Geo’s Media Blog (This Isn’t For Publication, Right?) New for 6/28/21

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When I began writing Geo’s Media Blog in 2012, I’ve been asked several times, “Ain’t you outta copy yet?”

Since I began writing my blog, though, I have noticed a couple of things that have changed:
First of all, even though it’s written for men, surprisingly, some women are not only reading it, they’re leaving comments behind too. And secondly, whenever I have a conversation with anyone now, I’ll likely hear,
 “This isn’t for publication right?”

My blog which is about movies, music, radio, and life, has been very therapeutic because most of the stuff just pops into my head, and I need to get it out.
The short stories that begin the blog are usually about some of the unusual things that have happened over the years, whereas my Life-Liners are usually about things that are pissing me off today.

Speaking of my Life-Liners, as I said, I have no idea where they come from. Thinking that I must have read them somewhere, I did a plagiarism check and this is what came back, “These Life-Liners were plagiarized from a blog entitled Geo’s Media Blog @”
Now as I look back on some of the 858 blogs, surprisingly, I find myself disagreeing with a few of my musings, and I’m not sure if that means I’m growing or regressing.

Of course, none of this would mean anything if y’all didn’t read it, and I thank you for doing so.
With that in mind, next week, I’m going to start publishing my all-time most-read blogs beginning up with #10 and working my way to #1, Casey Kasem style.


Everyone wants to be the “Idea Guy,” unfortunately, though, nobody wants to be the all-important “Detail Guy” even though that position is responsible for almost 85% of the success or failure of a project.

The worse thing about the Can-Con rules back in the day was, the American media stopped believing the Canadian record charts. Speaking of Canada, when I moved to the US the thing that motivated me the most was thinking that If I wasn’t #1, I’d be deported.

Hey ladies, if your man makes over a half a million a year, he ain’t helping out at home.

How bogus are those “resort fees” the hotels are changing? You’d think that they’d be happy we’re back instead of ripping us off.

There are no more fearful words to a kid than a mother saying, “I’m gonna tell your Daddy.”

As I’ve asked before, “Has any great radio station gotten better after being purchased?
The latest appears to be K-103 who after 35 years of being #1 in Portland Oregon has slipped to #5. Surely they didn’t replace their legendary morning show with something cheaper?

As my friend Tom Skinner said recently, “I long for the days before consolidation. I’d have all the money and none of the expense with one great radio station.”

Family changes everything.

Feedback needs to be treated like a gift.

Who’s more generous, rich women or rich men? I know, stupid question.

Magic! Nobody believes in it, but everybody wants it.

You must earn the right to seduce a woman.

I support our troops but not those who sent them.

I love having access to all the stuff money can’t buy because it pisses off the folks with money.

Thank you and I’m sorry is never the wrong thing to say.

Is there anything more motivating than revenge?

There is no greater wealth than good health.

Why are most goverment projects late and over budget?

If a woman could cum in 3 minutes, would she seek therapy?

There’s no gray area; there’s only right and wrong.

A love-hate relationship lasts longer than most.

Why would you ever want to say goodbye? Au revoir says it best of all.

One must make new acquaintances in hopes of having old friends

Communication is everything.

When you hear, “Don’t worry,” worry.

Your imagination can take you anywhere you want to go.

Always trust your first instinct.

How the hell does any journalist win a Pulitzer today?

I think school should be open all year long with week-long breaks at Christmas, Easter, and Summer. There are very few stay-at-home Moms anymore, and I’m sure they would gladly share what they save on daycare, etc., with teachers.

The more freedom you have, the less security you have.

As I keep on saying, blind faith is just that, blind.

You can’t wait for life to get good before you get happy.

To be truly creative, one must lose their fear of rejection.

Finally, a Canadian team is in the Stanley Cup Finals. The surprise Montreal Canadiens will be taking on the Tampa Bay Lightning.


Ivan Braiker: Hey Geo, while you are in Seattle, give me a call if you have a few minutes to get together! I am off to Boston to visit my son this Tuesday, back in Seattle on the 24th.
Hope to see you! (Ridin’ The Rails)
Geo: Looking forward to introducing you to my Grandson, Ivan.

Margaret Mayer: Loved this Geo! Have a fabulous time college shopping with Nathaniel, and enjoy the train ride with Candis. (Ridin’ The Rails)
Geo: Thank you, Margarita, miss ya!

Geo’s Media Blog is an inside look at Radio, Music, Movies, and Life. For a sneak peek at some upcoming Blogs or to see some that you may have missed, go to Geo’s Media Blog @
On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Sharing and commenting are encouraged and appreciated.


5 thoughts on “Geo’s Media Blog (This Isn’t For Publication, Right?) New for 6/28/21

  1. Doug Herman: George, I had a pretty damned good career as the “detail guy” with my business partner and super “idea guy” Jack McCoy. Always enjoyed the challenge of figuring out how to “make it happen”. The position offers zero time in the spotlight, but a ton of satisfaction when a project takes flight.
    Geo: Without guys like you, Doug, no project would ever get off the ground.

  2. Kay Wright Dante aka the former Mrs. Chuck Riley: I must admit, I find myself looking forward to your blog. I love reading about the days of radio past, especially the names of those people in the business I had the pleasure of meeting. I’ve lost contact with so many over the years, but have managed to hang on to a few who are near and dear to my heart. Thanks for some wonderful memories, George,
    Geo: Thanks for the reads, KT.

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