What Ever Happened To Linda . (Blog for the week of March 23/15)

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A few months ago I went back to Indianapolis for good friend Cris Conner’s induction into The Radio Hall Of fame. At the ceremony they also had the awards presentation for the best Radio and TV commercials and promos for the year and as I sat there listening to them all, I remember thinking that had I allowed any of that stuff on the air Hilliard would have fired me.
Good programming makes a good radio station but a great premise makes a great radio station.
It doesn’t matter if your in a PPM or Diary market, most ratings still come from the people who are listening rather than just hearing.
I hear that the new programming rule in radio is that if you’re not in the top 3 in your targeted demo you were fired. Hell I remember thinking if I wasn’t #1 I was fired.
Hey here’s a crazy idea, what if radio people had a script when they went on the radio. I think if they did they may have a shot at earning as much as the rest of the people in Showbiz who do have one.
Have you ever noticed that you don’t ever have to explain to someone who the real boss is.
How come the real boss is never the person who claims they are.
Hearing from a woman you adore … Hey but we still can be friends is like hearing from the Veterinarian that even though your dog just died you can still keep him.
Speaking of women you’d rather not be friends with, what ever happened to Linda Tripp.
The notion that driving down a dusty rural road is a great experience exists only in a Country Song.
I wonder if Candis and Cami ever tire of me telling them how proud of them I am.
Sometimes when watching football I can’t help but wonder if any of the coaches ever attended college.
Creativity is not taught in schools but if you have hopes of becoming successful you better learn it.
Tests have proved that people work a lot harder when their attitude is somewhere between disgusted and dissatisfied. How disgusting is that.
Out of the 7 billion people who live on our planet a mere 13 of them look like Victoria’s Secret Angels. How much do you think that gig should pay.
Steve Jobs claimed that it was his job to show the consumers what they really wanted rather than doing some research and having the consumers tell him what they wanted.
Henry Ford said if he listened to the research he would have wasted his whole life just trying to figure out how to get horses to run faster.
Most of the people who read USA Today are just out of towners or Radio DJs.
Do you think there is anybody in Congress that is qualified to be the CEO of Apple if the job should become available.
Don’t you wish you had a peek at the line by line budget that Congress is always arguing about. I’m sure it would be fairly obvious what has to go.
There is a big difference between rich people and the wealthy, one of them is the government’s not afraid of rich people.
The Republicans and Democrats bickering over the debt is like two drunks arguing over the bar tab as the Titanic goes down.
Now that he is gone how long do you suppose it will be until when I google myself I won’t have to see … Do you mean George Jones.
Freedom is definitely not free.
Why is that the folks you care about are taken too soon where as the ones you don’t care about seem to hang around forever.
I was just reading somewhere that America has the richest people on earth but if that were true they would be helping the rest of us out. Not!
I like that the politicians know that we have the right to bear arms.
The way to make big bucks is have the ability to do something that very few people can do.
Just because someone is too expensive doesn’t mean they’re not worth it.
Women are much more financially oriented than men, hell we just spend most of ours on them but come to think of it so do they.

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2 thoughts on “What Ever Happened To Linda . (Blog for the week of March 23/15)

    • The 3 rules I learned about writing from Vic Gold before I even contemplated writing were …
      (1) Make the reader see what you are saying
      (2) It’s always good to have someone who actually reads you
      (3) Publish or Perish
      Well I publish myself and obviously read it so the way I figure it is two outta 3 ain’t bad.

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