Radio Geo’s Media Blog (Love & Hate) New 2/19/24

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Here’s how the story of true love usually goes.
Boy sees an attractive girl and begins to pursue her, and if all goes well, they start dating. 

After a couple of pleasant times together, they discover they like each other, so they begin going steady.
When their liking each other turns to love, they get engaged and eventually marry.

As the years go by, and if they don’t have any children, the old adage, “Familiarity breeds contempt,” rears its ugly head.
That’s when what they don’t like about each other begins to creep into the marriage, so the trial separation begins.

When during the separation, when they realize that they didn’t miss each other, they decide to divorce.
However, still liking each other and being level-headed, they decide to get​ a lawyer they both like to represent them.

​Unfortunately, though, this is usually where the wife’s girlfriends get involved and convince her that she can do much​ better if she gets her own lawyer.
Now, it gets ugly fast, and the only ones who get most of the money are the lawyers who keep stoking the fire to get more.

Oh, and guys, if you do have any children, that part about her having your baby disappears because if she ever leaves, she’s taking them with her.
The end result? Boy and girl now hate each other.​ GEO’S LIFE-LINERS

The Republicans are about money; the Democrats, laws. However, they both love lobbyists and corporate funding.

What’s more powerful, beautiful breasts or guns?

Contrary to popular belief, most men don’t want to sleep with every woman they meet, just most of them.

Father Time is not a friend of mine.

You’re probably only one person away from happiness.

The only women we call bitches are the ones we care about.

If there were big money in trying to prevent Global Warming, it would cease to exist.

If you knew the date of your death, who would you like to spend your final days with?

Is there any better motivation than revenge?

Lobbyists are the root of all evil.

Have the words trustworthy ever been used to describe the CIA?

So, what did the record companies do for the artists again?

The greatest gift God gave women was man’s desire for them.

Very few countries give a shit about the common man; lucky for you, you happen to live in one.

Why the fuck do we care about the whole world becoming Christians?

I think all laws should be color and gender-blind.

Women need to realize that it’s even worse out here than they imagine.

So, do you think the Royals should give up thousands of years of tradition to accommodate Mehgan?

So, what politician doesn’t accept lobbyists’ money?

The only people who will be remembered are those who broke the rules.

Why do we forgive women who do us wrong but not men?

Is it just me, or is there a disproportionately amount of films starring black folks?

Speaking of racism, do we have any stats on how many minorities became successful from preferential treatment?

I doubt that many women will ever understand locker-room friendships.

My happiest days were being with my children, but my responsibility was to protect them even if they don’r want your protection.

If Christian Bale’s in a movie, I’m watching it!

In radio, like all of show business, you need a star even if you have to create one.

Speaking of stars, back in the day when the press asked Katherine Hepburn if she was a lesbian, her response was, “Fuck off.”

How come accountants don’t understand that eventually, expenses flat line, but the potential to make money never does?

Only in the movies do people always answer their phones.

While dreaming that you’re reading a newspaper, who wrote the article?

People may forget your comments and actions, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.

Why do they keep trying to feature black acts on Country Award shows? It makes as much sense as featuring white acts on a Rap or Hip Hop Award show.

Making money is easy; making a living is hard.

Today’s politicians have been caught doing things much more scandalous than Watergate, yet Nixon had to pay; how come these jerks don’t?

Who would you rather receive a dollar from, the people who listen to the radio or those who don’t?

You only grow intellectually by trying to do something you’ve never done before.


Wendy Holmes: I really like my comment from above and still stick by it!
Also, the story about hearing your Dad’s voice speaking to you as you flew above the clouds is very touching and believable. One day, when my husband was in care, one of my daughters asked him to come to her as a bird after he passed. Astonishingly, the morning after he passed, she heard a bird chirping. She went to their front veranda and saw a sparrow trapped therein. She believes her dad was reaching out to her even though he was physically gone. Other things have happened to our family, and the most recent occurrence was astounding, but I will not share. Take care, George, and be healthy and happy!! (Psychic)
Geo: Thank you, Wendy.

Nat Humphries: I’ve been away from radio since the end of 1999, George, but around 2010, I began writing a weekly marketing column for a local publication. I had become so frustrated with radio ownership’s refusal to grow the next generation of listeners by investing in a few local billboards that in one column, I advised local heavy-weight businesses, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, to make their next buy contingent on $1600 of it going toward a station billboard on our city’s main thoroughfare, reasoning that the extra ears listening would benefit both parties. I’ve been persona-non-grata in local radio ever since. Honestly, George, help me with the thinking. Is it, “Bleed the last ad dollar until we turn out the lights”? Two generations don’t even know we exist. I’d Rather Stand Alone)
Geo: Nat, what radio used to be about was the future, but since the accountants have taken over, it’s about now. The bankers are only impressed by how cheaply you can run everything because they know, “There ain’t no future in radio.”

Radio Geo’s Media Blog is a politically incorrect inside look at Radio, TV, Music, Movies, Books, Social Media, Politics, and Religion, but mostly about Life, primarily written with men in mind.
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One thought on “Radio Geo’s Media Blog (Love & Hate) New 2/19/24

  1. Beautiful breasts give and take pleasure but guns have the power to take lives. Therefore, guns are more powerful. The power of pleasure is instilled in us in order to procreate. (Love & Hate)
    Geo: I’d like to hear a gay person’s response to that, Wendy.

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