Stuff I’ve Been Told. (Part Deux) new geo Blog for June12/17

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When Hal Ross of London Records heard a tape of The Jury’s “Until You Do” he uttered the most memorable words I’ve ever heard. “Hell, I’ll release that.”
My first radio hire was a hippie named Gary Russell who upon hearing CKOM for the first time said, “what the f*ck is this?”

Ron Chapman, shortly after I’d inducted him into the Radio Hall of Fame confessed that during our early days at KVIL he wasn’t paying that much attention. However, after asking me what page of the book we were celebrating at our first rating party, he also asked if I would mind repeating everything I’d ever said to him. 
Reg Johns who told me that I needed to learn how to Email, later asked for the name of the person who taught me so he could hunt them down and then kill them.
Betsy Cameron claims that I’m the only person who can make her laugh even when she doesn’t want to because as she says, “lawyers need to be serious.”
Chuck Riley warned me long ago, “Never let the “suits” wear you down.”
J Robert Wood advised me that you always have to ask for a “piece of the rock,” nobody will ever just offer it to you.
Neil Young said that I had one of the early cool guitars in Winnipeg.
Randy Bachman told me that because our mutual friend Daryl “B” always used to on the radio that he was “taking care of business” so he wrote a song about it.
Robin Barrack once told me that money was an aphrodisiac to a lot of women.
Jan Hall claims that I’d never last two minutes with her.
Tim Moore’s writing showed me that I’m just a storyteller, he’s the writer.
Al Ham of MOYL fame explained to me that when a tape duplicator steals your tapes to do a cheaper version of your format, you have no choice but to take his wife from him.
Jack McCoy warned me never to tell him anything I didn’t want him to use.
Ivan Braiker claimed that it was what I didn’t do on the radio that made all my stations all sound so good.
Tim Reever says that selling without ratings builds character.
Candis Johns called from her honeymoon to tell me that I was going to be a grandpa.
My son Curt when I asked him if he had any plans for the future said: “Yeah I just wanna hang out.”
Barry Smith told me that I was an acquired taste. 

Not long after moving into my new condo, my daughter Cami asked if I made friends with anybody yet? When I replied that I hadn’t because mostly only old people lived there, she said, “well you’re an old daddy.” Ouch!

Ted Rogers told me that to become even more successful than you already are sometimes you have to leave the people behind that helped get you there.

Gordon Zlot disagrees with Ted’s way of thinking and says that he’s sticking with the folks who “brung” him.

Barbara Hilliard claims that I don’t handle criticism very well and that there’s more to a relationship than sex.

A couple of thousand years ago Aristotle argued that “A is A” and that the truth may not be what we perceive it to be.

To become a great radio personality, Vic Gold convinced me that you have to figure out how to make your listeners see what you’re saying.

My father told me that if I left school, I would have to get a job because the Johns men work for a living we don’t “play guitar.”

Linda Duffy said if we talked to each other at a radio station today like we did back at WIBC in Indy, we’d all be in jail now.

Mario Andretti said if you feel like you have everything under control you’re not going fast enough.

Returning to WRMF as a consultant I noticed that PD Russ Morley had mellowed somewhat since we had launched the station almost a decade ago. When I asked him what had changed, he said that when he first moved to South Florida, he could easily fit all of his stuff into a small trailer, but now it took two tractor-trailer moving vans.

Huey Coburn told me at Transcona Nationals reunion that he remembered his Dad “Coach Coby” saying 50 years ago to him at the dinner table,  “that Johns kid sure has a lot of intensity and I like it.”

Joasia Holotka recently admitted to me that she dated Donald Trump but because she thought that she could do better, she dumped him. What the hell was she thinking?

Dion told me that because growing up his parents paid $40.00 for rent he couldn’t bring himself to pay the same for a seat on the plane with Buddy Holly and the others that fateful night.

Rich Stevens didn’t lie to me when he said he’s the best self-promoter of all time.

Martin Milner told me that he couldn’t go on the radio without a script and he couldn’t understand how others did.

Rick Moranis told my daughter Candis that I was responsible for starting his career when I put him on the all night show at CFTR in Toronto.

Lana, Sharon, Linda, Jamie, Kari, and Laura said a lot of memorable things to me. Unfortunately, most of them can’t be repeated here if I hope to have an office friendly Blog.

Much more @ and on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio. Feel free to share and by all means comment.

5 thoughts on “Stuff I’ve Been Told. (Part Deux) new geo Blog for June12/17

  1. Always look forward to, and enjoy your blog! Even more fun when one sees their name pop in!

    Keep it coming!

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