Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf) (new geo Blog for the week of Feb 20/17)

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I just got through reading my friend Tim Moore’s Blog (pictured, damn I wish I could write like him) anyway Tim said that nobody is successful without the help of others. He went on to say that there was no time like the present to thank those that helped you along the way. So with that in mind here I go…

George Darenchuk the only teacher to ever give me an “A” as he tried to encourage me to stay in school.

Peter Proskurnik who talked me into going to my first dance which forever changed my life.

My parentsSandy and Betty Johns who put up with a lot of loud band practices in our rumpus room over the years and didn’t freak out when I turned down the GM job at a brand new bowling to become a part-time board op at CKY.

Shayne who when I was in the 9th grade invited me to become a member of the “Devines” which jump-started my musical career.

Rolly Blaquiere who helped me start all those bands which eventually led to us getting a recording contract.

Jim Quail and the rest of the Transcona Nationalsk who taught me how great it felt to be part of a good team.

Bill Burdeyny who wrote about us in the Transcona News and gave me my first taste of fame which made me want to be somebody.

Mark Parr who tormented management until they gave me a radio job as a part time board op at CKY in Winnipeg.

Jim Hilliard who spotted me early on and not only has guided me for most of my life but is also my best friend along with his beautiful wife Barbara.

Chuck Riley who taught me what great production is all about.

Daryl “B” who along with Chuck Riley produced my first record and also got me promoted to Music Director of CKY.

George Dawes who hooked me up with CKOM in Saskatoon where I became a Program Director for the very first time.

My dear friend Gary Russell (RIP) who helped me become a real PD.

J Robert Wood who got me my first major market programming job at CFRA in Ottawa.

Ted Rogers and Keith Dancy who let me put an experimental format on CFTR which just happened to be in Canada’s largest market.

Roger Klein, Keith Elshaw and Sharon Henwood who made CFTR sound so good that it got me a job in America as a National PD.

All the “Hall of Fame” talent and those that should be who were on the air and in production at Fairbanks Broadcasting whom without I would be nothing.

Ed and Tom Shadek who made it possible for me to start my own consulting company plus get to realize my dream of living in California.

Jack McCoy who not only inspired me but gave me first shot at all his world class promotions.

Reg Johns and Reid Reker whom without there couldn’t have been a “Class” format.

Jim West who took “Class” national.

Bill Yde who got me into radio station ownership.

Bob Christy who not only has been at my side through many projects as a co-worker but has also been one of my closest and dearest friends.

Betsy Cameron who not only has helped me with many projects including getting me into my beautiful condo but is also one of my best friends too along with her husband Barry Smith.

Gordon, Tom & Brent at KZST who have kept me in wine for over 30 years. Thank you, guys!

And lastly but definitely not least my beautiful daughtersCandis & Cami who have been the inspiration which has kept me at it as long as I have by keeping me younger than my years.

Every successful entity has a secret.
The secret at KVIL was the elimination of Sex, Drugs, and Rock&Roll which we replaced with the celebration of women.
Free money never solved poverty.
In Canada, there are over 750 charitable organizations so you can only imagine how many there are in America not to mention the government who are also helping the poor. What I can’t figure out is how can there still be poor people.
I wonder what Trump and his ilk think about funding NPR especially when most of their content is anti his kind.

The Patriots never led the Superbowl but somehow managed to win anyway.

I think the worst liner that I ever remember hearing on the radio was years ago when I heard, “truckin’ down the highway with a heavy load of hits” on CKLW. That lame line has been recently been eclipsed though on WIRK in West Palm Beach with a produced liner that says … WIRK is so big and powerful that trains stop for us at railway crossings.

The only reason to have the finer things in life is because you really want them. Any other reason is just wrong.

The only revenge we fans get is watching all the bad attitude guys in pro sports being held out of the “Hall.” How strong are you feeling today T O.

If you don’t play the game you can’t lose but you can’t win either.

It wasn’t the Democrats who lost the election it was Hillary so give Trump a rest and rag on her awhile.

Speaking of Hillary is anybody checking to see where all those millions from the Clinton foundation went?

How can anybody defend any politician when all of them are so duplicitous.

Much more @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Feel free to share.

2 thoughts on “Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf) (new geo Blog for the week of Feb 20/17)

  1. George: Having been a manager of a Corporation for Public Broadcasting-member station (1998-2004) and working with many career public broadcasters, most have never contemplated the day when the U.S. Treasury would be so deeply in debt (Do you think $ 20-trillion is enough ?) that one of the tough choices would be to defund the C.P.B. (the member stations and P.B.S.: N.P.R. gets its money by charging for its news and programs to the C.P.B.-member stations). Every taxpayer pays about $ 1.10 per year to fund the C.P.B., but it adds up. I often wondered what choice most pubsters would make if the choice comes down to paying for subsidized health care for children and seniors (Medicaid) or funding public broadcasting. For me, there is no contest. If public broadcasting is to survive, it has to be self-sustaining, without the government dole. (I was proud that every year I managed WFYI Public Radio and was in charge of the station’s fundraising and expenses, the station earned enough that it could sustain itself without the annual C.P.B. station grant.) Most years, the station was the only positive cash flow department in the entire radio – TV operation.

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