Trolling For Tramps & Tramping For Trolls

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Wow! We recently did a wonderful cruise down the inter coastal with a bunch of former WRMF folks aboard Paul Cavenaugh’s immaculate yacht Pizzaz. During the 5 hour cruise my job was to make sure Lindy Rome, Too Tall Hall, and Robin Garret didn’t take off their tops so we could live up to the pristine image of the legendary WRMF which Russ Morley and I originally launched in West Palm a way back in 1979. Unfortunately I did too good a job.

If I was the Miami heat I would want some money back from LeBron and Wade.

Wow how sad, Donna Summer and the Miami Heat both die on the same day.

Men go out at night practicing the age old art of “Trolling For Tramps” Divorcees it seems have now caught on to this and have begun to practice the brand new art of “Tramping For Trolls”

There’s an old saying that for the best results always treat a lady like a whore and a whore like a lady. The tough part is figuring out which one your dealing with.

Unless he’s Gay I don’t think there is such a thing as a Guy friend for Women.

Women forgive but they don’t forget … It’s the exact opposite for Men.

It used to be that if you weren’t overly ambitious your best shot was a government job. Wages were terrible but the benefits were great. If you were assertive and ambitious the private sector was the place to be. Not a lot of benefits there but a shot at the big money.
Now we find out they have been sneaking up those government wages over the years using our money and also making the benefits even more spectacular. Now government employees make more money than most folks and also have “bennies” but are still pissed about something. I’m now going to recommend to my Grandson Nathaniel that he get a job with the government when he graduates, they have unlimited funds and we could sure use some upgrades. I’m so tired of no service. I mean have you been to the DMV or Post Office lately.

The first lie of the day begins with a woman putting lipstick on.

I understand in Canada that same sex marriage has been legal for a long time but not that many do it. I figure it’s because they already have so called “free” health care.

I think Daughters become the new Mothers in your life.

I remember Jack Schell telling me that back in the day his Uncle used to own a bar in Texas. Behind the bar he had a switch that turned off the Juke Box because his competitors would stuff it with money and punch up the flip sides of all the hits. Whenever he heard two songs in a row that he wasn’t familiar with he would shut down the Juke Box because he knew his Bar was soon going to be empty. The reason I even bring this up is because I think Duffy’s competitors have hacked into their music system. I am no longer familiar with most of the music playing now and there is for the first time there is lots of room at the Bar.

America consumes 80% of all the pain killers made in the World. I guess it’s not as much fun living here as we think.

Early in my consulting career Frank Osborn hired me to team up with GM Jack McSorely and fix K101 in San Francisco. Frank told me the way it worked was if I didn’t see him very often it was because we were doing a good job. I got along with Frank and Jack real well but I don’t think the owner Bob Price liked. K101 did real well fairly quickly so I seldom saw or heard from Frank. I got a rare call from Frank one day thanking me for all my help but he was also calling to say goodbye because he was leaving the company to start his own group. The next call I got was from Bob Price saying … Now that your buddy is gone it gives me great pleasure to fire you.
Hours later he offers Frank’s job to Jack McSorley but Jack says he will do it only on the condition that he can have me help with all the stations. Back I go on the payroll only now it’s for even more money which must have made Price crazy. Things were going real well until Jack also decides to leave and start his own company just like Frank did so Price says the hell with it all and puts San Francisco, Detroit, Nashville and Albuquerque up for sale. I’m sure I was the first person he calls to inform me of his decision and of course once again relieve me of my duties. Guess what … He sells his company to my long time good friend Jim Hilliard who told him in no uncertain terms there is no way he was going through with the deal unless I was there keeping the stations on track. Back on the payroll I go again but Price and his Lawyers start running up the fees so Jim walks.
Can you say it with me … Your Fired! Next Frank Osborn who was doing real well with his group steps up and makes a deal to buy Price’s stations.But he tells Price unless I’m rehired he wont move forward on the deal so Price calls me back and says I don’t know what you’ve got on all these guys but once again I’m forced to put you back on the payroll. Bob Price fired me 3 times but I never missed one day of pay. Sweet!

Born Again Women it surprisingly turns out are sexy and very sexual.

Are only Christians Born Again?

OK let me check it again … Yep it’s still the same! The smaller the signal the more unique the programming must be.

A lot of people are exactly who they claim they’re not.

I think the opinions of people who pay income tax are very interesting but the others can go skip a rope!

How come when you get married there is no “Boys Night Out” but the “Girls Night Out” continues.

I’m going back to a Radio reunion in Winnipeg on the 24th of this month. CKY was where I started my my Radio career as a board op. They paid me for 3 hours a day but I hung around the station for at least 15. Can you imagine anybody doing that today.

I think Arbitron is acting like spoiled little brats leaving non subscribers out of the ratings we see.

Most of the folks who run radio today already know they are fired. They just don’t know the exact date of their termination so they spend most of their days making cuts to try and delay that moment. Soon the only thing left to cut will be them and Radio will head into bankruptcy and the new era will begin.

Doug Herman told me that Irish Soccer great George Best once said he spent 90% of his money on Women and Drink, the rest he wasted. It must run in the George’s.

I think Facebook beats Radio in delivering News that shocks you. Junior Seau for example.

OK the survey is complete now most woman don’t watch Football. Yesterday my friend Reid Reker was walking through Bally’s Casino in Vegas with his date when all of a sudden she says Oh Wow! Look who that is. Reid looks up to see Jerry Rice probably one of the best Football players of all time wandering around the casino. Reid’s date hurries over to him and says to him … Weren’t you on “Dancing With The Stars” He smiled and said yes I was but I also played a little Football.

6 thoughts on “Trolling For Tramps & Tramping For Trolls

  1. George, what you don’t get is what women call guy friends are simply guys we like to hang out with but for whatever reason, there is no sex involved. Trust me though, the reasons for no sex being involved may be what men like you can’t handle!

    It was indeed a great cruise down the Intracoastal… completely a magical day (yes, still magical without sex being involved) !

    • You missed my point Robin all women think they have what they call guy friends but they don’t unless the guy is Gay. Guys aren’t looking for Women friends hell they don’t even watch Football why would we want one of those.(-:

  2. George, ALL MY FRIENDS ARE MOSTLY MEN, such a lie and it is so wrong to judge EVERYONE…I think your jealous because NO ONE WANTED YOU and your dogging woman for it…”Guys aren’t looking for Women friends hell they don’t even watch Football why would we want one of those.(-:” a freaking LIE. I hang with guys to watch football, I worked promoting a NFL Football team. You are profiling folks and being really a mean person doing it. When you stop looking at others the way you do, you may realize your rose colored glasses are not working. Look in the mirror, your an old man, not that attractive and probably, short, so what do you have to offer??? Look in the mirror man, the picture isn’t as pretty as you think it is and add your comments to that, really ugly in my view…

    • That was fun Kat thanks for the read(-: But I think you still missed my point. Women as smart as they are or dumb like a fox have no idea if a man is hanging around as a friend or for some other reason. (Things are what they are and may not be what we want them to be) Aren’t you being a little over sensitive to just a one liner observation, makes one wonder why. (-:

  3. First of all, thanks to everyone who made it to the WRMF/WJNO reuinion cruise. It was totally my pleasure, if only to demonstrate for just a moment in time, this incredibly wonderful way of life. To share it for an afternoon with such talented and really nice people made it even better.

    Based on the responses above George, the one thing you’ve learned about women for sure, is how to ignite their passions! It looks like you sure did it this time…again! I think, that right about now, you’ve got as many female fans as Rush Limbaugh! Next, we’re all going to have to put up with another one of your long, drawn out apology blogs!

    Hey, why are so many people so hung up on the gay issue?

    For better AND worse, I’ve been lucky enough to spend the past 19 years with somebody I really like, and get along with. (And likes Boats and Football)! Simple as that! What a concept! However, the fact that we’ve never been unable to file a joint tax return, or establish any other couples rights, with some form of legal legitimacy, is the whole matter. We can’t even get a multi-car discount on our insurance from State Farm! It has nothing to do with the Bible, Religion, or the “sanctity of marriage”! The extremists on both sides have clouded a real simple issue here.

    I happen to relish my straight female friendships. Same with my straight and gay male friends. It’s the person and the personality that I enjoy. To allow sex to get in the way would ruin it for both. I find the biggest stumbling block is usually amongst my straight male friends, who seem to somehow fear, deep down, that I’m gonna “put the moves” on em! Which couldn’t be further from the truth. Yuck! Wrong Species! It must be those performance issues you guys worry about. OK…if Justin Beiber shows up…I’ll wander!

    If you want to get laid more often George, you need to move into a large 55 plus community. It happened to my Dad a number of years ago, a couple of years after my Mom suddenly passed. He was the new single guy! From the day he moved in… It was 20 horny widows to every available widower! There were some pretty hot old babes knocking on his to door to drop off cookies! Since no one had to drive home, the afternoon “cocktail events” became drunken pick-up parties! He said he never had so much action in his life!

    Down at the condo pool these days, There is no more Perry Como Music. The radio’s are now tuned to the Gater and Majic 102.7. And they smoke dope once in a while too!

    • Not new territory for me Paul, women always seem mad at me even the ones I continue to send money too. But I love them all anyway. They are a big mystery to most men but I have studied them for a long long time. I guess they don’t like me writing or talking about the not so good things I have found out about them. One must continue his mission though so I will forge on. Good stuff as usual Paul.

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