The Bible Is Not A History Book. (new blog for June 27/16)

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12642965_10154517779214307_3970564022000698544_nNever give into only becoming what you’re expected to become nor only doing only what you’re expected to do.
It’s never about who you are it’s always been about who you’re gonna be.
For marriage to work the male has to be smitten otherwise it’s a way too tough.
Because a player makes more than the coach doesn’t mean that he knows more.
Now that I’ve had a long time to think about it, my lawyer may have been right when he advised … Can’t you just f**k around.
Hey Uber when you left my daughter stranded in Miami recently it reminded me that because we made you we can also destroy you. Are you able to spell “LYFT.”
Difficulty breeds opportunity.
Few are looking for the new way, most are just looking for a cheaper way.
Superstars expecting us to feel sorry for them because of how difficult it is being one, falls mostly on deaf ears.
You’re not born to be courageous you have to choose to be.
The Bible is not a history book it’s a collection of ideas.
Nobody feels compelled to call a TV station and just chat with them like they do a radio station.
Has anybody other than a geek invented anything new lately?
When wine women and song become too much for you drop the tunes.
One of the scariest things ever is to get what you want.
Very few people have a plan about what to do when they’re successful.
They say in the not to distant future very few people will bother to get driver’s licences and as usual my daughter Cami is ahead of her time.
What I can’t understand is as liberal as America appears to be why the rest of the world hates us for being fascists.
Hey whitey how do you feel about bout being the only species in America that’s actually legal to discriminate against?
If women don’t trust each other should men?
Brent Farris says that if you need to hear how great you are do something great.
Start acting like the person you’d like to be.
Does anybody have any good stories about record companies and their artists. The trouble record companies are in today sure looks like Karma to me.
So now I hear that the pedophiles are bringing suit saying that now that you accept all these other freaks what about us.
Motivational statements like “employee beatings will continue until the morale improves” have proven to be not very successful.

Never get into an argument with a person who buys ink by the barrel has always been good advice. How much ink do you suppose is in this computer?

Only beautiful woman have the power to make you forget that profound thought that you just had.

I watched the Winnipeg Blue Bombers get beat up recently by the Montreal Alouettes and couldn’t help but think that it may be time for the CFL to adopt NFL rules. Their are lots of ways for Canada to have it’s own identity but just like soccer football ain’t it.

People contemplate what they hear us say but only believe what they see us do.
How would you like to work hard at hockey your whole life and then when you finally become one of the best players in the world you’re drafted #1 by the Toronto Maple Leafs. Damn!

Watched a sad documentary recently about Janis Joplin which claimed that when she was going to high school in Port Arthur Texas, she was voted the ugliest Man in school. Damn no wonder she did drugs.

The fact that ABC made an extra 78 million dollars of of there being a 7th game in the NBA finals wasn’t a factor right! 

So the father of Brock Turner the rapist swimmer from Stanford talked the judge into a 6 month jail sentence because as he said “20 minutes of action” didn’t warrant anything heftier. He’s just lucky it wasn’t one of my daughters he raped otherwise his son would want to hide in prison for a much longer time.
Speaking of that horrendous rape, where the hell is the girl’s father in all of this?

If it doesn’t appreciate rent it.

Much more @ and on twitter @GeoOfTheRadio



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