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So if God created the best things about California what the hell are all the taxes for.

The three things you can't take back are a bullet, your words, and a missed opportunity.

I just read that the best age to get married is between 28 and 32 so I must be off the hook.

Our brains like the smart girls, our dicks the pretty ones, but our hearts love the combination.

You can not explain nor teach understanding.

Being a Democrat or a Republican does not automatically make you stupid or smart.

Your reputation is decided by others.

Jim Hilliard once told that if he called out my name an I could hear him, the big money was already gone.

Do big companies think they have an obligation or a right to lie.

No action can quickly turn a good idea into a a bad one.

If you don't know what to do it's best to do nothing.

Sometimes with a small change in attitude on can change their whole life.

The more famous you are the less respected you become.

Being pussy whipped is understood but never respected.

The problem with trying to figure it all out is you become old doing so and all you figured out was that you wasted your time.

No woman feels so beautiful that she is confident that their husbands will not be attracted to other beautiful women.

Men fantasize about women they know whereas women fantasize about men they don’t know.

Women are like crock pots whereas men are like micro wave ovens.

The only things politicians are afraid of is the next election and guns which is a good thing.

The more talented you are the less local you have to be but if you're both you're unbeatable.

To be a huge personality on the radio you must be for all things that are good and be against all things that are bad.

Wise hosts always lure their guests into saying the things they can't say.

A great radio host is one who knows a little about a lot.

Neil Simon's play "Laughter On The 13th Floor" was about the end of manufactured humor.

Movies generally have two themes, an unfamiliar path leading to a familiar ending or a familiar path leading to an unfamiliar ending. Radio's two themes are background or foreground.

Anticipating which direction the money will flow next is what we should be thinking about.

A short trot down the aisle does not change love into unconditional love.

Systems can prevent you from losing but only talent can give you a shot at greatness.

I don't ever remember Michael Jordan talking about who was the greatest basketball player of all time because he already knows he was.

The “great one” Wayne Gretzky claims Bobby Orr was the greatest hockey player of all time because he changed the game, Wayne just just mastered it.

The thing about running that is so different than other sports is either you're running or you're not.

I wonder how long it will take until google stops asking me if I mean George Jones whenever I google my name.

You seldom see what you don’t expect to see.

Sad news to hear about the passing of Martin Milner. As a teen he was the one who made me yearn to drive a Corvette across America like he did each week on TV which by the way is still on my bucket list. I luckily got to work with Marty at KOGO in San Diego during the mid eighties where he was always the consummate pro, a delight to work with, and a wonderful guy.

Much more @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio


5 thoughts on “STUFF THAT I’VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT. (new for Sept. 07/15)

  1. George, I think you said this once when discussing whom WIBC should hire to replace the LA-bound Chuck Riley in late 1979, that a great radio host / personality attribute, in addition to knowing a little about a lot, is that he or she always asks more questions than makes proclamations…eternal and everlasting curiosity. Good questions tend to be shorter, thoughtful, wittier and are like little hooks to catch listeners.

    By the way, you should be a writer for Donald Trump. You say things those who are awake, aware and are likely to vote are thinking but afraid to say out loud. – Jed

    • Donald Trump doesn’t need good writers. He’s already figured out what a percentage of the population is angry about and simply shouts those things back to them from his podium. But, like any newbie, he really has no idea how to make government work for all.

      • Ken I think the thing is that all politicians have personal reasons for running for office and how government works for all is a way down the list.

  2. I had the pleasure of meeting Martin “call me Marty” Milner in the mid 80s. We were launching a gold standards format on KOMA-AM, and had a huge kick-off party for agencies. The first song on the format flip was Nat Cole’s Route 66. Marty was our host for the evening, we had a corvette identical to the TV one in the ballroom, and we’d bought the last of the Route 66 signs that were recently taken down by the state. Marty signed them and we gave them all away. Those mothers are heavy! Great times.

    • When we hired Marty to host our Radio Magazine in the morning at KOGO in San Diego, we had a launch party in LA with all the media queens. They just loved him and threw money at us proving once again that ratings are only one of the ways you get money on radio Peter.

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