Hall Of Fame Baby !

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I spent last weekend in Chicago with my old friend and colleague Ron Chapman. The reason we were there was because Ron was going to be inducted into the Radio Hall Of Fame and I had the honor of inducting him.
We had a lot of catching up to do as it had been some time since we had seen each other. One of the funnier stories Ron and I talked about was the time he discovered one can sometimes be too alert and even over prepared. Doing a morning show on KVIL required an early wake up call each day so Ron would try to grab a short nap at home every afternoon. He had a little hide away room in his home where he could sleep undisturbed. His wife Nance knew that the only thing he could be awakened for was if the press was calling.

Ron like me believed the only reason you do promotions on a Radio Station is to excite the air talent and cause some talk in the market place. Now if you could also get a little press coverage you were golden. One afternoon Nance startled him awake with the words USA Today was on the phone. Ron jumped up and excitedly shook himself alert, of all the press coverage he has gotten he has never spoken with USA Today so this was big. With his best rich Radio voice he said … Ron Chapman here! The person on the other end of the phone said Mr. Chapman this is Bill Tillman of USA Today and the reason I’m calling you this afternoon is to let you know that we have an exciting special on home delivery running all this week……

Saturday night I had the honor and privilege on National TV of inducting Ron into the Radio Hall Of Fame where I was allotted 90 seconds to get the job done. Hell even if I had been given 90 minutes I don’t think I could have managed to get just the highlights of his career in. To do Ron justice would have taken me 90 hours or more but nevertheless I thought I would share with you what I did say:

There are three types of people who talk on the Radio
The Gifted, The Creative and All The Rest.
I Met Ron Chapman for the first time in 1973 when the
company I worked for as the national PD purchased the station
where Ron worked. Being a newly arrived “legal alien” from
Canada I had never heard of Ron nor had he of me. I had no
Idea that he was once Harrigan of Charlie and Harrigan fame
on KLIF … Hell I’d never even heard of KLIF

It didn’t take me long to figure out how rare and special
Ron was. Not only is he gifted but he is also very creative.
I knew shortly after meeting him we were going to make
magic on the Radio together and magical it was as we
launched America’s first ever Adult Contemporary Radio
Station which Ron quickly took to #1 KVIL became so
huge it ended up being the darling of the whole Radio
industry. Ron’s brilliance as a programmer was surpassed
only by his genius as a Morning Talent magnificently
performing what we called “A Musical Talk Show”
I’ve always believed that great Morning Men are great story
tellers and their fans love to tell stories about them. To this
day Ron’s fans in Dallas are still telling legendary stories
about him

(They Had A Video Presentation of Ron’s Career Here)

When Ronald Reagen decided to run for a second term he
chose Dallas to make his announcement. Ron had the
privilege and honor that day of saying ” Ladies and
Gentlemen I give you the next President of the United States
… Ronald Reagen! Tonight I have the privilege and honor of
saying … Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the next inductee
into the Radio Hall Of Fame … Ron Chapman!

26 thoughts on “Hall Of Fame Baby !

  1. Made my day hearing this was going to happen, then hearing you were going to do the introduction even delighted me more. I’ve known Ron for a long time….since he became a “forced” mentor to me when Bob Hanna bought the station where I was PD in the early 70s, I later moved to Dallas and made the transition into sales/mgt. You only know me by name but first met you in the hallway outside of the KVIL entrance in the Park Cities Bank building (I was then in the office next door). Ron and I still touch base occasionlly. I’ve followed both of your accomplishments through the years and never cease to be amazed. I still try to still contribute to the industry but no one seems to listen much any more. I’t heart breaking to witness the eveloution…or should we say the disolution? JR

  2. I didn’t time it myself but it looks like you used all 90 of your allotted seconds, George.

    Even though we worked for the same company, some of us in Indianapolis never got to know Ron. At least, I don’t think it counts as “knowing” someone when the only communication is, “guys, quit copying me on all those emails.” Anyway, congrats to Ron!

  3. I cannot relate my favorite Ron Chapman story – not until the statute of limitations pass, but let it be said here, I am forever grateful to Ron and The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.

  4. At 29, arriving in Dallas to assume my suddent role as VP Sales for the TM Companies,
    I was enveloped by “KVIL / Ron Chapman” buzz in the halls on Regal Row, I asked myself, “geez…how great could this be? I’ve grown up on CKLW, WLS and WRIF!”

    I listened for a week and thought to myself, “nice show but not a big deal.” Then I listened for two months, stood back and said, “This is the nost brilliantly conceived show on the most brilliantly conceived station in America.” I understated it.

  5. I worked with Ron’s daughter while I was at KFRC San Francisco and I would walk into her office regularly and say “If only I could channel her Dad” She got a kick out of it. What a talent and what a career. Congrats.

  6. Just sent Ron a congratulatory email, part of which is that having you there to introduce him must have been a special treat. Those of us that worked in Dallas in that era were all indelibly influenced by KVIL one way or another. And for people I coach now that need a handy example of what Lee Abrams’ term “stationality” means, it’s an easy fix to point to what you and Ron spearheaded. A lot of shows entertain, but few really MATTER. Ron understood that. On another note, you have to admire any organization that can hold you down to 90 seconds!

  7. I stole at lot of what I did doing mornings from Ron..sort of a clone..not really but a lot of the elements and formatics..and yes I vote every year and glad he finally got in.
    Well deserved.
    Sorry to hear that Gillis died..could have been me..sitting here with a broken neck and breaks at c1 and c 2..I lived most people don’t.
    Will be in South Florida end of the month on the way back from Spain.

  8. George: Very well crafted intro. Great use of the 90 seconds.

    Congrats and Hi to Ron (I don’t think I’ve seen you since about ’73! You may remember that I was VERY YOUNG then!)

    And congrats to you George on being able to remind the industry about how all that magic that you both made began. It was simply the best.

  9. I am so surprised that there are not thousands of comments….do we as an industry forget that soon…..if we do, oh my….we may never have greatness again. The prize catalog made me think hard. Hard to counter…..what makes me think now. Not.

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