ARTYFACTS (new blog for May 23/16)

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The day before my daughter Candis gave birth to my grandson Nathaniel, she presented me with a box set of CD’s. The collection was called “Nuggets II” (original artyfacts from the British empire and beyond.) and actually contained Who Dat? by my band The Jury. Candis claimed that my grandson was gonna be so proud when he discovered that his grandfather used to be a “Rock Star”. After arriving back in Florida I asked my 9 year old daughter Cami if she wanted to hear it and when she excitedly said yes I hit play. About halfway through the cut she tapped me on the shoulder and asked me if it was almost done. When I asked her why she wanted to know, she said … Because it’s not very good daddy!

If you know exactly what your problems are you’ve already got them half solved.
It’s easier to get a woman to do very naughty things than talk about them.
It doesn’t always take women for men to make fools of themselves.
Half the population does not understand women.
The best part of not working for the government is that no question is above our pay grade.
Seeing as we probably wouldn’t let Hillary or Trump babysit our kids or grand kids, maybe we should try the next few years without a President.
Maybe the best thing for America would be to have our economy suck so badly that the rest of the world would no longer be able to suck on it.
Why do the people the government protects always seem so arrogant.
There is a big difference between you needing stuff and you deserving stuff.
Why do the people who are threatening to move to Canada if the wrong people are elected, think Canada wants them.
One piece of advice is usually very inspirational whereas two overwhelms me so much that I tend to forget the first piece of advice and do it again.
Drinking advice does … One is one too many and two is never enough. 
Speaking of numbers counting your blessings must be difficult math because so few people do it.
The best thing about advertising is that it kills bad products.
The word please works about half as well as we were taught it would.
Have you noticed that they’ve managed to sneak the price of gas up about 10 cents a gallon without a lot of fanfare.
We’re all born stupid but you have to work at it in order to remain that way.
The root of all wealth and evil too is money.
If you can still smile when things go wrong you’ve probably figured out who to blame.
What if the phone was invented after texting how exciting would have that news been.
Only beautiful women get away with saying stupid things.
Only the wisdom that comes with age leads you to the knowledge of what the lyrics ” I wish I didn’t know now what I didn’t know then” and “I was so much older then I’m younger than that now now”.
The only two radio slogans that I ever heard that were even better than the good stations they described, plus they produced ratings were, “Young Country” and “Kick Ass Rock & Roll.
The real difference between radio now and radio then is that nobody is looking for the “new way” now.
Radio’s only goal now is survival.
The only way to be a has – been is to be someone.
The people who watch the game are the game.
I think the two products that need to be investigated because of ridiculous pricing are mattresses and toner for copy machines. I mean how much money could they really have in the making of those products.
If you’re gonna change from the Florida Marlins to the Miami Marlins you may consider having a few Cubans on the team.
Neil Simon never hired comedians to act in his plays because they were always in too much of a hurry to get to the punchline. Neil believed that all of his words were special so they deserved respect.
How would you explain today to a person who went through the depression.
Why are bad people protected. You can’t even find out if a person that you’re considering hiring or even marrying is a psychopath because it’s against the law to tell you.
Until Prince died I don’t recall any other “Rock Stars” ever mentioning his name.
Much more @ on Twitter @GeoOfTheRadio  




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