Most Men Speak 4 Languages. (new for Nov 07/16)

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Supposedly for the majority of his life Jerry Lewis was pretty f#cked up so he finally decided to seek help and made an appointment with a psychiatrist. After several sessions, the Doctor surprisingly asked Jerry if there was anything else he could do to earn a living. Jerry who was slightly taken aback with the question explained that because both of his parents were vaudeville performers and he was actually born backstage in a trunk all that he has ever known is showbusiness. He went on to say that because he had been performing for most of his life he had never attempted doing anything else. The psychiatrist then claimed that he was pretty sure he knew what was wrong with him and with some therapy he was quite confident that he could fix him. The downside though he told Jerry was that even though you’ll feel much better you may not be funny anymore. Without saying a word Jerry got up and left the room never to return.


All Men Speak At Least 4 Languages.

1.The language they use when women are within earshot.
2.The even softer language they use when ladies are immediately present.
3. That very special language that they talk whenever they are with their mothers or daughters.
4.Then there of course there’s the macho speak that they use when only men are around.

The richer you are the better entertainer you appear to be.

What explanation would you give to an alien from outer space if he asked why the females on your planet paint themselves?

The steeper the hill the better your attitude needs to be before you attempt climbing it.

It really doesn’t matter how many times you fell down, all that counts is how many times did you get back up?

Women are into lifestyle men are into women.

Sexism is not limited to females.

You’ll never be a radio star until you have the ability to make your listeners see what you’re saying.

The way you begin your journey to stardom is by being for all things that are good and aginst all that is evil.

The more talented you are the less local you have to be when you’re on the radio but you’re unbeatable if you are both.

It’s very difficult to change but even more difficult to grow.

The problem with new concepts is that by the time you understand them you’ve already missed the investment opportunity.

Just because you may agree with something a newscaster said doesn’t make it truer.

Without criminals, the economy in America would just tank. Can you imagine how many federal agents, judges, bodyguards, lawyers, policemen, and others would be out of work?

Until the government told me I never realized how perfect blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, gays and women were.

All men know what type of a woman would be best for them until the blonde with the big tits shows up.

Women are like crock pots whereas men are like microwave ovens.

If you were a pedophile wouldn’t becoming a Catholic priest be your dream job.

I can’t figure out why they present the Nobel Peace Prize to leaders of countries who not only start wars but continue to fight them for decades.

By the time you’ve figured everything out your old and all you really figured out was that it was a waste of time trying to figure things out.

No woman ever feels beautiful enough not to be fearful of her man being attracted to a younger woman.

Most men fantasize about women they already know whereas women mostly fantasize about men that they don’t know.

I am for no political party that doesn’t support the middle class. Well, that statement immediately made me a man without a party huh ?

Who ever becomes our new presidaent this week has a real shot day one of being our most hated.

Politicians are only afraid of two things … Guns and elections.

Wow, what an exciting world series, huh, but one can only wonder if all these championships going seven games is just a coincidence.

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