Radio Geo’s Media Blog. (Tits) New 3/24/24

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When I was about to turn forty, I walked away from the best-ever V/P of programming at Fairbanks Broadcasting.
Only the demons who were guiding me understood the reason.

So, there I was, one warm summer evening in Carmel, Indiana, having a glass of wine out by the pool with my wife, Lana, when I dropped the bombshell, “I’m moving to California.”

Living in California has been a dream of mine since I was a kid, so when Lana said, “WHAT?” I said,, “If not now, when?”
She responded, “I’m tired of following you around, so I guess you’re going to California by yourself. (Lana and I are pictured on top)

Once in California, I planned to start my own consulting company. so when the Shadek family hired me to be their on-site consultant at KOGO and KPRI, I moved to San Diego.
KOGO was doing a Jack McCoy creation called “The Radio Magazine, and KPRI was running the Lee Abrams’ Super Star format.

I loved the Radio Magazine concept, which I believe would work even better today with the help of AI.
Thankfully, KOGO started to get some decent ratings, so at some point, our president, Ed Shadek said to me, “George, our rep company, has invited us to New York to discuss KOGO’s future.

Okay, so along with KOGO’s Sales Manager, Ernie Kovacs, we headed to the Big Apple, where we checked into the beautiful Helmsley Palace.
What I love the most about the place is its huge bar, which is beautiful and appears centuries old making me wonder who else has sat at this bar having a late-night toddy over the years.

The next morning, after we met with the rep staff at their office and updated them about The Radio Magazine’s planned evolution, the president invited us to dine with him that evening.
After a few cocktails and a delightful meal, he invited us back to his place for a nightcap.

He, of course, lived on Park Avenue, and as I looked around at all the opulence, I couldn’t help but think, “Wow, this is sure a long way from Transcona Toto. ”
When I finally asked him, “Hey, we’re just a dinky little radio station in San Diego; why all the sudden attention?” I’ll never forget his answer. “You’ve got tits now!”

There it is, he nailed it; the problem with radio today is: It doesn’t have any tits.


@RayWhitworth: In regards to “WOKE.” Wisdom Optimism Knowledge Education. Rural whites are in a severe drought of this due to their limited education and gullibility. Affluent whites present them with an image with no substance and use manipulation on them. (Can’t)
Geo: Sounds scary, Ray.

@RandyKabrich: Hydrogen Cars: The issue starts with it being produced economically from Natural Gas, with the net result being just as much CO2 damage. No National/Worldwide Distribution system must be kept at -253C (near absolute zero, which is why rockets only fuel several hours b4 launch); it bleeds off as it goes higher in temp so you have no hydrogen left overnight, lower fuel range, need to refill more often and space required to store in a vehicle. (Geo’s Daily Life-Liners)
Geo: I think electric cars produce different but equally bad results, Randy.

@Dave Charles: America needs to find a candidate with global and domestic political experience who understands that today’s world is much more complex than ever. Who are those potential candidates? (Daily Life-Limers)
Geo: I agree, Dave, but as long as other countries want free money from America, I doubt she’ll change much.

One thought on “Radio Geo’s Media Blog. (Tits) New 3/24/24

  1. Gary Donohue: Radio still has ‘em’. But the corporate managers are amputating them daily. Firing the corporate c suite and top level management is the only way to stop the amputations and then we can “free the nipples.” (Tits)
    Geo: Yeah, I can’t even see any cleavage, Gary.

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