Everybody’s Talking At Me!

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The late Magic Christian told me his idea of the ideal vacation was to spend it in an Iron Lung so he didn’t even have to breathe.

Don Bleu proved to me you could transfer TV fame to Radio.

Morning Man Jim Harper and a few others only became PD’s to protect their morning shows from PD’s.

I heard Bobby Cole do Pop Radio intellectually.

Brent Farris proved by working smarter you could go from where the station drags you along to where you are dragging the station

Robert Murphy told me he turned down a high paying gig in Dallas because there was no way he could love that city as much as Chapman did.

Mr. Fairbanks told me when you have a “Yes” leave the room because the only thing that can happen next is for “No” to show up.

Delliah showed Radio in general that not sounding Radio could be turned into million dollar bills.

Peter Proskurnik convinced me you could actually make a living from playing music.

George Derenchuk told me if I would give him 20 minutes of attention every day he would give me an “A”

Candis told me the real reason he gave me an “A” was because he was the only one of my teachers smart enough to do so.

Bill Taylor recently asked if I ever get tired of talking about myself.

Jim Hilliard told me he was giving me the right to be wrong but he didn’t give me the right to live with my mistakes.

Linda Stein told me … Never listen to anyone else about your romance, listen to your partner.

Embree McDermid proves a Woman can be sexy at any age.

Ken singer told me the way to happiness was to have a new Wife every decade.

Martin Milner at the last minute confessed he couldn’t go on the air with out a script.

Rick Moranis told me he couldn’t be the morning man on the Satellite show I was creating because he was now Bankable.

Randy Bachman told me he could teach me the music when he recruited me for The Guess Who but it was that other stuff I do that they really needed.

Gary Russell said there is only one way to get more billing, more sales people.

Randy Michaels told me when we met for the first time that he heard it was my Brother who was the smart Johns. I agreed with him but he recently told me that was just his poor attempt at humor.

Frank Osborn said a GM gets two PD’s a PD gets two books.

Hugh Heller said you don’t need to learn how to do a lot of things just do one thing really well and you can be very successful

Jim West told me not to let those sand dollars get in my eyes when I moved out to California. Hell the damn things almost blinded me.

My Daughter Candis convinced me the Art is just exaggerated emotion.

Jack McCoy claimed if you control the language you will control the budget.

 Buzz Bennett convinced me that if a record didn’t make it into the top 10 nobody would ever remember it.

Mr. Fairbanks told me he was selling KVIL because the bubble was going to burst. He was right but his timing was off a tad it happened 20 years later.

J. Robert Wood told me you have to demand ownership nobody was ever going to offer it to you.

Ted Russetti told me Women in their 30’s start to lose their appetite for new music.

My Daughter Cami kept me from becoming as old as I really am.

Barry Smith says sales has never been about the rate.

Mark Hubbard said you only have 3 shots at being successful … Be First, Be Best or Be Different!




12 thoughts on “Everybody’s Talking At Me!

  1. Mr. Fairbanks taught me how to drink 3 (or more) vodkas on the rocks and maintain my dignity.

    The Magic Christian taught me sometimes you have to drive to an air talent’s house and drag his ass out of bed.

    Shotgun Tom and Magic taught me that having dinner with the two of them and Wolfman Jack can cause extreme physical pain from laughing for 3 hours, especially when they all were speaking “Wolfman” at the same time.

    Jess Caine taught me to never leave your girlfriend’s phone number where your wife can find it.

    • Good stuff Bobby. I hear you on the driving to the talent’s house to get him. When I was a kid that was my job once a week. I had to go get Chuck Riley for the jock meeting.

      • I can hear his dissertation on how f@%ked it was that he had to attend a meeting and ‘listen to the same old shit” that didn’t apply to him in anyway, shape or form. Oh and complaints about the quality of the microphones, the processing, etc, etc, etc. Damn I miss him!

  2. Ah better living thru Chemistry..always had to make sure magic showed up for anything he was supposed to be involved with. Lots of fun..when Gillis couldn’t do it. Wonder how those to are getting along with Riley.
    After 35 years you’d think Tom K would have a better correct average in calling the dc weather but no one in this town does. And maybe that’s the secret.
    From my Fairbanks I learned how to drive a Mercedes cross country from Florida to Indianopolis..that was very cool considering I have a b grade come along for the ride.
    Mr Limehouse the manger of Fairbanks Groves taught me what to look for in good citrus and how you grow it.
    Still learning from NASA..

  3. Ron Chapman just told me today, “You and Mike (Michaeletta, my wife) enjoy every day. Things we take for granted can dissappear in an instant.”

    As always, great wisdom from my three time KVIL team mate.

    BTW, he also said “But for me, I’m fine.”

    Great news.

  4. Knew I should have become a weather guy..they are long lived..major tom’s been in one place for 35 years..in radio that’s a legend..now if only he could get the forecast right every now and then..

  5. I thought at first George’s eyesight was failing, but then I have noticed all the pretty young things he is pictured with … so I have decided he is just being kind to an elderly lady. In my mind, I don’t feel or should I say think old, but I am a realist & I do have a mirror, though I try not to look in it that often. If I had to choose being a knockout at my age or having my mind in reasonable shape – I would definitely choose my mind.

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