Geo’s Media Blog. (Not So Sweet Sixteen)10/05/21

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My birthday week continues as I remember some past birthdays, like my 16th, which changed my whole life.

I’ve been a car freak since the day my Dad put me on his lap and let me steer while he talked about us driving across Canada in a Car Rally someday.
Sadly, we never did, but maybe I’ll do it with my son or even my grandson; however, I’m also running out of time as my Dad did.

 Ok, here it comes, the day I’ve been waiting my whole life for, my 16th birthday.
I was up early and off to the DMV, where I planned to take the written test first and then memorize the route as we drove so I could come back later and practice.

I aced the written part, and as we drove the route, I had it down too.
However, when we got back to the DMV office, the driving inspector handed me a piece of paper and told me to give it to the cashier inside.

When I asked him what it was for, he said, “When you give that paper to her, she’s gonna give you your license.
Are you f**king sh*ting me? I couldn’t help but break into a couple of choruses of “Free Bird,” and it hadn’t even been written yet.

The stars were aligned; it was my birthday, it was also Friday, and I had my driver’s license. All I needed now was my Mother’s car.
Finally, after begging her for over an hour, she reluctantly gave in, and I was off to pick up my buddies. (Celebrating on top wearing shades.)

I wish you could have seen us; Iwe had so many guys jammed into that little car; it looked like the clown car from the circus.
We spent most of the night just driving around and laughing as we honked at all the girls, and when we pulled into the A& W and ordered up burgers and fries, I felt like I was finally a big kid.

What a great night; not only was it a night to remember; it was also a late one.
When I finally got home, it was 2:00 in the morning, and both of my parents were up waiting for me. Can you spell double grounded?

There I was on a Saturday night watching some lame big band show with my folks and was bored to death until I heard, “Let’s welcome back the young man who caused so much controversy last week.”
That perked my ears up, but when my Mom said to my Dad, “They’re not going to have that disgusting singer on again, are they?” They had my undivided attention.

Suddenly some guy called Elvis Presley bursts onto the stage, and I’m spellbound.
He had a contemptuous sneer on his lips; his eyes were dark and brooding, his hair was long shaggy, and he had sideburns down to here.


I could not believe my eyes and then when he broke into Tutti Frutti, I was mesmerized.


Tutti frutti all rutti
Tutti frutti all rutti
Tutti frutti all rutti
Tutti frutti all rutti
  Wop bop a lu bop
a lop bam boom!

Not only did Elvis wave his guitar around and point it like he had a rifle, but he was also bumping and grinding like a Vegas stripper.
Then when all the girls started screaming and crying, it changed my life. I  knew right then that I had to be a “Guitar Man.”


I’m ok with friends giving me advice, but when others try to, they just sound insolent.

You’re as sick as your secrets.

Have any “bad cops” ever hurt any good people?

Having information is a very, very powerful tool.

Do Asians and Hispanics feel sorry for black people?

We all want to feel like we belong.

Owning what we create leads to satisfaction.

I remember when women used to hide their breasts. I wonder what it was that brought those puppies out?

Besides the politicians filling up their bank accounts, why do you think smoking is not banned?

Speaking of Lobbyists, why do we bother to vote if the politicians only do what they want them to do?

One would think that the folks in Detroit might want to consider giving the Republicans a shot, and maybe the Mexicans should consider Communism. Hey, what they’re both doing now sure ain’t working.

Being all news doesn’t automatically make you the radio station the folks tune into for their news.

How come the Feds are so wimpy about demanding that we vax and mask, they sure weren’t weak about seatbelts? I still hate them, but I buckle up.

When I first started working, you weren’t allowed to listen to the radio. That’s why I loved my first job at a radio station; the radio was blasting everywhere.

Just as all priests didn’t become priests because of their love of God, all policemen didn’t become policemen because they wanted to serve and protect.

It takes time to get well, but one can become ill in no time.

Whitney was excellent, and so is Beyonce, but neither can be compared to Queen Aretha.

Is it the singer or the song? Nope, it’s the audience.

If you’re not ambitious, it’s tough to become successful.

Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect look at Radio, TV,  Music, Movies, Politics, and Life. For a sneak peek at some upcoming Blogs or to see some that you may have missed, go to Geo’s Media Blog @
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One thought on “Geo’s Media Blog. (Not So Sweet Sixteen)10/05/21

  1. George: Hope your birthday was great ! If you have ever been in an automobile accident and went through a windshield as I did on February 12th, 1971 on a snowy day on U.S. 40 heading east back to Indianapolis after two-weeks straight at Rose Polytechnic in Terre Haute, you would thank those whom mandated seatbelts in cars after 1966. I was in the passenger seat in my college friend’s 1965 Dodge Coronet (no seat belts) when we slid off the road and hit a guardrail end at 35-m.p.h. Thank God for my heavy winter coat. It saved my life. I would up unconscious on the hood of the car, my face cut up and bleeding heavily in the snow. My friends in the back seat were shaken up but carried me to the back seat, then ran across to the Putnamville State Police post about a half-mile back to get help. I obviously survived with deep lacerations in my face and bits of glass imbedded everywhere in my head, as well as a concussion. (which is why I sometimes speak haltingly in bits when I get tired) but I was very lucky. The driver, my classmate and friend Claude, on the Rose football team, was actually hurt worse than me, almost impaled on the steering wheel, but somehow, with two broken knee-caps, he got out of the car and tried to run to the police post before collapsing in the median in the snow. It was the end of Claude’s football career. Seat and shoulder belts (and now air-bags) save lives ! – Jed Duvall

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