Geo’s Media Blog (Tattoo You) 2/21/22

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Ok, so let me start out by saying that even though I bought my daughter her first tattoo, I’m totally against them. (See above)
The story that I wrote in a blog about why I bought my seventeen-year-old a tattoo is a tear-jerker entitled, “To Tat Or Not To Tat.”

Hey, I’m well aware that it’s not just biker chicks and pole dancers who get tattoos anymore; a lot of young ladies are getting them, but it’s much too permanent for me.

Anyway, a few weeks ago, while doing another “Bucket List” adventure, I received a phone call from her saying that her Mom was pretty mad at her and I would probably be too.
“Really,” I responded, fearing the worst. Cami then went on to say that she had just gotten a tattoo that depicted something very personal and memorable to her. (It’s a picture of her grandparents home see below)

My response was, “When I was your age, honey, I made all my own decisions; I rarely consulted my parents about anything.
It really doesn’t matter what I think,” I went on to say, “It’s only what you think and are willing to live with that counts. However, know this, no matter what, I will always love you.”


When you attempt to do something you’ve never done before, you begin to grow.

I’m all for women being equal enough to take care of themselves.

The only 30-year olds in a bar are the bad girls your daddy told you to stay away from.

I dislike politics because even though we, the people who voted the president into the Whitehouse, it’s some folks we never voted for who tell him what to do.

I see that Gwen and Blake got married over the July 4th weekend, huh? They must have finally talked the church into annulling Gwen’s previous marriage; I wonder how much that cost?

Why are our troops in the desert again, I forgot?

I think the songwriters should share their royalties with the performers.

Pretty quiet on the political scene lately. Haven’t they noticed the price gouging that’s going on? What are they doing, slow dancing?

I just finished watching Air force One starring Harrison Ford. I can’t imagine Obama, Trump, or Biden being that courageous.

If it’s all about supply and demand, how come wine isn’t 50 cents a bottle?

No man can ever be trusted to do something for the greater good because he will always put his family first.

If given enough time, most people will succeed or develop a decent excuse for why they didn’t.

You’re not measured by the kind of work you do; you’re measured by what you do when you’re not working.

When I was a PD, I used to get a breakout that showed where my listeners went when they left my station. This was all very exciting until I noticed that my biggest competitor was the off button.

Have you noticed that Uber became much more expensive as soon as they put taxis out of business? 

Does a Caterpiller know it’s going to become a Butterfly?

Unless you’re going to get your Master’s, college is just a waste of time and money.

Success is measured by how well you lived, laughed, and loved.

Being afraid of making a mistake keeps you from doing what you were born to do.

Sometimes the only way to get ahead is to leave the ones who “brung ya” behind.

Letting go of the past launches you into the future.

In the beginning, radio was national, then when TV hit, it went local until consolidation. Now it’s mostly regional and creeping towards national once again. How long until it’s international?

If you have to tell someone who you are, then you ain’t!

The problem with being a Centrist like me is, you get twice as many politicians begging you for money.

The best and worse thing that can ever happen to you is falling in love with a woman who is so beautiful that you never notice other women.

Rules are what make things interesting.


Ivan Braiker: I am looking forward to seeing you and meeting that special grandson! See you Sunday for brunch and the tour 🙂 (Special Bucket List Edition)
Geo: I’m very excited about the whole adventure, Ivan, and it will be fun to cap it off with you.

Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, and Life. For a sneak peek at some upcoming Blogs, or to see some that you may have missed, go to Geo’s Media Blog @ On Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio.Sharing and commenting is not only encouraged; it’s appreciated.
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3 thoughts on “Geo’s Media Blog (Tattoo You) 2/21/22

  1. Bruce Walker: What? The writer of the song only gets 12% of the Royalties on record sales and nothing for when the band makes a fortune playing concerts because of the song. Sometimes the record companies even rip off the writer by stealing the royalties or only paying them after the sale of so many records.
    I don’t think there’s a good story ever come out of the music industry, Bruce.

  2. Doug Herman: George, re your statement that “Unless you’re going to get your Master’s, college is just a waste of time and money”:
    A lot of the value of college, even without earning a Master’s degree, is who you meet as fellow students. In my case that included Roger Dodson, who got me my first “real” radio job and grew up to be a very key figure in RAB; John King, who, as an attorney in FCC practice probably kept us both out of jail, and Jack McCoy, who requires no introduction. I think that the tuition I paid to the University of Nebraska was very well spent. (Tatto You)
    Geo: That’s exactly what Harvard’s all about, Doug.

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