ,George. Great stories about growing up and facing life especially with a young family.We just got back from Seattle at a Music Jamboree, played and met some guys tat played with Carl Perkins, The Crickets and many more too much to mention,none-the less three days of fun and music. Take care Bro.

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