Merging Plato With Today’s New Media Is The Real Answer Grasshopper.

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Mike McVay tells me our little impromptu radio session in Vegas will probably take place at The House Of Blues on Monday April 11th around 7PM. I have already heard that several radio legends plan on crashing it to steal our thunder. The next morning at 10:30 I join my good friend Tim Moore on his panel called “Back To The Future 2.0″ which is an official NAB session. Tim says we are going to discuss whether or not we think things like The Great Race, Fantasy Park, The Last Contest, Build Your Own Radio Station, The Magic Ticket, The Search For The Fountain Of Youth, The Prize Catalog, etc. will still work in this PPM world we now live in. Tim has gathered a very strong panel together I’m told, so maybe I better not have to much medicine with McVay the night before so I can stay up with them.

Gary Donohue creator of the term P1 says Vanity Phone numbers are 5 times more memorable than digit telephone numbers.

Jerry Del Colliano claims content is King it’s the thing people want most on their Radio and their Mobile Devices.

I understand its almost impossible to paint great pictures and run an Art Gallery at the same time. But what I have never understood is why the Gallery owner gets most of the money.

How did Ma Bell get it into our head that a ringing phone must be answered before dealing with the next person in line who has been waiting there for a 1/2 hour.

Recently I had a glass of wine(s) with Gary Bachman brother of Randy. Gary was down in Florida hiding from Winnipeg’s cold weather and we were chatting and reminiscing about all the bands we both played in years ago in the ” peg.” He told me about the time Randy was putting a new band together after The Guess Who broke up. Gary finally felt compelled to tell his older brother to forget about Chad Allen’s ballad route. Chad has a James Taylor thing going and it doesn’t suit you all. He told Randy that he had to hear this guy Fred Turner sing “House Of The Rising Sun. Randy being a converted Mormon could play at bars but he couldn’t hang out at them and that’s where Fred was playing. So Gary had to arrange for Fred to sing the tune at a precise time one night while Randy stood outside in the parking lot listening through the open fire door. Moments later Bachman Turner Overdrive was born.

Speaking of Gary Bachman when Randy stuttered in his huge #1 hit “You Ain’t Heard Nothing Yet” it was a poke at Gary because Gary used to stutter when he was a kid and Randy always teased him about it. Hey that’s what big brothers do, ask Reg

Years ago I was taught by Mike Vance the Dean of Walt Disney University that the definition of creativity is … Doing something brand new or doing something old in a brand new way. With that in mind I am trying to put together a new Super Group but I only want to use guys from my home town. The name of the group would be BACHMAN, TURNER, CUMMINGS & YOUNG. These guys just happen to have well over two hours of World Wide hit music between them and all of them are still rocking hard in the free world. The Plan is to jump start the group with a big charity concert back home in Winnipeg … Hey maybe we even do it in the brand new football stadium they are building out by the University Randy told me he can deliver Fred and Burton but I will have to get Neil. I’m also trying to involve my old Transcona football buddy Ermanno Barone who produces movies, to shoot a documentary of this historic event maybe for PBS. We are also trying to entice our good friend the former Governor General of Canada, The Right Honorable Ed Schreyer to get involved. Now where did I put Neil’s cell number.

Jim Smith tells me the big new industry in San Diego are all these little clinics springing up everywhere that are staffed by Russian Doctors. These Doctors have you fill out a form describing where you hurt, then they take your blood pressure and immediately give you a prescription for Medical Marijuana.

The kind of person you are is the kind of person who does what you are doing at any given moment including right now.

The answer grasshopper is to merge the two thousand year old philosophy of Plato together with New Media … Yeah! That’s The Ticket!

I tried to teach my daughters two things, be happy and be independent. So far I give myself a C as a teacher but I’m not done yet.

When I lived in Indy on a street with almost nothing but Doctors and lawyers living on it but I was always invited to all the parties anyway because they didn’t know how to stack the music. How does Pandora handle that.

Robin Marshall told me she was going to have a meeting with her PD about what she wanted to do on her show. At this all important meeting she was going to wear a very short skirt and cross and uncross her legs until he got it.

Wouldn’t you just once like to turn the government over to the Libertarians just to see what the hell they would do with it. This left or right thing doesn’t seem to be working out very well and I’m thinking, how could they do worse.

A while back I wrote that once you worked for Jim Hilliard you were ruined. I have since received several comments that read … Once you work for George Johns you’re also ruined.

2 thoughts on “Merging Plato With Today’s New Media Is The Real Answer Grasshopper.

  1. Again George, this is GREAT STUFF! Keep it coming and Thanks for teaching me most of what I know at our Old Hang Out, WIBC 10-7—0

    Warmest Regards George,


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