There Are Six Sides To Every Story. (new geo Blog for the week of April 17/17)

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Early on in my radio career, I like Steve Jobs was lucky enough to study with Mike Vance, Dean of Walt Disney University. However I’m pretty sure Steve understood a hell of a lot more about what Mike was talking about of than I did.
One of the many things that I managed to learn from the fast-talking Mr. Vance was a new and better way to look at all your projects and problems. First off Mike told me that I had to imagine a plexiglass container which was not unlike an outdoor mailbox and then put whatever I was working on inside it. This he claimed would allow me to look at it from the top, the bottom, plus each side which perhaps the first time I would get to see how others viewed my work. Also, he said this will give you a huge head start on solving any and all resistance before it even shows up.

ANOTHER THOUGHT OR TWO BEFORE I GOEveryone is gifted intellectually, and because there are at least nine different forms of intelligence, all you have to do is figure out which of them you possess then use them to seek your fortune.

I wonder how long it will take before we know who it was that told George W that there were Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. Hopefully not as long as it’s taking to find out who all knew the Japanese were going to attack Pearl Harbor which conveniently got us into World War II?
To learn something new one needs to have new questions.
I would like to see a list of the rich athletes who helped out their communities as a way to show their gratitude.
The early stages of a new romance are very addictive but the rest, not so much.
The problem with a May/December relationship is that you’re not welcome in her world and she’s not in yours.
Only 50% of women understand a man dating a woman 20 years younger than he is whereas a 100% of males get it!
Why does married life seem to resemble the life your bride was already living?
All women understand the need for alimony until you have to send it to your ex.
I still foolishly believe that I’m only one woman away from happiness.
When you start to hang out with folks smarter than you, you get a lot smarter.
The only way to avoid sexual harassment charges is to simply not do it or be attractive.
The rich are just another minority group under government protection leaving the rest of us on our own.
Radio is just like a restaurant. First, you do some research to find out what kind of food the people who live in the neighborhood like to eat most of the time then serve that up all the time.
To become any good at anything, one has to spend a lot of time in uncharted waters.
Becoming successful is just as stressful as a divorce or losing a loved one.
To make it worth even doing the upside of a project must at least match the downside.
What people think of you will last a hell of a lot longer than you will.
During your “good times,” all your friends know who you are, but it’s while going through “bad times” that you learn who your real friends are.
Only the words that follow “but” are worth reading or hearing.
Some successful people just like entertainers come from the “dark side.”
Only by failing do you find out what you should have done.
Who you know means little, who knows you means everything.
Much much more @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Comments and sharing are appreciated.

8 thoughts on “There Are Six Sides To Every Story. (new geo Blog for the week of April 17/17)

  1. You’re a lucky man to have met and worked with Mike Vance personally. I’ve listened to 6 hours of Mike on CD and benefited greatly. Such a fresh new way of thinking. Have 3 or 4 programs of him.


  2. I started to work for WDW before we opened and graduated in the first Walt Disney World University class. Mike Vance was absolutely one of the best in training and after years of attending a lot of lectures like this he still rates as one of the best.

    • Anita, I’d be so fired up after one of his sessions that I’d head into work immediately so I could start the implementation part while it was fresh.

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