Geo’s Media Blog (Now Why The Hell Would I Do That?) 10/11/21

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A year or so ago, I decided to try pay off all my credit cards by refinancing my million dollar view condo. (see above)
Upon doing so, my credit score jumped up into the upper 700s which was in the very good to excellent range.

However, I’ll never forget the pain I went through. Whew!
I had to answer a ton of questions plus submit reams and reams of paperwork.

Then, several months later when I was finally approved, the mortgage company sent me a bunch of checks made out to my debtors that I had to sign and then forward them.
That’s when things began to spiral downward because American Express couldn’t find the check for the ten grand I’d sent them. What!

Thank God I had a copy of the canceled check that showed that they had deposited it, but I was still responsible for the debt as they continued to search for it.
When I mentioned all this to my Nephew Jamie, who’s the Executive Vice President of CSX Railway, he said, “Hey, I know the president of American Express,” and just like that, it was all cleared up.

“Is this going anywhere,” you’re probably asking?
Well, interestingly enough, two things happened after my new mortgage was in place, my credit score went up, and the new interest rates went down.

The next thing I knew, I was getting offers from everywhere, claiming that I could save a ton of money by refinancing again.
However, remembering all the pain I went through before, I was very hesitant.

Finally, my curiosity got the best of me, so I agreed to talk to one of them.
When he told me that I was qualified to get a lower interest rate, I told him to go ahead and crunch the numbers.

After doing so, he informed me that he had rolled the closing costs into the loan so I wouldn’t be out of pocket.
And then he said that with my new interest rate, I’d be saving $49 a month.

When I asked him what the closing costs were, he said, “A little over $6000.00.”
Then when I asked, “Now Why the hell would I want to do that?” All I heard was crickets! .


Wow! So one of the rape accusers of Judge Kavanaugh, recently confessed that she lied and, in fact, had never even met the Judge. What I’m pissed about is that somehow her lying under oath isn’t a big deal. Hey, maybe that’s just one of the reasons why all women don’t have pay equality?

It’s better to be the person who questions things rather than the one who claims to have all the answers. 

When someone attempts to post something inappropriate on Facebook, you’d think that not letting it post would be sufficient. Unfortunately, I guess the Zuck is an S&M kinda guy.

Just because the law can’t prove it, it doesn’t mean that they’re not guilty.

California is definitely not as beautiful as I remember. 

I think radio has finally moved from being a career to being just another job. 

Speaking of radio, Why do the executives make so much more than those who came before them? Not only did radio sound much better then, but it was also very profitable.

It’s easier to destroy than create.

According to a few of my Canadian friends, America is in turmoil. The unrest I see only exists in the media until the BLM marches show up. That’s when the looting and destruction also begin..

If I were a singer, I’d try to sound like one of the Beatles; it’s impossible to sound like Sinatra.

Just once I’d like to see an ‘R’ rated James Bond movie.

Can you roll it over to Monday if you didn’t get a chance to start drinking early on the weekend?

For many reasons, I don’t take advice well, and in fact, I’m pretty sure the only advice I’ve ever heeded came from my long-time mentor, Jim Hilliard. I don’t remember what it was. 

Adding the word extra to average doesn’t add up to extraordinary.

When all is finally equal, I’m gonna love not hearing; they were the first Black, Hispanic, or Female to do whatever. Where the hell were they

Your changing even the tiniest part of the world today could become colossal tomorrow.

All Lawyers are slime till you need one.

When I lived in Indianapolis, our traffic reporter on WIBC was Sergeant Jim Wells; then he became Lieutenant Jim Wells, followed by Captain Jim Wells, and finally Sheriff Jim Wells. The neat thing about his becoming Sheriff was when he gave me his card and  said, “George, if any of my people ever pull you over, just give them this card, and they’ll make sure that you get home safely.”

You can’t cheat an honest man.

Big Pharma is the bad guy in most movies, but somehow the government hasn’t noticed yet. Maybe they’re blinded by the contributions that enable them to buy mansions? How do you like yours, Obama?

Digital makes sense until you look at a clock.

Men do what they do for pussy, women for security. They’re both wrong.

Being born in Canada, occasionally, I check out the CFL to see how the Winnipeg Blue Bombers are doing. The other day I discovered that the Edmonton Eskimos changed their name to the Elks. What!

Speaking of the CFL, I see that the Winnipeg Blue Bombers still have the best record in the Canadian Football League. Go Big Blue and Happy Thanksgiving.

It’s not paranoia if you’re right, right?

A lot of people would prefer not to know what they don’t want to know.

You learn the most from what came before you.

It seems to me that for whatever reason, the left loves to hate.

Only the mirror tells the truth all the time.

Wow! A traffic controller’s walkout caused all the plane delays on the east coast, huh? I wonder if any of them heard what happened to all the traffic controllers when Ronnie was President, they never got to come back.


Wendy from Winnipeg: Looks like you’ve had a wonderful life, George! Congratulations! (They Say It’s Ur Birthday)
Geo: I have, Wendy, but those Sunday nights were wonderful too.

Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Politics, and Life. For a sneak peek at some upcoming Blogs or to see some that you may have missed, go to Geo’s Media Blog @
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One thought on “Geo’s Media Blog (Now Why The Hell Would I Do That?) 10/11/21

  1. Bruce Walker: Yep, they changed it to Elks. Not sure why they made it plural. It has always been a herd of Moose, Deer, and Elk. (Now Why The Hell…)
    Geo: That’s so beautiful, Bruce, they’re so focused on political correctness that they forgot how to spell.

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