Geo’s Media Blog (Ideas Are A Dime A Dozen.) New 8/24/20

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(Above CKY-FM Winnipeg 1963)

(Above CFRA Ottawa 1970)

(Above CFTR Toronto 1972)

(Above CLASS-FM Coronado 1982)(Above with KVIL’s Ron Chapman 2010)(Above with Tom Skinner KZST Sonoma County Today)

When I became a Program Director for the first time it was at CKOM in Saskatoon, where also for the first time, a bunch of my ideas finally got on the air.
Then as I moved on to CKSO in Sudbury, CFRA in Ottawa, and CFTR in Toronto, even more of my stuff made the cut.

However, when I became the National Program Director of Fairbanks Broadcasting in Indianapolis, all of a sudden my ideas made the air.
After almost ten years in Indy and having had a fair amount of success in Dallas, Boston, Philly, Palm Beach, and Indianapolis, I decided to move to California and start my own consulting company.

Unfortunately, somewhere on the drive between Indianapolis and San Diego, I must have lost it because now less than half my ideas get on the air. (And I’m being very kind.)
Not only were my creative skills diminishing but somehow I was also losing my hearing too. More often than not, whenever I’d make a client visit, the local PDs claimed that they were already doing all my suggestions. I guess either I was just listening at the wrong times and missed them, or I was deaf?
Either way, F**K!

Unfortunately, society wants more, not better.

I can’t believe that the politicians turned the funeral of a great man, John Lewis, into a political rally.

Turning 40 for an actress is like being 60 for most women and 80 for guys.

Without a script, there’s no movie, no play, no TV series, no actors, no agents, no assistants, no money, no nothing.

I wonder how police recruitment is going these days.

Claiming that you’re not racist doesn’t make it so, especially if you’re a politician.

Nowadays, nothing is true anymore, absolutely nothing.

Because Biden has no charisma, campaign funding is going to be slow, and in fact, most of it is going to come from big business.

Unfortunately, those cats don’t do it for free; they expect favors.

What a weird world. We grew up thinking Cops, Boy Scout Leaders, Priests, and Presidents were God-like; what a shock, huh?

What the hell does the CIA and the FBI do that we can’t live without?

One of the ways to improve yourself is to emulate all the people you admire.

Folks who listen more than they talk are usually very successful.

Your best memories will come from your accomplishing something you previously thought couldn’t be done.

I guess WGN in Chicago is going to continue the tradition created by KGO in San Francisco, going from first to worst in the shortest possible time.

Where you are, today came about by what you were thinking about yesterday. So with that in mind, what do you think about tomorrow?

The quest of Mankind from the very beginning was the need to distance itself from the animal kingdom. Unfortunately, it seems to me we’re moving closer.

As bad off as women claim they are, not many of them are part of the homeless society. How do they manage that?

The even better part about living an extraordinary life comes when you get to share it with those you love.

93% of Americans still consume radio, but radio still can’t make a buck. It’s time to bring in the guys from Amazon and Google; I bet they could figure it out.

So as Michelle Obama once said to Hillary in a speech on the campaign trail, “If you can’t control your own house, how are you going to control the White House?” I say to the Democrats, “If you can’t control Portland, Seattle, and Minneapolis, how are you going to control America?”


Jed Duvall: So would you classify Beethoven, Bach, Handel, and Mozart as Level Seven? (Hey Who Dat?)
Geo: Perhaps the Penthouse, Jed.

Doug Chappell: Geo, you are too kind to Snopes they are a way to the left, once I realized that I stopped using it. (Geo’s Father’s Day Adventure)

Bill Gardner: I may be partial, George, but “Running Back To Saskatoon” might be your best yet! Terrific read.
Maybe it’s because it reminds me of when you and Jim Hilliard hired me for “a M.O.R. radio station in Dallas,” and I’m just months out of mornings at flame-throwing KCBQ San Diego with Jack McCoy, and I’m figuring they want ME for “M.O.R.???
This guy George Johns MUST know what he’s doing.” Especially since my old WFIL Philly PD Jim Hilliard hired him. But I IMAGINED I was heading to a radio station that was EXACTLY like what you describe in Saskatoon ….but BEFORE you got there! Look out, American Radio! Little did we know you were about to create the multi-million dollar Adult Contemporary Radio! (Running Back To Saskatoon)
Geo: What a ride, huh Bill? Also, congratulations on being inducted into the Texas Radio Hall Of Fame, I couldn’t be prouder.

North: “Do I have this right; there are no Chinese, Japanese, Indians, Arabs, Latinos, Blacks, Native Americans, or Women who are racist, just white males?” George, you should tweet this and see if Drew Brees re-tweets it. (Just Another Day In Paradise)
Geo: North, I think Drew should concentrate on football, he’s got a gunfight coming up this fall with Brady.

Gordon Zlot: George,You were mentioning nostalgia.
We take for granted all the good times in the past. Like when we were in Palm Springs talking radio and all kinds of BS and drinking martinis and mojitos and that huge pepper grinder. In my opinion, the world will never return in modern times to what we had before.
I thank you for putting KZST on the map and was just thinking about all those Class Seminars that you used to have.
I love you, George. (keep in mind I’ve only had two martinis)
Geo: Thank you for your kind words, Gordon, you’re one of the very few reasons that I even continue to be involved in radio.
Congratulations on being inducted into the Bay Area’s Hall of Fame along with Brent Farris, and also the 11.3 share KZST scored in the recent ratings. You’re the envy of many broadcasters.



3 thoughts on “Geo’s Media Blog (Ideas Are A Dime A Dozen.) New 8/24/20

  1. Jack Schell: Howdy, George! This particular blog was sent to my email this morning (8/24/20)…and, most likely to bunches of other radio pals you have acquired over the last few years…uh OK, DECADES! Anyway, one of your LIFE-LINERS caught my attention, like a shout! It was, “Without a script, there’s no movie, no play, no TV series, no actors, no agents, no assistants, no money, no nothing. I thought, “Hmmm, what about R A D I O??” To me (at this time) “script” means FORMAT. When I think back about formats (some that worked…some that didn’t), it seems to me that formats (as presented to the listening world) were pretty much defined by the music. In a way, like…uh…like, how loud the drums and guitars were played…and, like, did the lyrics have a message that, in so many words, said, “I love you.” (BTW, using the power-word “like” 2 or 3 times per sentence is SO TODAY!…are you, like, chuckling?). Having listened recently to some major-market stations, I’m not sure any WORDS (song lyrics) came through. Mind you, I do NOT require Julian Bream’s sound…but, I do miss hearing a great riff played on a Tele. YOU would know what I mean! What’s the POINT of all this? GEORGE! Think FORMAT! Formats that have NEVER existed. I thought of one just the morning…not for publication at this time. I really did…not sure why. BTW, you’re right about Bill G! Have I spoken past the allotted 20 seconds? Sorry…be right back, after this break…
    Geo: Do you have the “single” version of this Jack?

  2. Jack Schell: No, but, I DO have the “elevator” version…
    Don’t modify the past…go for an “Out-of-the-box NEVER done like this before!!”
    Alrighty now, 3-1/2 seconds!
    “Second floor…Mezzanine, ladies’ sportswear, children’s shoes, gift wrapping, and complaint department. Thank you for shopping George’s Surplus Warehouse” (SURELY, you’re NOW chuckling…if just a little?)
    Geo: I am, Jack, I am.

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