Radio Geo’s Media Blog (What’s Wrong with This Picture?) Under Construction.

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Quite ​a few years ago, now my brother Reg and I, along with financial guy Bill Yde, became partners in a company called Fairwest.
Fairwest, which had offices in Dallas, Indianapolis, and La Jolla, syndicated several radio formats, including Class FM, Continuous Country, and Music of Your Life.

Things were going so well back then that when Bill propped me up in front of some money guys in Indianapolis, we managed to raise enough cash to buy a couple of radio stations.

Unfortunately, because we only owned 49% of the stock and even though things were going very well, they quickly began to go south. 
Our only way out of the deal was to sell the radio stations.

Shortly after that, we all decided to go our separate ways.
Brother Reg created a company called M2O that used databases to target those who like to participate in surveys.
He called it the rewards program, and it went worldwide.

Bill Yde started a company called Global Traffic, which was aptly named because it also went global,
Me? Oh, I went back to consulting and coaching some of the better air talent into the Hall of Fame.

So here’s my dilemma: In 1972, I created the first-ever Adult Contemporary Music Format, which became so popular that it, too, went around the world.
Unfortunately, though, only my partners, Bill and Reg are rich and I ain’t; what’s wrong with this picture? 🙁


So, if your child was ever kidnapped and you knew who did it, would you let the police handle it?

Men marry for one reason: love. Unfortunately, women have several different reasons; I’ve alerted my Grandson.

Speaking of women, except for my daughters, I’m suspicious of their intentions.

Speaking again of women, the female Bots on Facebook must be in heat; I’ve never had so many friend requests.

All I know is that in the bars I hang out in, the left and the right both are asking, “What the hell are we still doing in the desert?

Being rejected is more about your words than you.

Nobody has the right to loot or burn.

Does anybody know what happened to Anthony Brown?

Opportunity always follows disaster.

Radio: too much business, not enough show.

The only thing I knew a lot about was radio, and I only had opinions about other stuff. Now I only have opinions about everything.

The key to immortality is living a life worth remembering.

When was the last time you heard these words? The reason I became a religious leader was because I got the calling. Or how about I became a politician because I wanted to serve the public, or I became a policeman to protect folks?

Failure to recognize possibilities is disastrous.

In most of the world, bottled water is a necessity, but here in America, it’s a status symbol. Strange.

Bad noises always drown out good ones.

I still think there should be more NHL teams in Canada. Hey, it’s the only team sport that Canada is world-class at.  I don’t care what Mr. Businessman says; you can’t tell me that a team in Hamilton wouldn’t kick ass.

Here’s a flash: the people who wear a PPM device do not represent the listening habits of America. They only speak for 7% of the population.

Every time you purchase anything now, they want you to do a survey. As they’re that desperate, don’t you think we should be rewarded?

I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say this, but I think white people are musically hipper than black folks. We like all kinds of music, but they only like black music.

Not to worry, the world’s not out to get ya; hell, it hardly knows you exist.

After watching the documentary about June Carter Cash, I can only hope that my grandson is lucky enough to find the kind of love June had for Johnny.

Learning ain’t easy; it’s kinda like stumbling around in the dark.

Do you find it as strange as I do that you never hear, “He/She is the first Asian American to accomplish that feat.” Now, either they don’t do anything worthy of mentioning, or we don’t pander to them as we do other races.

Yep, I agree; privileged white males fucked up a lot, but they also accomplished some good things. I would venture to guess that the good far outnumbered the bad. 


Bruce Walker: Glad to hear that your pain has subsided. Laurie is in rough shape right now, but we are hoping it will clear up two operations later. (Stabbing Me)
Geo: My pain level used to be an 8/9, Bruce, now it’s a 4/5, so we’ve got some work ahead of us. My best to Laurie.

Hugh Whaley: Geo, the comment by the KOGO rep firm president surprised me. When I was living in San Diego in the mid-to-late 70s, KOGO was my “go to” radio station. It had Ernie Myers mornings, Bill Moffitt middays and Ken Copper PM drive. Plus Padres games (maybe the Chargers too; I can’t recall). KGB and KCBQ probably beat them in the ratings for 18+, but KOGO was quite a popular station as I recall. I don’t know what happened after I left in late 1977. Was the rep firm you met with the same rep firm KOGO had in the mid-to-late 70s? (Big Tits)
Geo: When I got there in ’81, Hugh, the stuff you listened to was long gone; all they had left was a great signal.

Wendy Holmes: Good to know that you’re feeling better, Geo, and great to know that you’re such a brave soul!! (Stabbing Me)
Geo: Thank you, Wendy; however, I didn’t feel like a brave soul; I was terrified.

Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, Religion, and Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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